Other porn addicts?

I struggle with porn when my period is close but after it starts, I regain my senses and stop. When the next cycle is close, it starts all over again! It’s like a roller coaster and I am tired. I really want to quit! Advice please


I think it started when u was little and our help always forced me to watch porn with her friends and herself. It didn’t resurface until I was close to my 20’s. I am still in my early 20’s but it’s a huge problem and creates setbacks for me. I need help


Done - thx Andre!

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Welcome Lory. You are not alone in struggling with porn. Many people, men and women and all sexualities, struggle with it.

I can speak to my personal experience, which I’m happy to share, and if some is useful to you I’m glad. I realized as I started working my sobriety that porn was just a way for me to run from my life. It was a way to avoid thinking and feeling, to shut them off for a time. I didn’t accept myself; I didn’t see or acknowledge myself. I didn’t love myself.

Acceptance is something I am working on. Allowing my thoughts and feelings to be - accepting that they are part of me; they’re not good or bad, I don’t need to rush to judgment: I just need to acknowledge them, and sit with them for a time, not running or silencing - allowing myself the space to be my full self: that is what I am working on. It is one day at a time; it is gradual, but it is having a positive effect.

It is unfortunate that you were exposed to porn at such a young age, and by someone who was entrusted with your care. It is unfortunate that trust was betrayed - it was wrong.

But it is possible for you to grow past this - and that is what you need to do. It’s good that you’re reaching out for help. You’re taking the first step to building a new relationship with yourself - and you’ll be glad you did.

Take care and remember: you’re a good person who deserves a safe, sober life where you can be your full self. :innocent:

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Thank you so much. I really appreciate this and I hope I get better. Been counting the days I have been abstinent and it feels really good

Thank you so much @RetainKing. I do hope I get better