PMO - Porn, Masturbation, Recovery

I’m inclined to agree with your take on it too


Working on getting the band together… I’m with it. What timezone is everyone in?


Eastern time zone (same time zone as New York)

Cool cool. Central here

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Is that 1700 GMT? Brain is slow today :sweat_smile:

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GMT is five hours ahead of Eastern Time in North America, so 12:00 noon would be 17:00 GMT, yes :+1:

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I should have written: KNOWING the reason, we might recover much quicker. But maybe lust is the problem - even if I fix one reason, mind might develop new reason? I don’t know.

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I wrote email to SA group, but they provide not much info - they recommend call on their number. I only received info in email that in my city there might be group of 30-40 people.
Today I called the number, but nobody answered.
I wanted to try next hour, but I get some kind of panick attack:
“Hey, people in SA group don’t struggle with sugar addiction… Lust is like drugs… You might meet prostitutes, homosexual people, HIV/AIDS people, guys from jail… all the disgusting and dubious people with tatoos, piercing, strange hair… Maybe they also have/had drug addiction…”

I know there will be also normal people in these groups: teachers, bus drivers, waitress etc. But I don’t feel comfortable with the idea that people I described earlier might know my face, name, and facts that I don’t share publicly.
I have some problem with PMO, but generally I’m law abiding citizen with normal look, some kind of “nice” guy. There were never shocking deeds in PMO, no prostitutes, no drugs, no dubious clubs etc.
That “dark world” I might see makes me really scary.

I had crisis and almost ruined my sobriety milestone, but I survived. 22 clean days.

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I dont think appearance, someone’s past, and all of that should factor into who might be at a meeting. Theres no one-size-fits-all of the people you’ll come to interact with. I think that may be an unreal expectation.

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I agree. Lust is the problem. It appears and reappears, it tries to mask itself / disguise itself in questions and doubts (like when I say “I haven’t tried it this way; maybe it is ok this way? I should try”). It is deceitful and anytime I have let lust into my life, it always takes over and it is a problem.

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Me too.

You probably know most of those people already. They are in all parts of life. They are good people. I am sure you have interacted with one or more of these people in your life and the topic has never been discussed, because it doesn’t need to be.

Regardless: what you are hearing now is the voice of fear, and it is another voice trying to keep you stuck in addiction. In this case, your addiction is lying to you, because it knows if you go to the meeting, that gets you one step closer to being free of lust.

I will make you a bet:
Go to the meeting. I am sure you will be glad that you went, and I am sure that the problem you imagine will happen with the people, will not actually happen. If I am wrong, I will mail you some of the world’s best chocolate, which is manufactured in my province.



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Hey everyone, for this Fridays meeting at noon EST, please come here a few minutes before and I’ll post the zoom meeting id and password (if one is needed).

Looking forward to it.

I’m at Day 7 of my sobriety.
I’ve been 270 days clean before. That’s my best. I’ve had other small streaks here and there but nothing better than 270 days.
The meetings will help us all. That’s the goal.

I’ll try and keep it to 30 minutes and give everyone a chance to speak or whoever wants to speak.


I’m beyond frustrated this morning to the point that acting out using PM crossed my mind and sounded like a good idea. I am still sober. Just the thought of isolating, numbing out and not having to deal with the present feelings and emotions of defeat, rejection, and anger sounded like a fit. Ultimately, I know it’s not and thats how come I’m still sober. I know after that feeling of euphoria and gratification comes, so follows regret, self hatred and guilt. I no longer want to walk those paths so instead I figured that I would bring it to the light. Thanks for letting me share. ONE MOMENT AT A TIME


I was in your exact same shoes last Monday but only difference is I acted out.

Do not and I repeat do not act out.
Never worth it! Good on you for not giving up.

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Thank you. It’s so difficult at times, I cant even lie. I’m going to call my sponsor and some fellows and talk it out best that I can.


What happened? (if you’re comfortable sharing) That sounds like you got hit pretty hard, whatever happened.

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What’s the name of those chocolates? Can I get it through Amazon? :yum:

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Hummingbird Chocolate