Reset yet again

I’ve been trying so hard but can only get to around 5 days I’m resetting again at 3… im not even going to give you and excuse it is what it is …


You don’t need to give us a excuse. Just yourself.
You are here for yourself and it’s your recovery.
Welcome back though!
It still is a fine community of sober people up here and you are one of us now!
I had my share of relapses in the past too, but sober for almost 6 years now with the help of this app.
Take you time to read and settle in here.
Any questions? Just ask! There is always someone awake here to answer them.
Checked out this thread already? It’s a good read!

See you around! :raising_hand_woman:


Hump day, just survive today then were looking at the weekend where you can plan some decent self care things. You can to exercise, eat well and rest.
Meet me back here on Sunday and let’s catch up :v:


6 years… I can barely hit 6 days I know I need to stop I have kidney pains for months now I lost my little brother last year to this he was only 32… I will give that a read thank you for being there


This weekend I plan on staying home doing nothing it’s carnival weekend but I’m not going for the first time ever I want to sit in my pj’s eating snacks in the dark curtains drawn watching true crime documentaries… I will see you here Sunday most definitely


We all start at day 1 Jen Lou, I’m no different then you.
If I can, so can you! First weeks are hard, I know.
I will share you the thread I’ve made when I was 2 years sober. I made a plan for myself and I would advice you to do the same.

Recovery is hard work, so be prepared for it by making a plan to help yourself when cravings kick in :hugs:


I deleted all social media around 6 months ago … I just need to kick myself up the arse and get to a meeting but I have anxiety so it’s not that simple… Doing this alone isn’t working I need a mentor and motivation


Oh dear friend, I did write posts exactly like you! Waking up every day wondering in pain why I can’t just get some days together. It took me years! Believe me. I have this app since 2019 on my phone. I made 6 months sober in the end of 2019 and most of the time was a struggle and fight with myself to not drink and because I didn’t have a plan and a bigger support system I started to drink again.
I love this app and I’m still on here once in a while but what I really needed to start my sober journey (which is not a struggle every day anymore) was a real life programme of real action every day. I found an English speaking AA group here which has become my home group. I go to meetings in town but I also do online meetings. Whatever I can get. I found finally a sponsor, believe me I didn’t want one because I always thought oh no then it’s real, then I can’t fool myself anymore so I did hesitate. But now I have a really beautiful amazing sponsor that I can talk to and call anytime I need. I pray every day for a sober day and thank my higher power at night that I made another sober day. I am only counting days here too. But it’s day 48 tonight which is a huge MIRACLE because like you some months ago I could only get max. 5 days together and then I drank again. Get your ass up and look for a program. Go to meetings and talk to other fellows and get some phone numbers you can call before you drink. You can do it. I know you can!!!


Maybe try a meeting online? You do not have to put your camera on. Just be and listen!

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What are you doing to stay sober?

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48 days is huge in my eyes … that’s amazing I’m so happy for you seriously… I will certainly get there one day I know I can … I wasn’t born with a can in my mouth after all…can we stay in touch? I need wlm the support I can get right now x


I’m a weirdo I don’t use my phone for a phone I have phone anxiety

I don’t go out alot …my partner breaks my sober streak all the time I try so hard

Of course we can stay in touch! You will get there and you can start now. Have you checked online meetings? Or even in person meetings close by? Let me know if you need some help. You have been to meetings right?

I haven’t but there are some right by where I live … it’s just hard to get myself there because I have social anxiety but I know I need to. .I think I’m going to make this the week where I pull my big girl panties up and go because I know my insides are dying and I cannot continue like this


I hated to go there too and I didn’t know anyone. But everyone is so friendly and nice they know exactly how you feel because they have walked through the same door once too. And you don’t have to say anything. You just sit and listen. See it like this: your life depends on this because if you continue what life do you have? You don’t want to feel so miserable anymore and they have what you want so you go there right? You can do this. And keep going to meetings. Every meeting will have an impact on your thoughts and all these actions will push you into the sober path


I picture it like on TV where we all stand up and divulge ourselves and then we get a mentor that’s probably not fixed to themselves… I just need someone real… I have a meeting across the road at 7pm tomorrow… I’m going to make myself go


Go and keep us posted. You won’t be sorry about going! Just go, sit and listen.
Soak it all up. Be open minded and try all the tips you get. Keep the ones that work for you and skip the rest. It will leave you with your own “toolbox” of things that work for you

Let us know tomorrow how it went!
You can do it! :facepunch:

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Thanks guys you have made my failure feel like new start and that’s what I needed I wilm update tomorrow after the meeting much love :revolving_hearts:


At me it was moust helping to say to my self jyst today i will not drink and tray to hold