Runners in 2023 - 5K/10K/13.1/26.2/Ultra

So it was my 4’th Half Marathon. First Half Marathon was back in 2013. Time was 1:52:56. I was preparing a lot and was struggling with Panic Attacks, Depression and was quitting Benzos addiction. To be honest it is somehow easier to go through physical pain when you have a lot of mental pain. Second and third was somewhere on Lockdowns.

Maybe it was not a wise idea to run Half Marathon without proper preparation, but I having a lot on my shoulders lately. I felt like I need it. Also it was a beautiful day. I wanted to have a nice track in nature alone. I havent run more than 12 this year. I almost do not do speed workouts. My muscles was not ready at all. Also I forgot to take water with me.

On 7’th kilometer my left foot started to hurt a bit again. I think I have problems with my tendons, but it’s getting better. It almost do not hurts when I run. Indeed it hurts more when I walk. Around on 17 km all I was thinking about - was water. Last 3 kilometers was true suffering. But I enjoyed it.

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Finally Ran Again after a few weeks. Did a slow 5K because my knees have been killing me lately. Looking to gradually ease back into distance running as the days progress lol


A short forced run this morning. I wasn’t feeling it so I went out for a mile and ended up doing 2 but still wasn’t feeling it lol


This was a hard effort run :hot_face: Got a second place 5k best :confetti_ball::running_woman:t2::heart: and can we take a minute to appreciate the consistency :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Had cold from Wednesday till Saturday. Either way after last Half Marathon only planned one run this week. For Rookies it is not a bad idea to skip week+ after half marathon for recovery. Taking it easy. Because of cold skipped 1 gym training. So only 1 run on Sunday and 1 gym day on Tuesday this week.


The strength work is slowly working for my hip. I think.

Lots of pain 10 days ago set me back but I managed a slow 5km today.

So, I’m cautiously optimistic.


First run after little break forced by kids autumn vacation (am I terrible mother cause I’m super happy that it’s finally over? :thinking: :sweat_smile:).
I even commited some PRs!




Just went with how my body felt this morning. It was a good run. It put me under 20 miles for my year goal. Almost there :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Harvey Lewis wins The Endless backyard ultra with 450 miles :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:


Excellent article! Those people are unbelievable!

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Despite appearances, I did not run on the water! I did run in the water some - the Gulf of Maine in October is officially chilly!


Have you seen the documentary on Lazarus’ other race?

Im not sure where to stream, I saw it on the treadmill movie service at the gym. I enjoyed it. Plus, you get to see Lazarus :smile:.

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I’ll have to watch it. I bet I can find it on youtube. I listened to a podcast about it on spotify.

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Not quite a sub 30 minute 5km today but my best run in months. With strength exercises and a change in my vitamin supplements the hip is feeling a lot better. Getting there. Happy Saturday guys…


Signed up for a 5k today! I am in week 6 of c25k and it is in January (but I struggle to put together longer times in those final three weeks), so hopefulky will be ok.


Thumbs up! I’m a runner, doing 10Ks to 15Ks, also trails as I love ascents and gaining metres :heart_eyes: Signed up for my first half marathon next year and started to get sober today


You will do great! You don’t have to run the whole thing. Sometimes I still take walk breaks on my 5k and there are a lot of people that do the Jeff Galloway method. Which is a mix of walking/running.

@Bunto welcome!! Congrats on day 1 of being sober. Running without a hangover is so much better :blush: