PMO - Porn, Masturbation, Recovery

Welcome back, @Petri

Have you checked out Easy Peasy yet?


Good to be back!
I haven’t heard of the book yet, I’ll read it for sure! Thanks.

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Welcome @Petri

@KevinesKay introduced me easy peasy back in November. Changed my life. Like most people who read the book, Halfway done with it I knew it was over, as easy as throwing it in the trash. It’s over. Now let me be clear: I’ve been addicted from 9 10 years old and I’m 40. Today is 60 days. But porn is drinking bleach. It destroys you. The brainwashing makes you think it has some kind of power over you. All lies. Who needs/craves bleach? Please, read that book



Yes, Easy Peasy is a key read! Welcome Petri…you have made the right choice to change and pursue freedom and accountability. Porn, masterbation and orgasm-seeking behaviour drains your life of all joy and creates stress, anxiety and leaves you with an awful feeling of despair. I hate the awful dark shadows it creates in my life and will never again seek comfort in it…simply because it never gives comfort. Its a lie. It’s all an illusion, promising you something it can never provide. Instead it leaves a void and destroys our lives while hurting everything and everyone we care about.


I have listened the easy peasy as you guys suggested, truly interesting book it’s like it flips how you look at it. I do Sam Harris waking up every day since this summer and did meditation before. Think it gives a larger space for my feelings. Also on the same theme as Sam is Eckhart Tolle and The Power of Now A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment there is a shorter version with less religious comparisons if you have a problem with that. Both give you a new insight for boredom and how to cope with the now, feelings and thoughts. One last is huberman lab on YouTube and pod he have a great episode on dopamine and another on addiction and a third on depression.

Thanks for all the stories and tips!
Meet your self with compassion and curiosity.


Same here! I was exposed to it when i was still a kid and i remember masturbating in CLASS! Like what??? Still to this day i struggle and many continue with this dark addiction. You got this! You all got this just be patient


How’s everyone holding up?


Day 63 tomorrow. … no cravings or withdrawals. Constantly safeguarding my mind against bad thoughts and protecting my eyes from lingering to long. How about yourself?


Glad you could join us Steve. Welcome to the club. And congratulations on starting the new year right sober from porn. :slightly_smiling_face:

$20 per hour on Doordash on your first day? That’s incredible! Good job.

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Day 8 clean. A little withdrawal and need for self talk reminding myself why I stopped PMO and how its totally worthless and the cause of all the problems it pretends to cure. Also some dreams about acting out last night. Best feeling in the world knowing its not who I am anymore!!


It’s ok to have dreams. I’ve come to accept them as a natural part of life. At times I even enjoy them, but I also choose not to dwell on them. Don’t feel bad for having them, and don’t feel obligated to not enjoy them, but I do advise you not to dwell on them - that’s the key.

Keep up the fight, focus on your successes instead of your failures, keep your chin up :fire:

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Thanks. Have just re-read some of my easy peasy notes. Helps me remember the incredibly powerful reasons I had for stopping in the first place. Times like today I can feel my resolve weaken so I use that to refocus my mind. Going for a run now to feed myself with some healthy dopamine. Hope your days going well no matter what life throws at you!


Yeah buddy! Get after it!

One thing you mentioned earlier I do everyday for 63 straight days now: that positive self talk. I don’t get withdrawals but when I use my phone in previous ‘trigger spots’ I just say things like… Yippee im free or not drinking any bleach anymore im free. It’s like a super power activated just to let my brain know… don’t even think about it. 2022 Porn Free in my #1 goal. I’m a father…a husband… however being porn free makes you BETTER AT LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE IN LIFE. in makes you more confident, less selfish, more present than you’ve ever been. Guilt and shame have no hold on me. :fire::fire::fire::fire:


You’re so right in everything you just said! The burden lifted is beyond words isn’t it!!! It’s like we’ve been suffocating for so long with PMO and now we can inhale fresh air and it feels great!:+1: I don’t ever want to go back to that life…


Just checking in - great day with no desire to leave this freedom and drink the bleach! Hope you are all getting on well!


Feeling it’s hard, read the easypeasy and can feel what they are saying. But only on day six since mo and more than 20 since pmo. Feel lonely, horny, bored and thoughts like, one peak what’s the harm. Like one session isn’t going to do anything. This also makes me feel like I have failed even without doing anything. Had have days of joy and think I’m appreciate people more. I don’t know we’re I’m going with this.

Have a good one!

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We’ve all been there. Personally I need to re-read easy peasy at times or at least parts of it just to remind myself of why I decided to stop in the first place. The little monster wants a fix and doesn’t care where it gets it. PMO is a great lie. There is no such thing as one more peek just a life time of slavery. Remember, you decided to stop in the first place for an incredibly powerful reason - everything else that’s pulling you back is illusory urges. PMO creates the problem, it doesn’t solve it. Ask anyone in this group. Keep your chin up. 3 weeks at least before the withdrawal goes away so hang in there!!


Been in your shoes many times. Don’t start that cycle bro. Your brain crying out for dopamine…all lies. Brainwashing you to think you want one look… just one sip of BLEACH… THATS ALL I NEED… WHAT??? it will create a monster void and in turn grease those slides that will push you right back to drinking bleach. Think about that… your really craving what you know will destroy you from the inside. Think about that! Open up a few chapters… or simple scroll to the top of this chat because it’s easy peasy notes from all of us. Get through this night and check in on the morning. Your going to beat this. WE ALL ARE!!!


Thanks. So easy to go in to victim mode and feeling sorry for my self. Perhaps it’s the monster that is helping me going down that road. Feeling happy that I didn’t act on it. Today is another day.