No more alcohol = no more

-falling off barstools
-falling in ditches
-losing my phone / wallet
-having to ask what I did / what happened
-trying to figure out why somebody is mad at me
-hiding bottles out of shame
-stressing about money for booze
-reckless sex
-impulsively buying drugs
-picking needless fights
-having to leave apology notes
-cancelling plans so I could drink
-cancelling plans because I was drunk/hungover
-hundred dollar bar tabs every night
-saying things I don’t mean
-alcoholic neuropathy
-medication conflict
-men taking advantage of me
-all day puking
-making a complete fool of myself
-keeping the neighbors awake with music/yelling from fights
-drunken suicide attempts
-being the family disappointment at holidays
-having to smuggle alcohol with me everywhere
-not being able to sit still for more than an hour
-not being able to go to the movies
-shitty relationships based on booze
-breaking up with my partner every week
-concerning/scaring away new dates
-lying about why I need to go to the store
-being angry/irritable at my friends for not taking me to the store
-basing my entire schedule / social circle around drinking
-being drunk in front of my friends kids
-being too drunk to eat a meal prepared for me
-having to sneak out of the bar hours after close

(I’ll add more as they come to mind. Please leave your own!)


Damn. . . You just described a big chunk of my life. Great post. Thank you.


Sometimes I think I miss it for a second, so I have to remind myself of what I absolutely DO NOT miss at all. So much cringe.


I’ve got a little bit of time under my belt now & the “missing” it has kinda passed. There are times when I think that one drink couldn’t hurt & that I’m cured, but I went down that road too many times. I know that if I don’t keep reminding myself by seeing posts like this and hearing others stories then I’ll slip right back into the shit. And yes!. . . So much cringe! It’s been a long road to shake that shame.


I’m only on day 74. (Only. It seems like a lifetime to me. Longest I’ve ever gone, but first time I’ve ever even tried) so lists and reminders, counting days, little things like that really help me right now.
I go back and forth every day, but I always land back on “what the fuck is wrong with you? You need to be sober, dumbass.”
:black_heart: so far so good.


You’re doing great! Congratulations! Those little sobriety tools are the key to it all! I tell myself pretty much the same thing :joy:
Be nice to you though!


I have written this kind of list too on paper. The list is not with me right now because I’m not home. I should translate it (from Finnish) here later :hugs:
It was really eye opening experience to wrote down all that shit I did drunk. I tried to wrote some good things too, but there’s not such of things.

I’m really beginner in this sober thing (day 6)… I have tried couple of times before, but not really pledge to it. One month is the longest I have did.
I have been like getting ready for sobriety at least for half year now. I have been thinking lot of my drinking, how I don’t enjoy it anymore, write that list for example, talking to my friends about it etc.
Now I think I can do this.


I feel the same way. Had the ‘I’m cured’ feeling twice. Relapsed twice. Now I’m on day 174!


Some of us just need to learn by experience. Congratulations on 174 days!


“Only” 72 days? That seems like a lifetime to me. Huge accomplishment. Love this thread topic, Knives!


Thank you. I suppose I need to work on being easier with myself sometimes. :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:


Thanks! I had to fall a few times before I could rise :slight_smile: we got this!


Most of us do. I’m actually working thru a mindful self compassion workbook.

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Remembering things that happened or that I did when I was drunk years ago still gets me.

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Love your list!!! Definitely something to read if you think…hey, maybe just one…

And 74 days is amazing!!!

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Absolutely. What a good way of putting it.

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Thank you! Im headed to inpatient on Thursday so here’s to getting out with 104 under my belt :metal:t4:


That’s fantastic…I am happy for you, getting the care and assistance you need. :heart:

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Great list people can relate to that, stay strong don’t give in, it sucks all that time wasted trying to stay sober think about it