Quitting vaping and smoking

Nick man you are inspiring me. Ive been on the vape now for 6 years. And totally agree with you on the whole being beholden to it. Same bloody thing a drink really.
So, crack on buddy and I may well join you. I’ve just spent 50 quid on a weeks supply for holiday so I ain’t throwing that away.
Go get it my man.


Yuck at both those brands…Milwaukeee guy here… Plus they got a tool for everything and only 2 diff batteries.


I do understand your reasoning but isn’t it an addict’s reasoning Geoff? You all ready did throw the 50 quid away. On your addiction. it is spend whether you vape it away or throw it away. Not saying you should but it would be a nice statement towards your addicted self to actually trash the whole deal and be quit now.


Milwaukee drills are brilliant. Anything else isnt site worthy IMO. Had all sorts break on me or burnout from circular saws to multi tools. The drill is amazing though :grin:

50 quid!? What the fuck are you vaping? Unicorn tears?


I got a weeks supply mate.
@Mno, totally agree and know what you’re saying. But it’s my first sober holiday, and… well no excuse really.


Hope you’ll enjoy your holiday Geoff. Have a good one. I’ll have my first one sober in October.


Thanks Menno. Seriously I know exactly what you are saying. And it’s defo on the list, but has been for 6 years so…


Ha ha ha :joy::joy::joy: that made me laugh out loud!

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I quit smoking/vaping after summer last year. I wanted to get my first sober holiday and a few social occasions out the way. It helped me to use smoking as a crutch to get through them but also have a firm stop date.



Massively busy day at work yesterday saw me over the line for the week. Had a couple of wobbles and very nearly bought a packet of fags yesterday but didn’t. In general I’m okay but I’m finding people’s absolute stupidity is pissing me off even more at the moment.

One day at a time. Here’s to day numero 8


No smokescreen you can pull up between yourself and the outside world by smoking a fag any more. Stupidity comes in unfiltered too now. It does take some time to get used to that. Keep going Nick.


Today was the first day I’ve gone long gaps without thinking about vaping. I’d say once maybe twice an hour at most. Feel so mich kore alert, less sluggish and more with it if that makes sense and I thought I was feeling amazing before. It’s like I’ve gone higher spiritually.


What strength liquid were you on before you stopped mate. Are you on holiday now :slightly_smiling_face:

18mg mate. I’d try and drop to 11 bit just vaped twice as much. No pal fly in the morning cant come soon enough

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Bloody hell I’ve been on 3mg for around two years now but I am on it for a solid thirty minutes in the morning.
I’ve got a nicotine patch step down kit that I’m going to use this year sometime, maybe I’ll aim to stop for my birthday in November. Your doing well :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Arrived in Spain

Every fucker smokes :joy: and at 4 Euros a pack I’m not surprised. Cheap beer and fags. Fuck that. Black coffee on the balcony watching fuckers falling about and making bad life choices. I’ll take that tonight :joy:


Not going to lie though I obviously priced up all the fags and ale thinking fuck me I could do about a grand in here on my own in a week :joy: very dangerous place if your sobriety isnt in the right place :pray:


Guess who forgot his vape this morning when we left to go to Lands End!:thinking:


Might be your unconscious better you at work Geoff. Hope you’ll enjoy your day despite the withdrawals you will be experiencing. You’ll have distraction all around for sure. Success.

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