PMO - Porn, Masturbation, Recovery

I see a lot of you in here mentioning “the easy peasy method” & how it really changed things for you. I’ve tried to find it online & all I can find is an e-book that you have to download, which doesn’t interest me at all. Is there a physical copy of the book that I just couldn’t find? Or did you guys read the e-book? Curious because I really wanted to check it out. If anybody could give me a short summary on the book & what about it specifically helped you I would really appreciate that. Anything helps.

It’s been posted many times on this chat thread. We have all read the e-book/PDF. 31 chapters (or so). A short summary isn’t how it works, you can’t skip ahead, you have to read. The book actually says that in the first chapter. I’m not saying this to be rude, that’s how the book works. I can write a 10 page essay (and probably have combined on this thread! LOL). So for me i’ve read your brain on porn, listened to porn free radio for years, this book is the first thing that hit me hard. Breaking down the brainwashing in a way i hadn’t thought of, and hit me subconsciously at a different level. It’s Real substance and it might not hit everyone the same way, But for those of us who couldn’t make it 7 days without PMO (myself included) The fact that we have reached different levels of freedom after reading this book says alot. The book highlights all the misconceptions about Porn and PMO, potentially why we turn to it, and why it’s easier to let go than you think. It explains it in detail what your really giving up, and why brainwashing plays a major role in your continued struggles. It likes watching porn to drinking bleach a great analogy explained in detail. Gives you a checklist and things you can go back to if you have issues. Your doing yourself a disservice if you only read ‘the cliff notes’. Just a heads up, again it might not hit people like it hit several of us, including friends of mine. But for us…half way through the book, IT WAS JUST OVER. I’m 155 days free Logan. It’s taken me 20 freaking years of my life to get here. 20. IN my recovery, it’s before easy way, and after easy way. This isn’t white knuckling just trying to hold on. I’m a non User. Sorry for this being so long, but i just wanted you to know a little about what your getting into.


Thanks for the honesty, I appreciate that. Maybe I’ll just read the E-book then, if it’s that important.

Definitely worth reading easy peasy on easy Changed my life. Porn is a very clever trap and it’s everywhere so it’s hard to see it for what it really is but this book helped me see it for the drug addiction it is. I’m not saying I’m totally free of it yet but I m working towards a better future - and PMO isn’t in that future. I always feel at my best when I’ve stayed away from PMO and I think that’s true for all of us so the question to ask is ‘why do we keep going back to it when it makes us feel awful?’…simple - it’s the substance that’s driving the addiction and its what makes us want more. It offers nothing but darkness and a broken life while trying to trick us into thinking its something worthwhile or something we need. Ultimately we keep consuming it in the present while destroying all hopes, dreams and a future of freedom we are supposed to be enjoying. I really hate everything about porn!! Good luck for today!


Very will said sir. Today I’m 157 days free and loving life!

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I printed it out and made notes in the margins, I’m not a huge fan of the e book either

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Nice, very nice. Keep going. I’m just 2 days shy of the 3 week mark but have to really be on my guard!

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I have failed. :disappointed:


You haven’t failed. You have slipped forward. Use this as a constructive way to see what happened and how you can learn from this. You are in a far stronger position than a few months ago and not back to the beginning.
I know how awful you are feeling and have been where you are plenty of times but we have both felt how wonderful it is to be free from porn so don’t let this become a binge and get back into the fight.
We are all behind you bro!!!


Glad to find a safe community to talk about pmo and sobriety. I’m a couple months free of porn and sex but i am still having a rough time with masturbation. Specifically i go about a week and then i wake up from my sleep and i toss and turn and am flooded with urges and can’t sleep. I keep giving in but I’m trying to set myself up for success the next time that happens because masturbation endangers all the progress I’ve made with my other more destructive behaviors.


Sometimes going for a walk (yes even in the middle of the night) helps me to manage those late night urges. Just like the Snickers motto, you aren’t you when you’re tired. Get some blood moving again and you’ll feel a bit better sitting with the urge.


It’s only a failure if you plan to give up. Just like a child learning to walk, you’re learning to live without PMO and that’s tough. Be patient with yourself and try again - you deserve a life free of vice.


I PMO’d on Sun/Mon for the first time in 115 days.

I won’t beat myself up about it. There’s lots to build on from these last few months and its been a really good learning experience. And I definitely feel I’ve made some decent progress and am moving in the right direction towards where I want to get.

I’m also pleased that I can look back on the last year and a half overall and say that I’m not someone who generally looks at porn or masturbates anymore. Would be awesome to say that I don’t do it at all one day!

There will be no ‘resetting the counter’ or ‘Day 1’ or any of that. I made a single poor decision but a few hours of stupidity does not erase 4 months of hard work. I’ll keep targeting improvement and get straight back to it.

