PMO - Porn, Masturbation, Recovery

I’m not going anywhere lol. Having a place to turn is better then keeping it to myself. I’ll check in with y’all if things go down or if things go up. All y’all stay strong out there.


So I’m sure that a lot of us have heard the story of Pavlov’s experiment with dogs. He would ring a bell before feeding or treating the dogs and eventually the dogs’ brain was conditioned to expect a treat at the sound of the bell, and it salivated in anticipation.

The part that people don’t often discuss is that after this experiment he also unconditioned the dogs from that behavior by ringing the bell and giving no treat or food. Eventually the dogs were able to dissociate the sound and the receipt of food.

Each time we resist an urge and let it go we are training ourselves OUT of our habit. Good work, you strong and courageous women and men. You are a great work in the making.



How does it feel to hit 90 days bro? Big congrats!


I feel happy, I don’t get the same tough cravings, think the first month was hardest especially around day 17. Right now I feel I can continue this and not look at porn ever again. But there is this little monster saying, “what’s the big deal? I’ve done it so far can do it again and one time dosnt count.” How ever right now it feels better to continue with out and by using the actions and the ways of thinking from easypeasy method I don’t do it. I’m really a different person social. Still have issues of course but on the right track. So happy and blessed to be part in this with all of you guys and your journey. It powerful to read and I feel less like a strange fuckup.


Yeah buddy!!

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Welcome to the fire, brother!

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I wanna share this with y’all. I’ve been struggling lately. My mind feels chaotic & overactive. Inside, I feel a deep & shallow pain. A empty gap that feels like an abyss. I feel feelings of unworthiness, & shame. I experience self hatred due to my self destructiveness. I feel broken, like half of a person. This is what porn does to you. This is the darkness that can take hold of you if you let it, this is why we take a stand & why we fight to be better. The only way to fill that void is to change what your putting in it. Change inside to change outside. That’s the only way in this scenario. I know this will resonate with you guys, that’s why I’m putting it out there.


Hey Logan, thanks for reaching out. It took me about 9 months of being part of this forum before I felt comfortable letting people know the moment I was struggling.

The least productive feeling that you can be feeling is shame right now. It’s pretty natural but it won’t help you get better.

Look how far you’ve come. You have beaten drugs and started working towards the most difficult thing you’ve ever done. It’s okay if you don’t succeed right away. As a child you fell down plenty of times learning to walk but now you don’t even think about it. As you keep working at this and learning how to stop, you will overcome.

Just be patient with yourself. My favorite self affirmations are “I’m not okay, and that’s okay” and “I might not be a perfect person but I love me anyway”

Don’t know of you’re musical but I’ve got 2 songs that help me anti shame. First is Christian, second is punk and although it’s about a breakup it is SO POTENT when I think of it as me to myself

Look what you’ve done (Christian)

Tell me I’m a wreck (punk)

You are strong, my friend, and you deserve the best. Hang in there


I’ve been struggling too. You have good days and bad. You’ve got this brother.

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Keep in the fight - its really worth it. Also porn wants us to use it as a buffer from negative feelings rather than processing them. All the feelings you are struggling with are important for you to process and deal with now as part of your journey out of the dark pit and into the light of real life. PMO makes us think its some sort of coping mechanism or prop (as easy peasy would call it) but that’s all lies and part of its trap - you give in to porn and the dopamine but all those pent up emotions remain only you feel even worse! Stand your ground and listen to the emotions and sit with them and mindfully manage them - tell the little monster you know its trying to get you to pmo but you’re not going to pick up the paper tiger of porn because it is worthless and only adds to the pain you’re feeling! Not pmo’ing in response to emotions of hurt snd brokeness


…brokenness makes us stronger and more confident and we exchange pmo for a better and healthier authentic life.

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Happy Easter to everyone on this group - its great to be free from all the darkness of PMO!!


Day 151 of being PMO Free.

@Pathtofreedom bro I see you! That easy way book was such a game changer for me. That brainwashing effected me not just with porn, but I realized how much that little monster tried to affect other areas in my life. All those negative emotions trying to deal with issues trying to lead me back to porn. Nope, bro I’m free. It’s still maintenance every single day. Just gave the book to my friend WHO literally read it all night long yesterday night. Saw him in the morning and he’s now free too. We had a deep dive into the book. It just makes so much sense, we are no longer drinking that bleach. We’re free.


Thanks jelly, I appreciate the words.

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Thanks man, you’ve got this as well.

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Congratulations man! You put in some serious work. Your also helping a friend which is great, passing on what you’ve learned is very important. I wish you many more milestones & lasting freedom my friend.


Fantastic hitting 5 months and reaching out to those around you. Great encouragement to us all!! Easy peasy was a life changer for sure!

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So good to come here and read and share, I’m struggling today have been hanging out with a girl whom I really like but she is not sharing the feelings to the same degree, we are good friends it’s nice to see her but days after I miss her. It’s just easy to want to fill the void with a quick fix.


Quick fixes are never the answer brotha, you gotta look within. That’s where the real substance is. Plus if she doesn’t realize that your into her then that’s her loss! She’s the one missing out, not you. Keep going man, keep it up.

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