PMO - Porn, Masturbation, Recovery

This DOC that we all deal with, there are alot of methods that helped that i have researched, but nothing hit me harder than Easyway guide to quitting porn. Halfway through the book, it was over. I have literally tried everything from Nofap to Your brain on porn, Matt dobshoots porn free radio method’s…all are great but nothing struck me to my very core quite like Easyway. Combing Easyway with bible principles it’s like forming ‘Voltron’. Finally powerful enough in my head to defeat the little monster/Brainwashing. A true gamechanger, not just with this problem, but i’ve opened my eyes to how much that brainwashing affects every aspect of your life from relationships to how you look at food. Because of easyway, i’m attacking all of my bad habits.


Thanks for all the encouragement everyone. I had another couple of slips this morning and last night. Unfortunately I get in a poor mind set and give up when I fall down. I know this isn’t a good mentality to surrender to even when I am down in the dumps about losing my sobriety. I am resolving not to make this mistake again in the coming hours. I am going to a meeting is about 10 minutes for this addiction and am hoping I find some peace from it.

Before I head out to it can anyone elaborate on Easypeasy and Easyway or provide links to where I can find information on either of the two. I think I looked up Easyway before and it was a series of books that an author wrote. However, none of them, at least the ones on saw on Amazon dealt primarily with porn and masturbation addiction. Is there one that does and am I just missing it? I will try googling Easypeasy as I haven’t done that yet and see what turns up. On a different note, I do have the white book and I will be getting other books from the same organization that sells the white book to help me on my journey.

Thank you everyone for your support and sorry for dropping the buck again today. Here we go again. I got this!


Here is and dont beat yourself up, try to meet yourself with love, kindness and curiosity. It’s so easy to take out the whip.


Thanks Chris for the link. I started reading the digital book that is on the site you send me. I am guessing not, but does that guy sell a physical copy of the book or is only the digital website one available. I prefer physical books rather than digital ones. If not, I will have to make the digital one work. Thanks and still sober thankfully.

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I downloaded mine in PDF format. And I’m sure that I could print out the book on my printer.

So far, Frazier Patterson is not selling any hardcover or paperbacks of this hack book. However, he plans to write a new book that incorporates all the methods in this one.

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Well done - 90 days is a real victory!

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What usually pushes you back to addiction is shame and guilt. Your body tries to make you feel good by flooding you with dopamine… which in turn pushes you back to porn. When you read that book… we have alot to discuss 100%.


Still sober. Some irrational draw to drink bleach and pick up the paper tiger this morning but realigned my thoughts with the truth that being free is far better than the worthless poison of PMO which creates all my problems rather than curing them. Also read the checklist section in easy peasy which brought me back to reality. Lots of self talk too and prayer and realignment.

So much distortion in our world and lives over the years about women and sex. I need to keep reminding myself of the authentic role we have in life and not the lies sold to us by the porn industry - they’re just trying to make a fast buck and love addicts…just like the drug dealer trying to sell heroin to an addicts who’s trying to come off that poison.

Remember the first drink or drug session is the worst so no ’ one more peeks’. God Bless!


Just a quick reference from easy peasy.





I’m on day 11 since MO and 26 since last pmo, there is a feeling of relief. Not fully but some. Day 5-8 was very intense. Whenever I saw an attractive girl I felt horniness and that I had to go home and MO. Ever since my pre teen I have taken mental “pictures” of women that I found attractive so I could MO to that fantasy image later. Almost obsessive behavior. Like something bad would happen if I didn’t. The last days I felt that just do one pmo to get it done and over with and release it all. But I stayed in that feeling tried to see it with curiosity. One thing that I really remember from easypeasy is the study on the bushmen and that it wasn’t common to MO, I think it gives me the feeling that I don’t “need” to do it. It’s not something that I have to have like food or water. As before I have thought that it was some human basic thing and I really had to do it.


Another thing that helps is the transition from seeing people as just people and not just hips, butts, thighs, oh she’s beautiful i wish i could…That self talk helps. You are going to see attractive people, it’s what you do with that image that shows your commitment to change. When i see a beautiful woman i just say to myself, “She’s a human being dude.” And i move on with life. That little monster will try to control your every thought if you give him power. We dont have to imagine having sex with every person we see, that’s porn. It desensitizes you into thinking that’s normal behavior. Seeing people as people and not dwelling on fantasy thoughts combined with that self talk goes a long way to breaking free.


This is so true for me. Thanks for sharing


Never posted anything before when I have a craving but I thought I’d give it a shot. Rather not drink bleach and I know y’all agree with me

Stay classy, friends


You’re welcome any time my friend. We welcome all to the fire :fire:

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100% Facts. We are done with that life, i post here everyday on TS as a reminder, Sober 2022 is my Top Priority!


@MeSober @Matt

The other group has gone quiet, I’ve started this group to give continued support to those of us still struggling with PMO.

You both are welcome to join the fire :fire:


I’m curious, where does the phrase Drinking Bleach come from? I’ve never though of it that way, but I like the analogy. Did it come from a book or program?

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It’s from easypeasy, it’s a good comparison :sweat_smile:. Gives you some distance to it all.


I’ll have to check it out so I can understand haha

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