PMO - Porn, Masturbation, Recovery

Day 91

I’m doing great. Self talk on this helps me stay on track every single day. Remember to scroll up on this chat and check the checklist. I do it every couple of weeks and will do it today. Great reminders. For you start doing this day 15 - 22. It’s really all mental. Last year I got to day 9 and started to feel this incredible pull to look at something… that brain washing was real like a drug. It’s still hard to believe I read one book november 17th and haven’t had that pull ever since. Keep up the fight bro… your doing great.

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I’m on day 114. Keeping custody of my eyes and mind has not been perfect. So I cannot make the same proclamation that @BeardedSandMan made. I have lusted and had thoughts of other women. I haved craved. Yeah, it’s kinda stupid to crave something that has no value. So my recovery has not been linear. But I have a lot of hope. My mind has been in a better state than ever and my cravings are less frequent. I guess decades of using porn to alter my mood have taken a toll. But I’m sober from porn and I’m going to take it.


114 days is powerful- you are in a far better place than in the past!
I’m setting out today on my daily journey of deconstructing the fallacies that the world of pmo has been selling me over the decades. Like nicotine or whatever drug/substance its designed to be a powerful addictive lure which kills every freedom and joy life has to offer.
It’s greatest lie is that it preys on natural desires and curiosity making us think its sweet and innocent - then it slays us!!
Be strong, you are a great encouragement to me and all of us on this group!


Day 92

The war over your mind and bad thoughts is an ongoing daily battle. I’m done with PMO, but the thought war is the daily thing for me. Yesterday a coworker walked past me and i normally have a self talk saying about not seeing only ‘hips, butts, thighs, shape.’ But i allowed my brain to linger on a thought. Later that night my mind tried to again take on a fantasy and man i really had to fight to get it out of my head. Hating what is bad is just an ongoing struggle. And yet i’m confident i can win daily. Bad thoughts will happen, were human, it’s just what happens next seperates if this is just a ‘fleeting moment’ or the first step back in the wrong direction. Win the moment, win the day is my mentality. Today i’ll be better for it.


Lovely description of the daily battle. Especially like the ’ what happens next is what separates if this is a fleeting moment or a step in the wrong direction’. Bad thoughts will come but we mustn’t beat ourselves up and self medicate with pmo out of guilt. Rather we need to master the temptation. I’m guilty in my life of taking daily battles and eventually letting my resolve weaken until I take that step in the wrong direction. Need to keep the thoughts in check!!


I’ve read the book. I am done with porn for good. I understand that porn is a drug addiction. Messed up my brain for far too long.
I haven’t counted since you posted because I don’t feel the need to count the days anymore.
I’ve had urges, big ones, but now I understand that watching porn won’t solve my stress, my anxiety, my fears, it actually creates more into my life.
So each time I’m bored or stressed I now realise that porn makes it worse. It messes up my brain big time.
Sometimes my brain tries to trick me but I have the right answer to my questions each time, the book provides this all.

Just wanted to thank you guys for recommending this book.
I’m around one month free from this poison. Ain’t going back for sure.


100%, keeping those thoughts in check. It’s funny, so i was on a streaming service and i saw they had a funny movie i’d never seen in full, but has funny scenes. I decided to skip forward and try to find that funny scene, in doing so, i glimpsed a boob and immediately got off. I thought to myself, ok, let’s be careful man! Day 93 and not looking back!!!


Congratulations! You’re a non-user!

Yep! Reading that really was a game changer for me. I have hope. For a long time, I truly felt that porn offered me something. Otherwise, why would I seek after it? Now, I understand that porn only gives me the illusion that I getting something from it; which is an entirely different thing.

Thanks for sharing the good news.


Such a sneaky illusion isn’t it folks? Pmo is unique in that it is literally a taylor-made addictive drug. It’s, to quote a line from a movie, our personal brand of heroin. All the brainwashing and triggered dopamine pathways after decades of drinking it in is uniquely tuned in to all our personal weaknesses. Its going to seem so appealing and such a need at certain times in our lives but it’s a major illusion - It’s powerless if we leave it alone. Just want to encourage you all…remember it’s your own personal brand of heroin so of course there will be times were it draws you in but it’s only interested in getting you hooked otherwise it has no power and will just fall away into the abyss of nothingness!


Just wanted to post a small victory in a battle I fought today:

I was belittled and degraded at work today (not to the point of illegality but enough to hurt and frustrate) and when I got home I had one of the strongest cravings I’ve ever had. I just needed to do something that I could control that would make me feel better.

I sat on the couch petting my overexcited canine companion (she’s super touchy after I get home from work) and I thought about why I was having cravings, and why I didn’t want to cede my free will and progress.

