No matter what one’s addiction is, what is needed is a better substitute. That’s how this forum and AA work for me - I’ve replaced my drinking habit with sobriety habits. Here’s some ideas others here have used.
There are so many helpful resources available to us on our sober journeys. I wanted to share this list for those who are interested in non traditional resources.
Please note: I created this thread with alcohol recovery in mind and it is U.S. based as well. As a straight white past middle age woman (SassyRocks), it is based on what resonated and helped me in my journey. Over time, I have added in resources for some other addictions (found at the end of this post), but it is heavy with resources …
Sobriety and recovery is a process of walking away from the old days of drinking/using that don’t work anymore. It’s embracing uncomfortable change for the better and deciding to not stay where you were. It’s learning to love yourself enough to say “I can’t live like this anymore and I need help”.
Please add here the advice that you would like to gives to others. What tips and tricks has worked for your sobriety? What can someone newly sober expect on this journey?
2 days ago I celebrated my 2 years sober again. Again, because years ago I had a long stretch of sober days too but relapsed after 5 years.
My doc is alcohol. I started to drink when I was 16 year or so and it increased in my student days. I noticed I had a problem around the aged of 30 I guess. Tried to quit multiple times but couldn’t get more then 30 days sober
Decided to give myself an ultimatum: 1 year.
1 year to get sober myself otherwise I would go to see my doctor and ask fo…