PMO - Porn, Masturbation, Recovery

That’s my go to self talk…“i’m not drinking bleach not now, not ever again.” That book bro…gamechanger. 20+ years of trying to get my subconscious right. Easy Peasy’s perspective on p*orn was the thing that changed my logic and just made sense.


I’ll have to give it a look. The more tools I can add to my kit to help me and others, the better.


I get an urge to pmo, it’s like a soft buzz in the body, feeling agitated, like something is missing. It’s physical. But I’m really glad to have you guys. I think of all of you who is also in this. Makes me feel less lonely and humble, the physical feeling is relieved some.


Good way of looking at it. Next time you feel it, try to think of the core need that you’re lacking. Do you really need PMO? Or is it just a lie your brain tells you because it’s starved for dopamine?


It varies from person to person. I’ve heard of people going two years before they even START to heal. I felt a lot of anxiety over my past for about 90 days. Even after that, I felt like my past was always right behind me just waiting for me to slip up. Finally after I hit 100 days, I started feeling true progress -that I had truly changed and was no longer the man I was. That’s when I started feeling good about myself again.

I’m almost 4 months from my last relapse. Its the longest stretch for me since 2015. I still have my days… Sometimes I feel tempted, sometimes I even feel curious, but then I remember how much porn hurt me and my wife and I refuse to go back. I love my family and I love myself too much to go back.

I also feel a strong connection to you guys - all my brothers around the fire :fire: as well as those still struggling in the dark. I know the pain they feel because I lived in it for years. If I can help anyone on the road of recovery and healing, I will.

That’s what it means to me to be clean and feel like me again.


Welcome stopping. There are some groups that have been mentioned in this thread that I find to be quite helpful. In my opinion, groups help me stay connected with other people. Staying connect helps me to shine light on my darkness and helps me resist giving into temptation and lust cravings. I’m on day 2 and a half now and if I didn’t connect with someone this evening when a temptation came along, I might not still have my sobriety. Keeping my lustful fantasies bottled up in myself only leads me to acting out. Sharing my struggles with someone exposes my weakness and gives me strength. I am not sure if this helps or if it will help you on your path, however, speaking for myself shining light on things that I sometimes try to keep buried help me break free off the chains of this addiction. God Bless.


So I’m at day 70. No withdrawals no cravings. It took me 20 years to get to this point… I’m not exaggerating. For myself and a few others… was the Gamechanger that changed me to the core. I will not be watching porn. Halfway through this book… it was over. A few others have had that same experience. I 1000% recommend this book. It will flip your perspective on your struggle. For me… I’m free. And I’ve been waiting to feel this since I was 22 years old. I’m now 40.


I’m a bit like you - I am totally finished with PMO but every week I get to a stage where I fall back into temptation or even forget the many real reasons for stopping. My resolve weakens and I act out. I then immediately regret it and feel awful. Yesterday I slipped and felt so frustrated because I know its worthless and all I’m left with is anxiety, irritability, frustration and disappointment. It’s like the haze clears and I can see PMO for the great lie it is. Straight back to clearing my life from it. I re read easy peasy and it is so clear. I am gradually programming my heart and mind that no matter what the draw…I’ve incredibly powerful reasons for stopping when I’m thinking clearly and not under the influence of last. So now no matter what the reasons for acting out or my circumstances, I’m just not going to give it the power by having one more peek and starting that chain reaction again.

This group is great!


Ps that makes me day 2 because I reset my counter but its not back to square 1 as I’m in a different place now to when I joined this group.

My biggest challenge is no more one more peek - will keep posting on this group because I need the accountability and get real encouragement from you guys that this is a real battle and it’s time to stop - it is possible!


I’m on day 13 of no mo and a little longer since last pmo. Right now my cravings are through the roof. It’s physical really bad just want to mo and get rid of this feeling. That’s the easy way out. Still haven’t done anything. It won’t fix anything in the long run. Just massive dopamine and opiate withdrawal. The little monster… using Sam Harris meditation on addiction. But right now it feels awful. Just want to go through this and not act on it. I don’t want to be in this.


Been there many times. Ultimately we have a choice. If we are in a clear state of mind and able to think straight and able to weigh up the pros and cons of PMO we will always choose NOT to act out. Everything in you telling you to act out and self medicate is a lie and all an illusory urge. Take it from me (yesterday) it satisfies nothing and leaves you feeling awful with dark thoughts.

Find your dopamine hit somewhere good and beneficial. Keep posting on this site- I find it a great way to stay in reality and away from fantasy.

Wish you strength for today. Daily progressive purity.


Another thing to think about: On your journey to get free, are you making it hard on yourself with social media? Internet alone use? Still browsing like Everyone else? I can’t speak for everyone of course, but being free from social media with blockers on, helps your resolve. We know that A) Porn is Trash B) We know it’s like drinking bleach and Yet if you put yourself in harms way, you are only “Greasing those slides”. Your brain on porn/Easy Way method talks about that 'Delta Phos B" switch in your brain. The more you look at stimulating images (edging) your ‘greasing those slides’ priming your brain to push for more and more Dopamine (which in our case, we get it in the worst possible way, Porn). Hatred/Staying away from Porn is about answering the brainwashing, protecting yourself from images, and positive self talk to ‘that little monster’. Searching for Porn to fill a void that only creates a much larger void is so worthless. But protect your mind at all cost.

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I’m with you for sure! No Facebook, tic too, social media, u tube plus have Covenant Eyes as well and no porn apps. I have 113 Web sites listed on my Covenany Eyes block list but they keep putting more out there plus all the pop up adds with porn…so in your face!!

I hate PMO deeply and I know its empty…just need to practice presence if mind any time the engine gets running. Ystd morning I woke from another sensual dream so the engine was running before I even got myself together Bd then the cravings hit like a flash.

Absolutely no excuse and I suffered for it - the little monster doesn’t care where it gets its next hit from. I’ll be ready next time. Its over for me. No defeat just a stronger focus on stopping.


Thanks for the support all! It helps when its difficult, much appreciated. There are so many good things thats also going on, one thing is that I really like beeing with other people. I was so happy to see a college today. I’m finding the conversation entertain and it feels good to be in the company of other people. I also think I feel more awake and having a better night sleep. I’m walking around with less shame and I’m feeling less like an outsider. So happy for it all. :grinning:

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You are awsome! Big inspiration. Keep it up.

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On my way.


Had a discussion with my brother today, I got so frustrated, he said things like porn is not an addiction etc. I tried not to be to aggressive but he isn’t at all up to date with this and was saying things like there isn’t studies etc that is supporting that. I don’t know it just got to me. I mean it’s like he questioned what I’m doing and going through. It’s been pretty shitty at times and I haven’t fantasized what I have felt physically.


Hi, just joined the app and joined because I figured that I needed to stop with porn. All it can do in the long run is hurt me. I hope I can recover and you all can recover too. I’m here for you, and I hope you can repay the favor


Welcome! Your in the right place. We are all at different places in recovery from 4 months free to a few days. If you scroll up in this chat there are alot of great suggestions to help you in the journey.

This was a great help for a few of us. This was the GameChanger for me personally. I would read this and hopefully reap the benefits of a porn free life!