Normally I would’ve caved by then, but I talked myself through a plan to quickly get dressed and run to the gym. 2 hours later I am still clean and the cravings are passed for now.

Every time I resist is another step towards being free from this vice, and I know that I don’t want to go back.

Peace :v: and stay safe


Well done! Win the moment win the day!

Perfect! Freedom is a great reward!

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Morning, afternoon everyone. How’s everyone doing? Today is day 96. I’m doing mental maintenance this week as I get closer to 100 days Friday…I’m re-listening to easyway method to quiting porn. I’ve been doing great. No issues or cravings. But every few months…I will relisten. 20+ years of addiction, I just want to re-affirm my goals. Have a great day everyone.


Awsome! Keep it up! Im on day 38. Assertiveness, that’s what I’m experiencing right now. I feel energized and focused. Have made some big decisions in my professional life, for the first time in a long time I feel capable and ready to stand on my own. I started with some dating apps like relate, hinge and fb. Tinder used to be a big trigger. I really don’t enjoy the experience, I can feel it swiping even if hinge and relate only gives you like 15 laddies a day. But I’m to shy to approach and talk with women.

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I have heard a lot about people’s progress having been derailed by dreams like this. It’s hard going.

I have actually found that my dream recall has hugely improved since beeing in recovery. They are more vivid too. I wonder if my.brain is healing.

My goal is to master lucid dreaming for self improvement… as it can be a very good way to integrate the shadow self and obviously an opportunity to interact with the subconscious generally (which clearly plays a large part in all of our struggles)


Sara Brewer overcoming pornography for good

If anyone is interested… my sister sent me this woman’s podcast. It has some religious undertones but mostly is a kind of emotional recovery tool. I’ve listened to the first several episodes and I think it could be beneficial to some of us - even if she has a lot of “filler material”.

In any case it is good to have something positive to listen to towards my recovery


Congratulations on 32 days! A month!


Hey, don’t get too discouraged about the dreams and fantasies. Today is a new day. For myself, there was a couple weeks recently where my mind was in the orange warning alert zone if you know what I mean. My recovery has not been linear, but it’s been great. I’m at day 120. I did have one fantasy this morning which I chose to cut off after a minute. Yeah, it’s still porn to me. And I understand that entertaining them offer no real value or benefit. Accepting that truth helps me to move on and enjoy the rest of my day porn free


Interacting with the subconscious now there’s a thought. OftenTimes I’ve realized that my brain washing goes far deeper than just my addiction. It says a lot more than just you’re addicted to porn(a lie) which I am today 97 days free. It says you’re too fat… not a good person…lazy…alot of negative emotions really. I have alot of insecurities I’m at war with daily. Part of my healing is training my brain to be positive in this journey… so focusing on the negative or perceived negative. I’m hoping distancing myself from porn heals me in alot of ways.


Well said. Sounds like a good plan.

I started to get traction when I realised those with compulsive disorders are always looking for something.

Searching for love, attention, approval, safety, reassurance, validation, peace.
Or looking to avoid, escape or numb pain.
This is what drives our connection with our poison.

Once I started asking myself what I really wanted, in the moment of craving, what do I really want? What hole, what void, what chasm inside myself am I trying to fill? What am I trying to replace, or achieve?

The landcsape from then on changed a lot, It’s a deeper journey of understanding myself now, rather than just white knuckling and trying to avoid thinking about porn.

Self care is also central to my recovery. Literally putting my arms around my self and taking good care, talking to myself like I would a loved one, a friend, a child or beloved pet.

I’d never want any of them to feel a shit as I did and go through the horrors I have, but I let it happen to myself without a thought. I have been utterly disconnected from my true self.

The sad truth is, for years I treated myself terribly, only now can I really dialogue with self and that provides a lot of ease, a lot of comfort and has gone a long way to avoiding mental tug-o-wars and guilt/shame cycles.

We all need to be our own best friend through this. We are the only one who has been there through it all, with ourselves, every step. And will continue to do so. This I find reassuring and I’m not feeling so lonely in this anymore.


Thanks. I had a listen to one of the podcasts and found it encouraging. In particular she mentions the need to process our urges rather than just running from them. I did this today and it was a massive help! It’s a way of listening to your subconscious rather than letting yrs of brainwashing using your subconscious against you. Easy peasy describes this being a bit like a phone ringing - you hear it but just don’t respond and after a while relax into it. Bit like urges…we don’t need to fear them. They will come and go as will good days and bad days but they have zero power over us and we should rejoice that we are processing them and free from acting on them. After a while we will notice them less and less. The year 2022 is one for a death blow to PMO and a wonderful new life free from the prison cells of warped thought processes. Have a great day all!!