Onwards and upwards…keep working hard guys and you can reach your goals :muscle:


Perfect attitude bro. This mental war is tough and resetting the counter is not productive at all. We have all put the work in. Last year I failed every 7.9 days, I am now porn free for 160 days. It’s still a daily battle with my default settings. I can’t be on social media. This is it for me. It’s taken me 20 freaking years to break free. Finish the year sober and free!


160 days is awesome bro.

In time you will find a new default setting. One that is no longer full of pain, struggle and porn, but instead rich with fulfillment, development and growth. You got this :muscle:


Seven months today! I’ll admit, it was a hard and bumpy road getting to this point, but I’m thankful for my healing and for the continued encouragement from all my brothers here by the fire as well as those friends I’ve made since attending group therapy back at the end of 2021.

While I definitely feel proud of the progress I’ve made, I would be remiss if I didn’t take accountability for the past month. It’s not been without it’s challenges. I’ve been caught in a lot of lust traps lately and have found myself going down the rabbit hole of various fitness girl profiles on social media. While most of these would not be considered pornographic, some have lead to nudity and erotic content. Of course I leave said profiles and pages upon seeing this material, but I also need to be accountable and admit that I have been swimming in these unsafe waters on purpose. While not necessarily looking for porn, I have been seeking pictures that cause me to feel lust even though I might not actively allow my brain to fantasize. My body is not stupid, it knows what’s erotic and what’s just fitness motivation. For this, I need to own up and admit that I’ve been sloppy this month. So, before my post, I did a bit of maintenance and unfollowed those profiles and pages that are inappropriate. My promise to you guys and to myself, and to the good Lord who blesses me with strength; I will come on here and be accountable for these things and continue to progress.

For those of you who think time is everything, it’s not. Even at seven months, I still make mistakes, I still have need of recovery and continued maintenance. I promise to do better and get back to where I need to be. I’ve taken a few hits, but I’m still standing. Recovery isn’t perfect, but it’s worth every step!



Keep your head up my friend. You will bounce back. Take this as a learning experience, you fucked up somewhere. Figure out where that was. Here’s some advice ; start with finding your emotional trigger ( were you sad, angry, lonely, tired, etc etc ) figure out what emotional state you were in that triggered you initially. Then identify your mistaken belief ( what were you telling yourself in that moment that you agreed with ) I.e : I can’t do this, I am nothing without porn or masturbation, I will never find someone who loves me, etc etc. Lastly find your weak link. Do you have a device that is unprotected, do you have an app on your phone that is unnecessary, do you have cues in your room that lead to certain acts ;( I.e : lotion, tissues, condoms, etc etc ) find out your weak link & take action so you can be stronger next time. It’s okay to make mistakes, to have slip ups, & even setbacks, but you have to make them mean something. You need to be able to take something from them.


Wanted to share this with you guys, just established it yesterday. Here goes, my WHY statement ; I’m committed to being porn free because I’m tired of feeling unloveable & worthless. I want more connection & belonging in my life. Previously I had created a WHY statement on my own, but it was more of a generalization of things rather than a single motivating reason. Now that I have one, I want everyone here to know it. It locks my commitment to myself in place. & it shares it with you guys which helps to keep myself accountable. I encourage all of you to come up with a single motivating why statement of your own. Something very specific. A specific cost or negative outcome of your porn use, & a specific benefit you get without porn.
I’m proud of all you guys holding yourselves & each other accountable, through the milestones & setbacks. Keep at it brothas!


It’s progress not perfection and you seem to be doing well by God’s Grace. Congratulations on reaching 7 months. I am thankful and grateful that by God’s Grace I have 2 weeks.

For the most part is has been a pretty clean sobriety, but I admit like you, sometimes I use social media to look at women and to get a minor lust fix. I need to stop doing this, because the only one I am fooling is myself. God surely is not buying any of this malarkey.

That aside, I have been very good at surrendering taking the opportunity to take second looks and glances at women that I find to be attractive in public. I instead go to God and admit my powerlessness over lust and ask for His help. So far it has been working by His Grace. Yes, there are still temptations, but ultimately the obsessive thinking has dwindled away. Again, this is by God’s grace and not of by own willpower or doing. Having victory over these small battles ultimately keep me from being porn free which ultimately keeps me from masturbating. Looking forward to seeing where this goes. In the meantime, I will keep turning to God for help, because in no way shape or form can I do this on my own.


A few days away from 8 months sober of PMO, and thinking about the long journey and hard falls which have brought me here. Truly identifying the core root issue was the single most helpful thing I did. I allowed myself to start loving myself again, peeling off layers and layers of negative core beliefs; unlovable, will always fail, ugly, stupid. All the stories in my head and those placed there by others. Going back to college taking addiction counseling for substance abuse and dual disorders has been an eye opener, especially with my drug and alcohol fueled past. Grateful each waking hour to be free of porn, distorted thoughts, and helping others in theor own journies.