Nobody told me about 90 days

I’m 3 days away and I’m white knuckling. I really want to drink. I’m angry with a coworker dumping work on me. Angry at a guy that I was dating, who ghosted me, who brought on my decision to try and stop drinking. I’m still tired even though I thought I sleep better. Why should I quit if I’m just going to be alone for the rest of my life? Everyone is afraid of catching covid anyway! So fuck it! At least I’d have that one pleasure in life.


Are you serious? The calm from a drink sounds so good right now. It has been mostly fine, but the only real benefit is the weight loss.

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Don’t think like that. You know life’s better without drinking… It’s really hard at the beginning but I promise you it’ll feel different each day!
And don’t let that guy have anymore impact on your SOBER life; it’s his loss.
There’s plenty of really good guys who will be happy to know a sober you, sweetie.
Stay with us here…:kissing_heart::heart::pray:


It’s your brains desperate plea to get you to give in. Being angry with things you cannot control in never a good idea. Say the serenity prayer. If drinking was so great you wouldn’t have quit.


Would u be calm? Or would u have one drink, then the urge to drink more and more, maybe a mental struggle between wanting and not wanting to get hammered?


If you’re serious about sobriety, then welcome. If you can handle drinking, then cheers, drinking isn’t bad, just a lot of us can’t handle it. If you CAN, then we tip our hats to you.


Sounds like what you’re doing so far ain’t working too great. Check out the suggestions on this thread, you may find an answer for yourself there. Resources for our recovery

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The initial calm, not gonna lie, it’s great. It’s all the bullshit after that keeps me sober.

You’re better than a drink. Meditate, punch a bag, scream into a pillow, whatever it takes to get by the cravings


Gee thanks. I’m used to being told I don’t do things right. No freaking Zoom meeting is gonna help and sponsors don’t really care.


Check the thread. What do you have to lose besides your anxiety and misery?

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Hey there…sorry to hear your struggling. So…roughly three months ago…what was it that made you decide to try and quit? What were your mornings after drinking like then?


I was having a hard time just before the 90 day milestone too. I can remember writing in here when I did. I got a lot of that’s normal. It does suck!! Sucks big time!! You’ve come this far. Don’t give in to what your addictive brain is saying. I would either get a good meditation on. Or get a good work out in. Or just a fast hard power walk with my angry gangsta rap playing so loud. And just thinking this ain’t fair. Or all 3. Make time for just yourself. Stick with it. You’ve come too far. Your worth it and you know it’s worth it.


Gotta back @CaptAZ up.

What usually happens after the first drink? What drew you to sobriety 87 days ago?

I got bad days still, too, inside and out. But usually when I think back, my worst day now is still a helluva lot better than it was before.


90 days gives heaps of people trouble… Me included.
It’s like some weird number that fucks with your mind, spirit, and body.

I relapsed just under 90…
Only good thing was it was short and sharp and i got back on the train. I didn’t let it take everything away again.

Don’t know what it is with 90 days, but you are not alone. I hope you can push though it, and past it… That feeling does go away and you feel proud at having pushed through those wobbly days.
I wish I had first time. Getting back to 90 was mentally tough knowing what I’d tossed aside for nothing.
Coming up on 500 soon.
Go well


And for myself, 1 drink is 1 bottle. I know that going in. Lucky if it’s just 1 bottle really.

I can count the shitty days I’ve had on 1 hand since I got sober. Life’s manageable, it’s not perfect, I still bone headed shit on the regular but I don’t compound it and sit in that shit for days or weeks at time cause I’m drunk more often than not.

You got that fire in you, I know that flame so well. I walked like 10 miles a day my first 5 months, no joke. I walked and longed for a fight, for an empty bottle i could smash, anything I could destroy cause my misery looooves company.

I’ll say it again, YOU’RE BETTER THAN DRINK. Better than a “quick fix”. Better than a hangover. Better than tomorrow’s regret. Better than the fuck its.


milestones can be tough but I am telling you with every fiber of my being drinking will only make things worse. Maybe not one drink but all the rest that will follow. Your struggles/problems/irritations will still be there after you drink - it won’t make them go away, it won’t make them better and in addition you won’t have 90 days, you’ll have a hangover, and you’ll have to start over and it feels like shit to start over. Stay strong. Don’t give in to intense emotion! You can do this!


“I’ll say it again, YOU’RE BETTER THAN DRINK. Better than a “quick fix”. Better than a hangover. Better than tomorrow’s regret. Better than the fuck its.”
@CaptAZ nailed it right here…

You’re better than the fuck it’s.


Don’t! You’ve come SO far! You are setting an awe inspiring example for ppl like me and my husband! Six days … Just six days and we relapsed. I want to get as far as you!!! Keep going! Show everyone that says you can’t that you CAN. P.s. pep talk for my own self for reminders!!


The emotional pain always gets better but the addiction only gets worse. When I divorced my ex wife I never thought I would get past it but as the old and very accurate adage says, time heals all wounds. I’ve been sober almost 4 years now and it’s the single best decision I have ever made in my life. You got this!


i would always drink to get oblivieated. people i drank with would even drop their mouth

my recovery is odd to be hounest. i have no live face to face time but i have a plan for my future. i dont stall in the past. i go up. its the only way to go anyway.

my idea of 1 is 4 realy much so. 2 is 8, 3 is 12 and so on
lol weird but true