Only 2 days Sober. What is some advice youve heard or wish you would of when you started on this Journey?

Don’t listen to your head. It will try to make you relapse and it will try to kill you. And if you do, check the motives.


You won’t regret being sober. So stick with it and get it done now. Stop wasting your life on the hamster wheel. Live free healthy and whole!! :heart:


I think the big thing for me was just getting real with myself. Finally accepting that I can’t moderate, it just doesn’t work. Hence my username. :smirk: And I had to say absolutely no more excuses, 'cuz I could make pretty much anything an excuse to drink. Early on, someone here (don’t remember who, sorry) pointed out that alcohol is not my friend, does not care about me, does not miss me…etc. 'Cuz I was lamenting that getting sober felt like going through a breakup. Anyway…

I so feel you. I spent so many nights trying to drink away my depression, regrets and bitterness and wondering this same thing. It’s a long time coming, but finally I’m awakening to it doesn’t have to stay this way.


You will never be cured so don’t ever think you can have just one.


“If nothing changes. Nothing changes.”

Congrats on your 2 days :clap: That’s great! I drank tons of water water when I first started. Flush out all that poison. Sparkling water. Lots of angry power walks. Keep at it you’ll start feeling better.


Congrats! I did a lot of weighing the pros/cons of drinking in early recovery. Acknowledging how much of disparity there was between them. Recognizing why I quit, and thinking of how much I could remedy it I stayed quit.
Be easy on yourself. Don’t listen to the ideas that it could be different if you drank again, because it’s never different. Remember what led you to stop and hold on to that. I think I made a list on here a while back
No more alcohol = no more


I wish I would have listened when people told me that I wasn’t special. That I was like every other alcoholic. Instead I tried to do it my way. A couple relapses later and I finally started to listen


Staying sober won’t always be easy but it will always be possible. You CAN do this. Life IS much better sober. Best wishes


Congrats! You just need to focus on the day ahead. Don’t worry about tomorrow. I am proud of you. You can do it!


Thank you so much everyone! All of these mean so much. I wrote them down and posted the advice on my fridge. Im so glad I stumbled onto this app. We got this!



My recovery must come first, so that everything I love doesn’t have to come last.


This was me. 25 days ago. Feeling the exact same way. How did it ever get this way? Convincing myself I was a good mother, while downing many many drinks night after night. And one day I woke up with yet another hangover, another sleepless night, shakes, sweats and I said to myself enough is enough.
That was 25 days ago. And my world has done a complete flip for the positive. My best advice, don’t lose sight of what you really want. That drink won’t really make you feel better. Trust me. Early days are the hardest. You can do this.


There’s some good ones here as well:


One of the best pieces advice I’ve ever been given is this: doing the right thing is rarely easy, but it’s always worth it. I find this particularly true in regards to my sobriety. It’s not always easy, but it’s right for me, and it is so worth it. The other thing I would say is to trust your gut. Not your brain, not your heart, but your gut. Particularly in early sobriety. Have a weird feeling about going somewhere, seeing someone, heading down a particular aisle in the grocery store? Heed that feeling. Don’t go there. Don’t interact with that person. Pretend the aisle doesn’t exist. Right now, you’re just trying to build a solid foundation for yourself. You will figure out how to negotiate through all of these things eventually. Right now, there’s nothing wrong with protecting yourself and your fledgling sobriety in any way you can.

I’m glad you’re here with us, and I’m sure you’re going to do great. Keep checking in! I want to see how you’re doing!


@nwags, similar story here. Except I don’t think I ever convinced myself I was a good mother. I felt like a shitty mom (amongst other things) and drank to numb the feelings of failure. :unamused:


Talk to yourself like you would your best friend.

I wouldnt dream of being as spiteful or unforgiving to a friend as I am to myself



Welcome Ash, and congrats on making it to day two of your new chapter…I’m thankful that I turned the page, and I know you will be too.

I have received a lot of great advice throughout my life, but what’s been sticking with me lately is: Being an alcoholic is hard…being sober is hard; choose your hard.

When I first heard it the advice didn’t really resonate, but when I sat an thought about it…it’s true.

Think for a moment just how hard being an alcoholic is. From start to finish its EXTREMELY hard physically and emotionally. Think about how it has affected your relationships, how you move through a day, how you felt the morning after…the money you have squandered…the memories you lost, and so much more.

Than think about being sober…Hard? :100: Constantly having to self-talk, read, research, peel back the layers of you and clean house…admitting weakness. Building new plans for a better you…and so much more; all hard!

But the payoff of health, happiness, self-improvement, inner strength, a productive life and harmonious and peaceful family experience is…well priceless.

Both roads are super hard, BUT we have the power to chose our hard.

I hope you stay the sober road…you are worth this fight, and are stronger than you know. If you ever need to chat I’m here…we all are.

Stay safe and Be Blessed.



I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; those first few days when you get clean are absolutely rough. It’s frustrating because between all of the nasty withdrawal symptoms, you feel like you’re being punished for doing the right thing.

The good news is that it does get better. Just hang in there, and I’ve always like the advice of, ‘you only have to do this one time, and you’ll never have to go through it again if you don’t want to.’

2 days sober? Congrats! Let’s make it 5 and then a week. One foot in front of the other. You can do this. We’re all here for support. :sunny: