Pet Peeves Anyone?

Anyone who cleans with Fabuloso :nose: Saw on Pinterest the other day that people are putting it in those wall plug ins as a scent… I instantly got nauseous just looking at the purple cleaner. How safe can that be? :roll_eyes:

This…like someone pounding a nail into my forehead.


Went camping last night. Got back today. Biggest pet peeve: people who make a mess of the Ketchup Lid…

Is this an F’ing preschool here, people?! Why is there like an entire ketchup packer’s worth of ketchup inside of the lid, and not on your hot dog?


Like the toothpaste cap too? :joy:

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Loud chewers…
And also bad and selfish drivers…
Shit I got mad only writing this :sweat_smile:


When I’m going to put my mane of hair back with a hair elastic and it breaks. Small annoyance but it peeves me off lol


When people stand there and press the crosswalk button 25 times in a row waiting for light to change. Once is enough!


My kids are the worst perpetrators of that!

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My daughter has this problem. She can end in tears some mornings.

TBH many of them could react a bit faster when pushed…

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Apparently this is also true of some “close doors” buttons on elevators, particularly outside the US (when they even exist).

More facts: Over here many are only used to activate sounds for the visibly impaired (and yes, they have a way of finding the button)

Yeah, depends on where you are. The city I grew up in, a very car-oriented place, pressing the button was the only way to get a “Walk” signal anywhere so you could cross. Otherwise you’d stand there through green lights and red, watching this, forever.


Only a few exceptions existed downtown. Thank goodness I live in a more pedestrian-friendly place now.

I totally thought that road sign said Kill. Like a dark meme telling me to revenge myself on my enemies.

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I hate that, when I’m combing my daughter’s hair and her hair tie breaks. I either have to let go of her hair to go and find another one, then start all over combing it, or get her to walk uncomfortably with me holding her hair. Neither one is good.

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No ketchup on hot dogs. At least not here in Chicago lol


Let’s stir the pot a little bit.



:joy: it’s surprising how much that irked me just to read it! As an English teacher, these ones always hit a nerve!! lol
Major pet peeve :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


More power to you. I’ll take the ketchup

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Ugh, when I’m exhausted I’ll get these mixed up without realizing. Did this on the check in thread with the word “woe”. I said “whoa” instead lol. :woman_facepalming:

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