Only human

I can relate. It sounds like youre a tortured soul but it doesnt have to always be like that. What helped me was a 3 prong attack: find community, accountability, and therapy. I hope that wee part of you feels some hope and continues to fight


It’s ok to just BE, if the only thing you do today is survive that’s perfectly fine. Sending you lots of hugs and some flowers you possibly would like to stare at instead of the void. Keep going, you are not alone :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::sunflower::sunflower::sunflower::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:


What a beautiful comment this is. These flowers are gorgeous; I’d forgotten that beautiful things exist. Addiction makes one quite self-involved, no? Thanks for reminding me about the beauty in life and snapping me out of this grotesque solipsism that I’m trapped in. Here’s some flowers for you :blossom::blossom::blossom::blossom::blossom::blossom::hibiscus::hibiscus::hibiscus::hibiscus::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:
Thank you again :pray::pray::heavy_heart_exclamation:


Hi, thank you so much for the encouragement. I will fight, I have no other choice. But I’m glad that I’ve found this app. I’m finding that the people here are all so wonderful and kind and just amazing. You all make this so much easier :heavy_heart_exclamation::blossom::pray::pray:


Awww, how sweet! Thank you :sparkling_heart:
As I myself do need reminders on the simple, beautiful things in life that exist without noticing my brainfuck I love to remind others when I come across and think it might shine a ray of light into the darkness. I’m happy you like it and don’t forget to smile! Every little smile is a little sunshine for our souls :blush::sunflower::people_hugging:


If you want to destract yourself, this is a lovely thread to read around with georgeous pictures. I link my latest sharing on an idea that was developed here on TS together. If you like, start reading the thread from the beginning. It always lifts my spirits :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It IS a ray of light, truly. I’m smiling as I type. My first I think, in a few days. Well, first one that’s real and I didn’t fake. :blush::blush:

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I’ll do that right now, thanks :pray:

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Your post is so real and honest. Knowing myself, I tend to be all or nothing. I also know if I set a specific goal, once I reach that goal, I am likely to go back to “normal”, even if normal is bad or unhealthy. Because of this, with my drinking, I have to not set a specific goal and instead decide to never drink again. I have relapsed, but I believe I would relapse even more often if I had a finite, specific # of days goal. We are all different, but I wanted to share this perspective with you. Reaching 72 hours sober will be great, but don’t limit yourself, keep going. I wish you all the best. That part of you that wants to succeed and survive is strong and can do it!


Hi, thank you for the encouragement :blossom::pray: I believe you’re right. I should probably aim for more than 72 hours; maybe giving myself 72 hours is an excuse to quit trying, maybe it’s my self destructive side that sets that goal. I can’t tell which is which, I’m very confused at the moment, with all this fog… I just had an idea, why don’t I make it a week? And then come right back to this thread, to this same comment, and tell you if I made it. I can’t tell anyone outside this app, you see. But maybe if I promise you, then I’ll keep it up.


There is a lot of wisdom and I suppose millions of years of sobriety behind ONE DAY AT A TIME
It’s the mindset. You only can take care of today. Your focus & control is this very minute. Not more, not less. Backward thinking doesn’t change anything, future thinking is escaping the present moment. It is a proper, solid goal to say: Today I chose sobriety every minute from waking up to falling asleep. My goal is to put my sober head on the pillow tonight, no matter what, no what-ifs, no excuses. Just focus on NOW and ME. That’s enough. When you wake up the next day: repeat. We don’t borrow from tomorrow. We focus on today :pray:


See, I’ve been told that on another thread that I started. But I forgot about it. I mean, somehow the concept just didn’t translate into action. I said at time that I’ll do ot that way but I didn’t. Felt like I’d lose my grip if I didn’t stick to a set goal. I’ll try to do it this way again then. I’ll forget the one week thing, and just not do it now. Not even today, but just, now…
I hope I’ll never have to start a relapse thread again.
Maybe one day I’ll start a ‘life in recovery’ thread. That’d be nice. Thanks so much @erntedank :pray: you’re awesome!


You’re welcome! And see: another 5 h in the sober box since the first post. Minutes add up, babysteps add up, each and every tiny bit counts.


Hey that’s true! I didn’t notice that!


if there’s a “part of you” that is fully aware of this drastic issue and dedicated to solving it no matter how venemous and all-consuming it appears, then i would say this “part” you’re talking about is not so little or tiny, eh? :wink:


I’m 19 hours in, so you’re probably right. I’ll admit it once I hit that 72-hours mark :cherry_blossom::pray:


19 hours is great but maybe stop setting goals and just be sober for today…i think goals add unnecessary pressure…head on the pillow sober tonight is all that matters for today then repeat…make sure you are getting your basics down…are you eating? Hydrating? B Vitamins are great too, treat yourself with compassion and keep reaching out here as you have been because we are stronger together…sending hugs :people_hugging:


I keep forgetting that I should do that! I should say though, that this time it’s easier than the last time. Not physically. Physically it’s hell, but mentally. It’s because evey time I want to stop trying, like right now, I just come here and read the life in recovery or relapse posts and think better of it. Thanks for being here and caring :pray::cherry_blossom::blossom::hibiscus::heavy_heart_exclamation:


There’s also a topic called “Checking in daily to maintain focus”. I seem to be tech-challenged this morning and can’t figure out how to link it, but that’s a topic for EVERYONE to post when your goal is to simply stay focused on sobriety with all you’ve got.

Keep going, one day at a time, one hour at a time. Can you get out for some movement and sunshine today? That’s always a way to feel better, and it may distract you. Far away from any place triggering, of course. If necessary, can you call someone to walk and talk with you so you’re not in your head all the time?


Thats the difference and its a big difference- the benefit and support of a community of people who understand what this is like…i wouldnt and couldnt be sober without these lovely people here :heart: