Runners in 2023 - 5K/10K/13.1/26.2/Ultra

My commitment to not run until Saturday to give my hip flexor a rest is holding firm so far but temptation to get a few miles tonight is creeping in. Lord grant me the serenity to not pick up the first mile :see_no_evil::joy:


I ran for the first time in 6 (?) weeks last night. 5km / 3.11 miles. Really, really slow so my hamstring wasn’t under pressure. It was only a bit faster than walking at 49 minutes but just getting moving again was a real victory.

A little discomfort but hoping that’s just stiffness.

I’ll keep doing slow runs every few days and see how I get on. Fingers crossed. It’s a start. There’ll be no pushing for pace for a long time yet.


Did the gravel trail then concrete then back to the gravel. My tired legs had it rough in the last few miles. There was a good amount of walking


I can run tomorrow! Also, I’m setting the pace at a half marathon on Sunday. I also intend on running Monday. If you’re that way inclined I urge you to make time to exercise this weekend. Try some LoFi music, switch of the outside world for a while, everything can wait…

5K sunday :confetti_ball: I really did not want to do this run but I did. I read somewhere that one day the miles you use to struggle for will become your warm up. It kinda felt like that today. Mile 1- I didn’t want it Mile 2- felt like I was getting in the grove Mile 3- I was settled in. Overall- good run and I got some negatives I was not trying for :joy: Y’all have a great one!


Just had a scroll through this thread and found it really inspiring!! You guys are all awesome.

I’m new here (20 days sober is all), and I used to do plenty of running in my early 20s round the hills of Saddleworth where I live. Got as far as running a couple of 10k’s and half-marathons before stopping all together . I’ve got terribly out of practice, and I’m eager to regain my fitness in my mid-30’s!!

Any advice on getting back into it guys? And any advice on how and where to buy a decent pair of running shoes would be really gratefully received!




Runkeeper and the Nike app both have free guided runs to help you get back to running. If you have a running store that would be the best place to get fitted for running shoes. Everyone is different so the shoes that work for me may not work for you.
My 2 cents- Don’t increase mileage to quickly or you risk injury and remember to do dynamic stretching before and static stretching after.
Look forward to seeing you on this thread!!! :running_woman:t2::confetti_ball:


It’s funny you say this. I was really struggling the first couple miles the other day and I told myself, “it’s just your warm-up”. Then I ended up reeling off 3 or 4 solid miles to end it. A slight perspective shift can do wonders in running (and life!).


Great morning this morning on the half marathon. Did 4 miles yesterday morning to see how the groin was doing. It was so so, but kept it loose and ran my run this morning without any major issues.
Happy enough. Next up is 2 marathons in October :ok_hand:


Hi mate.

I’m just down the road from you. I recommend Hoka running shoes. Go a size up. often have cheap shoes. I’ve used them 3 times with no delivery problems (despite them using Evri).

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Hiya Brian!

Not far at all - in fact I’m working round your way tomorrow morning as it happens! I’m up in the hills on the outskirts of Manchester. Thanks for the seemingly brilliant running shoe advice mate, I’ll take a look now…

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Logged 400 miles this year as of tonight! Shooting for 500. Also crossed into a new level on Nike Run, now I’m blue lol


Very nice!! You will get that goal!
My goal for the year is 500 miles too. I’ll probably finish early cause I just hit 409 the other day :partying_face::confetti_ball: I debated between 500 or 600. I might shoot for 600 if I hit 500 early enough.


Do it! That’s incredible! 600 miles in one year is AMAZING! 500 as well! It’s incredible what the human body can do if you believe in yourself!


Saturday night lights lol


A hard one for sure. Walked the last few miles.


How ya feelin? Can you walk halfway normal?:grinning:

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:sob::joy::joy::joy: Some guy made a comment about needing a walker as we were heading to our vehicles. I was like word!!! I was hobbling but I just did a soak for my legs and they are feeling a tad bit better. About to rub some muscle rub on them and let them rest


Brian it sounds like we’re in the same boat. I ran on Tuesday, 2 miles, my first time out in 4 months. My body needed some serious downtime after continuous training and racing (10k and sprint and Olympic triathlons) for 8 years. I started running maybe 4 years after I got sober. The beating I gave my body drinking and smoking for 35 year’s was not the best way to prep for a running career in mid-life!

I’m mixing it up now, biking, strength training, off days and “life” days (3 hours staining a deck yesterday) and I am reintroducing running. And listening to my body as well as my mind. I have injuries old and new from shoulders to back to knees to Achilles to feet, but my brain still craves the endorphins.

I’m off for a ride now, best wishes to you in your running recovery!