Quitter's quit being a quitter on quittin' thread

Wow dude. Your strong! Nice work. You inspire me.


Well day 50 was easier!!

Wow. 50 days seems such a long time sober for me. I am very pleased with myself. Back when i started this thread at 7 days sober, 50 days seemed so far away but it came around pretty quick!!

I felt good today. I nearly didnt even think about booze too!!

I just hope i can continue. I do get scared i might slip in the future… but i have learnt here from all you wonderful people to not think of the future mights and maybes and just think of today.

Today i am sober by the grace of my higher power… to borrow an AA phrase.

My higher power is hope for my future, appreciation of my present and wisdom from my past.

I am here in the present looking to the future, one day at a time, away from my past.


You can do this.


Thank you for posting your updates :blush: I’m back at day 1 after 19 days sober. Reading all your posts is giving me the motivation to kick this addiction out once and for all. You should be so proud of yourself :muscle::ok_hand:


Updated thread title.

“Quitter’s quit being a quitter on quittin’ thread.”


You are doing great @Quitter and keeping me chuckling.


Love it, great to read, love the directness, honesty and self discovery :thumbsup:


So my last update was 10 days ago and i said i would only update this thread every week or so…

Today is day 60 aka two months. I feel great i really do. I am finding not drinking much much easier.

Two months ago i thought getting 60 days would be really hard. Yeah the first 30 were difficult but the second 30 seemed to pass in half the time as the first 30. So i guess 60 days really only feels as long as 45 days.

The thought of never drinking again doesnt seem so impossible as well. I can visualise sober living. I can see all the replacements.

In the last two months… even though i have been battling addiction my work productivety has sky rocketted i have lost tonnes of weight. I am healthier i feel healthier. Mentally, i feel stronger. I dont feel anxious anymore. I feel confident in my own abilities again. Ok im not perfect theres still loads of improvements to make… but all the improvements at least seem possible! Unlike when i was pouring beer down my throat every evening.

I feel healthier than i have ever been in my entire adult life. My relationships with EVERYONE is better. Even throwaway relationships is better… you know like the ones like the cashier… or the postman… i feel like i engage with people better now… that i am here now… not that hungover guy wishing he was in bed… battling through the day just to get to the finishline of booze and then bed… i am enjoying life again.

This is crazy how much life can change in such a short time when you remove addiction.

Why was i happy at giving myself a handicap against every other person? Why would i do that to myself? I feel like the playing field has evened. In fact… in a weird way i kinda dont mind the fact that there are other current active alcoholics out there using… as i then have an advantage over them. Is that a weird and selfish thing to think?

I dunno. Feels predatory thinking like that. I still have doubts over my emotional psychology. I still think my thought processes are guided by addiction. So i feel like i still cant trust my own thoughts. Especially when i am thinking that i can leverage advantage over others being addicts. I kinda feel a bit ashamed to admit these thoughts. But hoping that being open and honest can help me in this process.

You just dont see it when in active addiction… active as in currently using. I wonder were others looking at me buying beer every day thinking good little sheep keep yourself medicated there… good boy… dont cause trouble just medicate… medicate… dumb yourself down… good little boy…

Meh. I dont know. Anyway… this is my two month sober ramble and i dont update often so i feel like i am allowed to ramble on like a loony if i want to!

Moral of this post is:

Dont give yourself a handicap againt others! Life is hard enough to get ahead. So if possible, try to get your enemies or rivals addicted to booze so you can own them easy!


Thanks for the novel Pal! :joy:


Great post!! With your trademark style. :rofl:


@Gabe.G. Perfectly stated.

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And just like that it’s one week later and i still havent touched a drop.

67 days since my last drink.

I think this will be a short update, i dont really have anything else to add. I feel just the same as last week - great!!

I still get those moments where i lust to buy ten beers and down them one after the other. But then i reign it in and realise how quickly one booze up could lead to drinking everyday again.

One thing i have noticed is that i dont say stupid ass stuff anymore… well… not as much anyway. Before, when i was a drunk i would say bizarre shit to people. I dont know why i did that. Not even when i was drunk… but when i was hungover… or in general i would just say stupid things to people.

So i think being sober has helped stop me act the fool. But acting the fool is a lot of fun. I still do it but not as much.

What goes through my mind… it is kinda like tourettes… inappropriate ideas i think is funny or amusing and i say or do it… harmless shit you know? I suppose you could describe my behavior as mildly irritating to an outside observer.

It translates to the online world as trolling and i dont mean to troll it just comes out sometimes. I got a 3 day ban on here for trolling last week. My problem is i do before i think. Impulsive behavior. Gets me in trouble a lot.

I said i didnt have much to say in this post. Turns out i have a lot of nothin to say right!

Talking shit is a god given gift and i shant deny it! No i wont mama! I shant i shant i shant!

Haha. “I shant i shant i shant” - whats that sound like? Some 1930s british toff or something?

“I shant tell papa i will be late or i will miss supper!”

I dont know what else to say. Well anyway… 67 days. "Woo hooo… yeaaaaahhhh… "


I can see how you might get banned for a bit…you flirt and cross the line frequently. I would imagine it is all connected…addiction…impulsive behavior. Perhaps, as you are starting to see, the longer your sobriety, the more handle you will have on your acting out? Dunno, just a thought.

Congrats on your 67!! It is quite an accomplishment…you should be proud.

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I relapsed.

Yesterday i went out and bought 12 beers with the intention of drinking every one of them and getting drunk.

Today i have been hungover all day.

I managed 71 full days. And now it has just gone 24 hours since my last beer last night.

71 + 1 day sober now i guess.

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Oh man, I am sorry to hear that. Hope are doing okay…that sucks. Glad you are back at it.

What was it that made you decide to drink?

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Oh! What happened? You were on track! Another lesson learned I guess. Keep the faith :v:


71 days is amazing, 70 more than I’ve got today and 71 more than someone else. Glad you’re back on here - hopefully there will be a lesson you can take from this.


Congratulations on the sober days! Admitting your weakness to alcohol is always our first step. I’m right there with you! I can relate to your words here. Stay strong and keep inspiring us here :slight_smile: . I want to say don’t be too hard on yourself! But I decided to get harder on myself! I give in too easily to the temptation to drink. This time around I am going to discipline myself more.
@Quitter you have a lot to be sober for. I wish you luck and I wish you to pull out that inner strength .


Thanks everyone.

It was just the perfect storm. I had endured a very prolonged trigger all day long on saturday. Then on top of the prolonged trigger (that i couldnt escape from) i had two additional triggers. So i just gave in. I folded.

But… on the positive side. This is day 2. And i am motivated and determined to beat my 71 day recent record.

Progress… not perfection as they say!


Glad you are back at it!