Please ask me how I'm doing each day

Well I’ve made it through 5 days now and on to the sixth day. I’m starting to feel much more confident that this will last, but yet afraid to say forever. Like that would be some sort of unrealistic expectation and I shouldn’t get my hopes up just to be crushed again. But yet I know I must hope and believe that I really can be free from this for life! And that’s got to be my focus and my goal, I can’t let fear of failure deter me any longer! And I won’t.


I was going to press like but I’m not going to. If I said, I Hope, you had a good day it implies that you might not have, if I said, I Hope you are OK, it implies you might not be, Do you see where I am going?. I don’t hope you won’t relapse I believe you won’t. You make the rules don’t Hope, Cope. Well done on 5 days. LIKE…

Sounds good, Michael.

Congratulations on making it past day 5.

Well I’ve made it a week now :fist: and I haven’t had any real triggers show up yet… except for maybe a few things people who are close to me have said that have knocked me down emotionally. But I’ve gotten through those things so far by, first, excepting that I can’t change them or what they say, but I can choose how I let their words effect me. And secondly, by reading in this app and/or reading my bible to find encouraging words to counter act the negative.

But I do wander if I should share the little negative things that get to me, or if that would just be complaining and dwell on the past…


If it nags at you it’s good to talk it out.


Yeah you’re probably right. I’ll give it a day or so and see if it’s still bothering me :+1:

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Hey how are you doing each day.

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share everything it’s what we do, good, bad and the ugly.

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you still good.

I am! Thanks for checking. Day 22. I feel a little sad today though, mr.wizard! Did you see that in your crystal ball??:kissing_heart:

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you know me gotta sixth sense for misery. I was brought up on it :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Hey Michael,

How’s it going?


Hi Kevin, still doing well. I’ve pasted 10 days today :+1:
Things have been a little tuff between my wife and I but we had a pretty good talk last night and we’re doing a lot better today. Thanks for asking :slightly_smiling_face: how are you doing today?


Hi Micheal, how are you? Keep up the sober fight, it will be worth it. Remember, you only fail when you give up and stop caring, not when you have a setback. We all have setbacks, I’m at day one today and yes I’m disappointed that I am finding myself at day one but I’m also proud to say I’m at day one because it’s better than no day at all. Hugs to you!

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Congratulations Michael. Double digits!

I’ve been leaning on my boundaries a lot this weekend to keep me sober. I’m guilty of fantasizing a lot and romanticising acting out. 54 days so far this time around. One part of me doesn’t want to let this go. Another part of me never wants to give up being sober. So I’m a little down now. But those are just feelings. I’ll get through this and I’ll probably feel better in the morning.

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Hey Michael, my name is also Michael. I to also have a similar situation as you at the moment with not working during the winter, my job is seasonal and I’m laid off for the winter. First of all you are very brave and I want to know that you just being here is a step in the right direction. I know for me personally I can get bored often and when boredom sets in, negative thoughts can quickly follow. What I’ve found helps is developing a hobby based around your interests. I can hear and feel the words jump off the page from what you wrote, I can relate to wanting to be free from vices and making them a thing of the past. This group is amazing, there’s no judgement as we’ve all done similar things or actions or even different, all from usually the same culprit and vice.

You’re not alone and together we can all lift one another. I’m happy to hear from you and I’m always an open ear.

Your brave and don’t beat yourself up, take things one day at time. I believe in you and I believe there is a light.

As a wise shows intro once said: “I’ll be there for you, if you’ll be there for me to”.

We can be Friends

P.s. still have no idea how they afforded that apartment.



Lol :smiley: ok that’s kinda weird!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but it did make me laugh, so thanks! And thanks for the kind words. I know this is a great place to be there for each other and it does really help.

Just past day 12 :+1:


Good morning Kevin! I hope you’re feeling better today!
Am glad you could be honest with your self to know, in your self, that you are pushing your boundaries. A lot of people won’t be honest with them self until they’ve broken their boundaries. So you’ve already got a foothold in taking the next step in the right direction. And I know you can take that next step and turn your mind to all the things that help you stay on the path and keep you centered and stay away from the fantasies and the boundaries you don’t want to have to be leaning on.
So jump right back into every thing that’s helped from the start.
And remember we’re all here for you :+1: and thanks for being here for me!

just checkin. How you doing?

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How are you doing today? I have eleven days. I’m wavering some today. More from being bored than a craving. I should be able to get over it. I’m going to vacuum the house for now.