Reset #91 😞

Since using this app I’ve reset 91 times, 91!!!

Any help, advice, sharing your story would mean so much and help me
 I hate this life, even when I buy alcohol I hate it, when I drink it I hate it so why am I still doing it!!!


Because your an addict Lisa! This shit aint easy at all, sounds like time to draw a line in the sand and get sober for good
why do u think u keep relapsing? What do you do to stay sober?


Habit I guess, it’s been so long routine is a hard thing to break because I want this so bad. Always around the evening time but all day it’s like a battled within me convincing myself not too but then end up doing it anyway :sob:


Apart from habit why do u drink?


Firstly, stop being so hard on yourself. You won’t find many people that have been addicted to alcohol that manages to quit in the first few tries.

I have an app on my phone called Easy Quit Drinking, which is only a tracker app. I don’t even want to think how many times I had to reset that thing. I get it. It makes you feel shit and makes you doubt your ability to quit at all.

Do you know what I realised it was missing? SUPPORT from fellow addicts! I found this app, and thanks to the support from everyone here, tonight I will make it 30 full days without alcohol. You have got to reach out, and stay connected. Particularly in your early days.

I understand the routine bit. I was always a night drinker. I justified drinking at night because it was what I did to relax after a stressful day. I can tell you now, it made the start of the next day a million times harder for me. Alcohol only dampens emotions temporarily, everything else after that is a tornado trail of destruction. It screws everything up the next day, you’re tired and feeling toxic. You’ve just made today so much harder than it needed to be, rinse and repeat. It’s insane when you think about it.

To break your routine, get away from the routine. Are you sitting in your living room drinking? Well get your bum out of there and walk, or go see a friend, go to the cinema
 Do whatever it takes to get you away from your triggers.

I’m glad you’re here Lisa. We are here for you :slightly_smiling_face::people_hugging:


I don’t know if drinking on 91 out of 113 days is relapsing or just simply drinking.

are you really working on recovery? if so, what are you doing to get sobriety? just trying not to drink has not been enough for any alcoholic with long term sobriety that I have heard of.

here are some resources. pick three, give them a real go. in a few weeks, add some more, mix and match, untill you find a helpful combination for you. Resources for our recovery

here is what some ppl who’ve walked the walk before you have to say about what they have learnt:
Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)

lastly here’s something I replied to another member a little while ago that some ppl thought made a bit of sense, on the question “why do I keep doing this?”: Checking in daily to maintain focus #54 - #842 by Faugxh

good luck. it can be done. but no one other than you can do this for you.



I guess my first piece of advice would be to get active on here

Have you thought about a recovery program?


am not far behind you, your not alone :100:


Because it’s an addictive drug. Read the Naked Mind. That’s helped me.


You have to get over that first hump. Once you do that, you’ll never want to go back and feel this way. You can do it!


I thought it was habit that exposed a personal failing. Well, it turns out that for me, as an active alcoholic, I could not not drink. I had to return to it after a day or a two because I was obsessed with it and compelled to drink against my own will.

On my own, I do not have the resources to stay sober. Certainly not to stay sober and happy. I find those resources, that strength, in this community and in my AA program.

I believe that you too can find the strength you need. Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey.


What are you doing on a daily basis to seek outside help with your sobriety?

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Aww love this so much! Thank you for those words :grinning: day 1 let’s go


I relapsed I don’t know how many times. I kept deleting the app when it got too high. But I had many people asking me what it was I was willing to do and for so long the truth was “not a heck of a lot”. The reality was that I didn’t want to be an alcoholic but I didn’t want to stop drinking!!

Eventually I did reach a point (I guess it was my “rock bottom”) where I finally had enough and the thought of any drink was too much. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t still hard but I was finally willing to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to get sober.

So really the question is, do you REALLY want to stop and what are you willing to do?



There’s no shame in resetting it shows that you do care and want to get help :heartpulse:

I had to go to rehab and I found the 1 on 1 counselling helped, maybe taking yourself out if your every day life and taking a step back to reflect and have a discussion about what is maybe causing you to relapse, we done a life story in rehab which makes you right down your life story and how you feel from as early age to current time today, I read out my life story and had feedback from people in the same position as me and professional councillors which helped me understand why I am using and drinking, I was then given a path to help me recover and live a better life, it’s impossible to do it on your own so please reach out to get professional help if you have tried so many times and reset yourself don’t be scared to take the extra step for professional help it was the best thing I ever done I now have my life back :heart_hands:


Make a list of what you have done to be sober, then make a list of things you should do to get sober. Or a list of advice you have received here. Then compare those two lists and ask yourself how hard you have tried to get get sober.

Not drinking for 3 days isn’t sobriety, it’s abstinence. Obsession of the mind will prevail everytime unless you change how your mind is being utilized.


So this may be why you haven’t stopped drinking. You haven’t even started to try. This thread is a perfect example of why you still drink. You haven’t been back in well over a day. Re-read @Faugxh and @VSue posts.

I understand my tone is direct. What may be happening is you recognizing a problem brewing and you are reaching out earlier than many people would. Courage is a great attribute to have when you finally get ready to accept alcoholism and not get in the arena with it. I had to experience years in this state with ever increasing bottoms before I was willing to surrender to the fact that I couldn’t drink. As soon as I did that, AND committed to a program of recovery, I was not only able to get sober, I was able to begin a journey which led me to the beautiful life I have today.

I hope you decide long before I did to give up alcohol in order to gain all the freedom that goes with it. Keep in mind that you are playing Russian roulette with that bottle every time you take a drink. And that alcohol is just as deadly but oh so much more full of pain and suffering before hand.


Exactly :100:.


Surround yourself with lots & lots of sober, supportive ppl. Create a relapse prevention plan. Go to support meetings. Utilize In The Rooms. Go to therapy. Get on medication if you feel like you need to. Get a recovery coach. Write yourself a letter that you can read when you feel like relapsing. Only focus on today bc thinking about never using again for the rest of your life is way too intimidating & overwhelming. Watch the seconds go by if you really need to. Celebrate every little milestone. Get sobriety coins & display them. Even if you’re 100% certain that you’re going to relapse, call someone & talk to them anyway. Practice self care. Learn how to cope in healthy ways. Focus on sober hobbies you love. Truly love your recovery & truly be proud of yourself. Know what you truly want in your heart. Like TRULY know. Once you know the answer, you’ll always know what to do every single day.


Thank you everyone who has responded your words have been taken in and I’m working on myself with the help of you guys đŸ«¶đŸŒ