No More Added Sugar

How long have you been off sugar? Because it took me several weeks to get through the withdrawal and part of it was loss of energy.

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I’ve been cutting down for about three weeks, but got really serious over the last week or so

That made me snort laugh!

What didnt make me snort laugh…resetting…back to 0.


I experienced recurring waves of withdrawl symptoms - kind of like paws - with sugar, artificial sweetner and ultra processed foods for several weeks up to three months. The worst was the first week, but they keep coming back intermittently. After about three months of complete abstinence they were gone. I believe this will be different from person to person.

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Good to know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. In addition to having no energy, I’ve been craving nicotine like crazy. I haven’t smoked in years and i quit vaping in March. I’ve almost given in a few times, but i really don’t want to go down that road again. Hopefully i can get myself back into a walking and yoga routine this weekend that i can continue with during the work week. I know exercise will help, I’m just having a hard time making myself do it.


I just read through the last 400 messages in this thread and now I am convinced to try it. Day 0, lets see how it will feel and how deep I need to dive into the toolbox of quitting stuff.


Sugar, sweeteners and the crap in ultra processed foods mess with your neurotransmitters - the stuff that is responsible for your moods, like feeling good or down, sad, up, motivated, grumpy, etc. If you are a sensitive person or if you are going through withdrawal these neurotransmitters will be completely out of whack like with every other addictive substance. In consequence you could be experiencing all kinds of mood and energy swings, cravings for other stuff, etc. I know this sucks. I remember it very well. But if you consistently abstain the regulatory systems in your body will even out, this rollercoaster will pass and you will experience far more stable moods and energy levels with time :mending_heart:


Day 14 no added sugar


I immediatly fucked up when my roomate brought home cake. This needs a lot more planing and comitment, than I felt it would. But lets go again. This time with the meal planning and prepping that was recommended earlier.


Sweet is one of my weakness but definitely I have to reduce it in my diet. I found your thread really interesting

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Day 15 no added sugar!


35 days no sugar, somehow!


Wow :star_struck:
That’s great Cam!

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Thank you :blush: so are your 80+ days! :exploding_head: I’ve been following your thread for a while and seem to remember you had a year before a vacation, that’s inspiring :star2:

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Ya. Thanks. It’s the out of country rule. When I travel to Europe I’m having gelato a pastries. Then I get back into it. My problem, like alcohol, is I’ll bing on it. Best not to have it at all.

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Day 16 no added sugar


Lol, he’s such a fucker. I am going to blame the bender I am on, 100% on my twin.

See its in our gene pool.


Wowza!!! :partying_face:

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Day 17 no added sugar


Day 18 no added sugar!