Runners in 2023 - 5K/10K/13.1/26.2/Ultra

I’ve been battling a very tight hamstring. I did a 6 mile test run today before actually booking my room in Madison, WI for a half-marathon I wanted to run. I made it all of 1.2 miles before I had to stop. So, I’m not gonna do it now.

I’m sad for a few reasons…
1 - I can’t do the race!
2 - I can’t go to Madison. Madison is on my list of cities I may move to and I wanted to check it out some more.
3 - I’m injured!
4 - This was part of my weekend plan to avoid all the craziness of the 4th. I guess it’s a long weekend of books and playing guitar. Not the worst way to spend it, was just looking forward to getting out of my head a bit for the weekend. Weekends can be tough.

Oh well, maybe I’ll clean the house instead :laughing:


I’m proud of you for taking yourself out of the race. There will always be more races. I’m glad you are giving yourself rest! Nursing a tight/sore hamstring is better than a torn one :blush:
I am sorry you don’t get to do the race. I know I would feel disappointed but it’s the right call


A couple miles this morning to finish off my monthly goal and I’m making really good progress on my year goal :confetti_ball::partying_face::running_woman:t2::confetti_ball::partying_face:


I like the Hokas a lot. Definitely enjoy having them over my usual size too. Very comfortable and up there with my best shoe choice ever. :+1::+1::+1:

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This race is not far from my doorstep. It was won by a man again this year. First time I’ve done it though. Very very hard… A lot harder than I had trained for and expected.

It has been brought to my attention there is a man v horse in Arizona - 50 miles long. Not so sure about that. They do a 25 mile and half marathon. My mother in-law is hoping to move there. Maybe one day i’ll run it!

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My friend and fellow club runner wrote that article :rofl:

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Thanks for asking after me, Bootz. I can spin for short periods but any strong pushing is definitely out. I’m focusing on strength training, upper body and core. And it sounds really “senior citizen”, but running in the pool has been recommended by more than one person, so I’ll probably give that a go. Going to the medico next week and I’ve been doing PT for about three weeks now.

I had a long break, about 4-6 months, years ago, and I got through that. I can do it again. When I heal, I’m not going to hesitate, I will train for and do that half ironman that’s been on my bucket list!


Hi all

I was big into running a while back and I am thinking about trying to get back into it again looking for some advice on getting back into it my fitness levels are none existent at the moment

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I reached the finish line at the 6.5K B2Run in Hanover. Not a good result, but I finished the race.:wink:


There’s plenty of couch to 5k programs out there, both in person and online. My wife does an in person program and it worked great for her.

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Ha ha, we sound like very similar people!!

I am excited but a few aches and pains. On holiday this week so I’m running but not overdoing it.

I need to stop snacking on bad stuff though. I know that it may well contribute to inflammation I get in my body. But I can usually walk and run it off. But still, sugar has become my post booze thing.

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Great job!!! and that’s a good time! I love the race atmosphere. It’s such a fun time


Thank you! The atmosphere was really great. I hadn’t anticipated that.


5k sunday :confetti_ball: I didn’t look at my watch. I just ran how my body felt. It was a good run.


I did my first virtual 5k race this morning (on a treadmill at the gym). My time: 33:39. I’m happy with that… its a solid starting part. I have 2 more to go in the series that I signed up for. I am planning on doing the 2nd race in 4 weeks (thrn the 3rd 4 weeks after that one). Hopefully I’ll be able to shave some time of my race time by then!


That is an excellent starting point and congratulations. Keep up the great work! :muscle::fire:


Wow!! Thanks!! Ive been going to the gym 4-5 days a week since end of Feb. Started with walking, hiking now jogging. Im no stranger to fitness as I use to do a lot of that before the drinking took over… time to get back to where I was or at least get closer to it. Back 12 years ago I was able to run my 5ks in 25-27 mins regularly. I have a loooong ways to go if I can get back there, not sure! Im that much older now! Haha!

I need to too a bit of weight training… but havent dared to dip my toe in that pool… but know it would do wonders to move along my progress!


Looks like you’re on the right track then. I’ll chime in from time to time to cheer you along! I found my love for running accidentally. Used to hate it but in 2018 I was absurdly out of shape. A friend dared me to run a 5k and singled me up. After my first taste of the camaraderie and competition of a race, I was hooked. I’ve been running ever since and don’t see any end in sight. The Florida heat during summer is my favorite enemy and we go to battle everyday! I refuse to bow down lol. Happy running DMV!


I have heard this stuff works wonders so thought I’d give it a go. Long run coming this weekend so we shall see if it helps out my thick thighs lol
Update- This broke me out in a rash so I will use regular ole vaseline


Yes, take care of them…I’ve heard they save lives
