Runners in 2023 - 5K/10K/13.1/26.2/Ultra

No, never ran there, spent many a Sunday afternoon there on the bikes when the kids were younger.
The only races I’ve done in the past are the Crich Monument Race and the Bunny Run in Lea.
I’ve tied getting back into running with giving up the booze and I’m really enjoying it. Currently doing three 10k’s a week with a view to sticking in a 20k in a couple of weeks.
I’ll have a look at the Tissington run :+1:

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Last run of the year! It was a good one too. Definitely hard effort but I got some nice negative spilts. This is the closest I’ve gotten to pre covid pace :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
(I figured I’d make us a 2024 running thread tomorrow)


I went for a run just to make it to 350km because I like round numbers and this shit happened :joy:


Quick, go do a 100 meter dash!:smile:


For real :joy::joy::joy:

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After skipping a couple of runs because of it being the wrong time of the month, and being in the house all day with the kids off school and eating way too much, I finally got out for a run today. I felt SO heavy and slow, but did 5.6 km.


Day 5: 9.22 miles. It was cold and windy, but felt good to actually run.

To all you people running in the mountains, the desert, historic places… I have a beautiful frozen ditch, eat your heart out!:laughing:

Total: 32.43.

Remain: 17.57.

Not gonna lie, this is getting very hard. Two more days!


Happy :two::zero::two::four: :fireworks:

My longest distance record 24 km for celebrating of 2024 !

Runned with injured leg. So I tried to be very careful at beginning and not to speed up. After 10 km the pain was gone.

I was so focused to my injured leg I did not noticed this traction going on :see_no_evil::sweat_smile:


Oh man that looks brutal :scream:

24km! Great job! Especially in this temp


I was running at -29 in my past. That is hot to me :sweat_smile: Actually i sweat a lot. I am quite bulky for running as I also love lifting weights. I can’t do anything. I love both :smiley:
Anyway, I do not compete in any sports so I do not mind that I am a bit slow.
So because I sweat a lot, running in cold is better for me. The perfect weather was on 2013 my first Half Marathon. It was summer, but not hot day and there was rain. That was a blessing to me that actually the weather was so perfect for me it helped me to beat my all time best time on Half Marathon 1:52:56. I think that was best from me. I think my weight was also lighter. My legs are quite big now because of massive squads. I am trying to get smaller now. I see no more point to walk with that mass. Want to be more shredded, lighter, faster. So overall it is good for health and running too :hugs:


Slowly upping my distance. Loved the run.


Injured foot been feeling good. Going to restart my couchto5k program. This time stay patient and forget about the distances i used to run and stick to the program. Stick to the program is kind of a general theme around here so going to use it for my running rehab too :joy:


Running is my no. 1 sober activity, and a huge motivator to stay sober.


Just been for my first big run, 10 miler with a friend who competes in triathlons. My right knee gave in after 5 miles, he said we should stop but I wanted to carry on to see if I could run through it, anyway got about another 200m and I had to stop, agony.
My friends given me some quad and calf exercises to do once the pain subsides. Going to stick with RICE for the next week but I’m so disappointed, felt like I was getting somewhere and feeling really strong on each run and now I’m out of action.
Just wanted to moan, woe is me!


Damn. Try applying Lanacane anti chafing gel to heal and before running too. Also, I’ve found under armour undies are great for stopping inner thigh/groin friction. I buy the tech 6 inch leg undies.

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2 weeks full of cold. I rested. Then rested more. And slowly got fed up as my Garmin told me I was losing fitness. So today was a real achievement. Exhausting and hard work but really made up to get 18 miles in


Don’t worry mate. Everyone has to get through injury at some point. It’s the nature of sport. I’ve been there, and many here will have too. Do the RICE, move onto recovery exercises and maybe try some vitamin supplements to help your joints? You’ll be back before you know it.

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Haven’t dropped one in here for a while. This was last night but it’s the longest run I’ve done since November.

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Running in Recovery in 2024