Quitting on a Friday… 😮‍💨

Thank you! I’ve been reading about the physical and mental changes once you’ve been sober for certain amount of time and I sincerely can say I cannot wait to get out of this brain fog I constantly live in :face_exhaling:


Yeah alcohol never really did much good for anyone really.


Welcome to the Talking Sober, best clean cult on the interwebz! :wink: It sounds like you are very aware of what addiction has cost you, and are motivated go a different way. I hope the AA groups are helpful for you. They’ll all have their own ‘feel’ to them because they’re made up of people, so if you go to one that you weren’t happy with, don’t let it stop you from trying another.

Friday is a great day to quit! We even have a Friday thread where you can pop in specifically on Fridays. :+1: I hope this community will be a useful tool in your sobriety tool belt. There are some great threads that focus on other things such as plants, food, and pets, which I think can help one feel more comfortable and welcomed within a group that they might share some more personal details.

You’re right. Sometimes it will be hard, but you can do this. Congratulations on the first day of the rest of your life. :slightly_smiling_face:


How are ya doing?


Hey there and welcome. I’ve found the Everything AA app to be a godsend. They have virtual meetings linked on that app that might be good to listen in on. No need to wait. I went on average to a meeting a day in early recovery. I really wanted sobriety, and was willing to do whatever it took. Glad you are here.

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@Chiron awww I really appreciate your words! I’ve been trying to quit for a while now. Unfortunately, I don’t have the best support system at home and I tried to do it alone because I felt ashamed to admit I have an addiction. But enough is enough and I am determined to use all the resources available to finally change my life. I am so happy i found this place! I feel so welcomed and supported, I don’t even feel as scared anymore :grin:

@LeeHawk thank you for that! I actually was wondering how AA meeting work. Is it a weekly meeting that I have to attend or is it daily? But I think that is a great idea! My schedule doesn’t allow me to attend in person meetings more than once a week but I will definitely take your advice. It’s been harder than I thought to be honest


@Cjp ugh since I’m new the app has a restriction on the amount of replies I can do on a day :roll_eyes:.

Mornings have been easy, especially knowing I didn’t wake up with a killer headache and no energy but comes afternoon and it’s a different story. I have been getting anxious and restless, I have been trying so hard to remind myself why I’m quitting but man, I never thought I was this addicted until now that I am determined to quit for good :sob:


Can you go out for a walk or hit an aa meeting when the witching hour hits in the afternoon?

The name of the game was distraction for me early on.


@Cjp I do go for walks with my doggie in the evenings but to be honest that doesn’t help me get my mind off of alcohol :sob: I swear I’m so ashamed to admit that! But I’ve been thinking of distractions like You said and I’m planning to maybe go to the gym in the evening. I also like @LeeHawk ’s idea of attending virtual AA meetings daily around that time and one in person meeting weekly. Btw, I like the way you call it “witching hour” :joy: it is for sure!


Its great you are being proactive! Best of luck. Plus you can scroll these threads for days like i did lol


Zoom AA meetings have truly been a godsend to me. I could have written most of your post myself from my drinking days. You can do this but you don’t have to do it alone! :heart:


I hope you stay the course and trust the process…its slow and hard filled with ups ands downs but peace will be with you…i am 51 and am 70 days clean my story is colorful and my first meeting was in 1986 i say this to say hang in there no matter what happens


Thank you for your all your support and recommendations! I remember reading in another post someone saying they quit social media and made this app their only social media :sweat_smile: I think I’ll copy that idea. I know the app have a lot of limits for new members like me but I will still read some of the threads and get ideas and motivations from there :heart:


@Neverbeenpinned congratulations on your 70 days!!
I’ll be honest with you and when I decided to quit I was so excited and motivated and I still am, but now I am realizing how difficult and bumpy it’s starting to be. I was naïve enough to think this will be a one and done deal but man! Every moment of the afternoon gets harder and harder. But I’m so glad I found this community, all the support and motivation I have found here in such short amount of time it’s amazing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It is a process for sure. :people_hugging: It sure would be wonderful if we just made the decision and that was it…instead we get all sorts of feelings and thoughts and our old habits and addictions call to us. But we started this path for a reason…we wanted something different…and we sure do get that. The relief, release, seriously positive changes…they take time and effort and adjustment. It is just so different than what we are used to. Things that helped me were being gentle with myself and being okay with feeling like I was going to jump out of my skin (that feeling doesn’t last forever). Focusing on getting thru each minute without picking up a drink. Reading here as much as possible. Lots of walks and baths. Reading sobriety books and memoirs…I took so much from Annie Grace’s This Naked Mind and Holly Whitaker’s Quit Like A Woman…and tons of other quit lit. I read til they all bled into one. Girl Walks Out Of A Bar also really stuck with me. Meetings help a ton of people. Find the stuff that works for you. You are stronger than you think…believe in yourself. :people_hugging:


@SassyRocks i love reading so I will definitely be adding all that to my list! This weekend have been challenging but I just went grocery shopping and bought low calorie juices and mixes to make mocktails since my go to is fruity/sugary drinks! And yes I agree, I’ll take it a minute at a time. Thank you for all your support :heart:


My old fave was ginger beer (doesn’t actually have any beer or alcohol) + a bit of seltzer + a splash of lime. So yummy!!

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There are meetings around the clock. In early sobriety, I went to several a day. I also joined The Luckiest Club which helped tremendously that first year in conjunction with local AA. I need and want both. Journeys are all different so find what provides you the most support. And what you need will change as you get farther away from your last drink. Life is full of possibilities.


It can be hard to quit an addiction by yourself. I know from experience. Everyone on this forum knows what it’s like to wander through the wasteland of bad choices and despair; everyone here knows that feeling of shame which comes from having just enough self-awareness to know just how badly we might be screwing something up, and yet seeming as though we can’t get out of the cycle. So you’re in good company.

No one can walk the path for us, but we can have others who will travel with us and the value of that is immeasurable. I’m glad you found the app!

The restriction will be lifted pretty quickly if you stay active. :+1:


Congratulations for your decision and welcome, im on my 20th day today, everyday its a opportunitie, and its good thqt you started before lifengives you rough lesson like a crash or harm anyone youblove and end up alone with a moral hangover
Good luck! You can do it!