Pink clouding?

So I am 24 days sober :+1:
The first two weeks were legit horrible …I “quit” AA like 900 times
But I stuck with it and today I feel amazing
Like I totally get it…and I don’t feel like drinking and I don’t know I feel awesome
My sponsor told me that’s great but to be careful
To keep going to meeting ect ect
I don’t understand I thought this is where I am suppose to be? Happy and do not want to drink …


Your sponsor might mean that it’s important to not become complacent. In my experience, once I had a few months under my belt I felt like I had sobriety down and I knew what I was doing. I got lazy for a bit and was kind of on cruise control. Then I realized sobriety is something you have to constantly work on every day in order to stay sober and really be happy.

Again, I can’t say that is definitely what your sponsor meant but it sounds like it.

Congrats on 24 days!!


I found myself on a rollercoaster for the first year. You feel great today and that is awesome but one day you may find yourself on a sudden and unexpected crash. Keeping up with meetings and your sponsor will only help you navigate those crashes.



I found this explanation of the pink cloud helpful and it explains why it’s good to be aware of it.

24 days is amazing and you should totally enjoy this feeling! But think about how long it took you to develop your bad habits with alcohol… It will take a while to undo them and it is likely that there will be things ahead that shake the foundations you are building now.

I don’t know what you will need but for me, I am coming up to three years sober and really grateful to still be part of the recovery community. What I need and put into it now has changed but I’m happy it’s part of my life.


Just copying another topic on the same subject. You might find some useful info there.


Yes pink clouding,

My first week I was like I got this after the physical effects wore off, needless to say the flavor went away and I started to get complacent.

The longer I went, the more I thought nah I done need meetings nor do i need to do work it will come naturally. It didn’t a friend of mine got me back into social circles of recovery and I’m grateful because it would have been too late.

Listen to your sponsor, hit meetings, dont have to share just listen. You will be surprised at the change you make within


Ooooh " feelings are not facts" … thank you for posting, very helpful!


Ahhh the pink cloud… i loved that cloud. Imo this is the time to put work in while you’re happy being sober, to really build your sobriety foundation.

When the ride on the magical cloud ends you’ll need tools and strength for the hard days. The good news is i didn’t find them nearly as hard as beginning days but they are tricky none the less.

Congratulations on 24 days. This is your journey to a better life. I suggest protecting and nurturing your recovery as you would a new born child.


Congrats on your 24 days. That’s great. I don’t think that your sponsor wants to destroy your happiness or high feeling. But no feeling lasts forever and maybe he/she/divers wants you to be prepared that other times will surely come. Difficult times. But for today, savour your day :blush::sunflower::pray:


Days where things are going well are great days to keep up whatever it is that got us there.

Because life will keep lifing, and tough days can still find us even if we’re sober. I know complacency was the number one cause of my relapses after long dry spells.

But hey, if you’re feeling great, live it up! Good on ya for 24 days sober, happy and free.

“Keep getting better at getting better.” :muscle: :pray:


Been on that cloud for decades doing the right things desire and effort wish you well


Your sobriety is still new and you are still vulnerable. When the “crappy” subsides, it is easy to feel like you are suddenly on top of the world. In all honesty, your work is just beginning. Listen to your sponsor! Congrats on 24 days. Keep chugging away!


Interesting, I’ve never heard about the pink cloud… probably because I’ve never put this much effort into staying sober long term… I can’t say I’ve felt any euphoria thus far… not feeling bad either, just … calm I guess. Good thing to know to watch out for tho, thanks guys


Oh wow, yeah it sounds like such an unfortunate mind F- (for lack of a better term) I am finding all recovery related things very fascinating… it not only helps me understand myself, but also gives me a deeper understanding of what others are going through… thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


This was a super interesting read. I have never heard about the pink cloud before. I am 18 days sober and I am feeling so good it’s ridiculous but I told my friend today that I felt like I would crash eventually and that I couldn’t possibly feel this good forever?! So happy to be aware of the pink cloud and to be better prepared for what lies ahead.


You will know when you’ve hit pink cloud territories… Your just elated. You feel authentically really happy. Its fantastic thing but also very dangerous territory if you get complacent. Just be solid with your daily routines and be careful of the wanting to reward yourself coz your in a good place etc… I’ve done it time and time again. Its taken me a long time to manage my moods and feelings in a non destructive way… :grinning:


There will be rough days and dark times to work through. But, even on the rough days, sober still feels amazing! It is a hell of a process. I am only 3mo 25days in and I totally understand why people are so thankful for their sobriety.


So things honestly have been going great for me since getting clean…i went from having literally 0 drive and motivation to being just an absolute fireball filled with energy and drive and just wanting to be as productive as i can throughout the day. But in my meetings ive been hearing about this “pink cloud”. Basically the way i understood it is that after getting clean your really happy and motivated but then that i guess wears off? Kinda makes me nervous cuz honestly this newfound drive is a huge factor for my success staying clean. Can anyone with a good amount of clean time share any insight on this?


I have no experience with substance abuse, but I think all addictions have this phenomenon in common.
I have experienced many of these pink clouds. Each time I’d be very happy and motivated and afterwards I’d experience a bit of a slump. I found especially the first year really varying. The slumps were always better than active addiction. 1000 slump days beats 1 day of active addiction. Ofcourse, your experience can be different

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Thanks appreciate the insight. That kinda sucks though not looking forward to that…hopefully i can stay strong through it. Makes me really nervous though. But your right it will be much better than active addiction. I’ll just have to remember that for when it hits i guess. Might as well try to get as much done while i can :confused:

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