Runners in 2023 - 5K/10K/13.1/26.2/Ultra

You know what was tougher than that race course? YOU!


Fellow running warriors…

I just finished “Duel in the Sun”. It’s about the 1982 Boston Marathon battle between Dick Beardsley and Alberto Salazar. It is an awesome book and I highly recommend it. I did Dick’s half marathon last weekend in Detroit Lakes, MN. I went to his pasta feed and listened to him talk the night before. I had tears in my eyes more than once during his speech and reading this book. It’s a great story about a great race also talks quite a bit about Dick’s (and Alberto’s) struggles. I got it on Amazon for like $17.

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We sound very similar! I’m listening to my body and going slow too. :+1::+1:

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I want to go for a run but man, I feel so unmotivated… Its 9:30am here and my time is limited so it’s now or never (well, never today :wink:). Last time I ran more than 2 weeks ago, then bronchitis hit, no time, procrastination… I need to get back on track.


I got back on track!


Great job!!
If I am not feeling the motivation I will go out for 1 mile. More times than not it turns into a few miles and I always feel good afterwards


With me it’s more problematic to move ass from home. Put clothes, shoes on, warm up etc. It’s not even so much about running, it’s about that first move :slight_smile: I think my sofa has some super strong gravity, you can really get stuck on it


Short one this morning to test the waters. My legs are feeling better :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


I always say the hardest part is getting out the door!


Weather not great, took to the treadmill for 10k need a long run this weekend 20 Miler. Praying for some decent weather but I’m not hopeful.




Way to kick ass! I’m going for a 10’miler tomorrow! Running is such a fun activity and gives you great feels after! I love seeing the sights as well!


Y’all already know what day it is!! Got my 5k done before work this morning :running_woman:t2::heart: I’ve lost count of how many weeks in a row this is :woman_shrugging:t2:


Just an quick update. Obviously my training volume decreased almost double when still drinking on weekends. Tho I learned that I increased the training volume too quickly last month and it needs to be a bit lower depending on my 11 working hours a day, 2 gym workouts, about 6 hours a sleep lately, the volume was too much, but this past two weeks was pathetic. I am back for counting sober days, hope my stamina, motivation and body will improve with upcoming weeks.
I do this because i love it since young age. Was picked for our high-school running team, also was a member of our towns running club later. Ofcourse I do it not to compete, but to compete with myself. Because I just love doing it. It also helped me a lot to climb from 4 years of depression, benzos addiction. It’s great tool. I learned that monitoring the results is also a good tool too. It helps to see mistakes, compare, adapt, change. It helps to understand the body more. Obviously drinking is doing huge negative impact on my body and performance. There is no way I can do both :smiley: either sport / feeling good and motivation or either a couch beer and farts.
Well it is an easy pick :muscle:


Pretty sure this happened today. 5 minute miles for 26 miles :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:


And a negative split! That shouldn’t surprise me, that’s what the elites do.

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19 miles yesterday morning. Started dry 9 miles in the heavens opened and it was pouring rain for the last 10 miles. Not a major issue, skin is waterproof.
Felt good and had a bit left in the tank. Very close to the pace I want in 2 weeks time for the marathon.
I’m in good shape. I have 2 marathons left this year and a half marathon in mid December I intend to go well in those and take Christmas off.
Always thankful for the fact that I can participate in this great sport :pray:


A few short runs today. The heat really makes my Hr high but I’ve heard it’s good to run through the heat struggle. Long run coming tomorrow :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Did a run just after work. The idea was after finishing the workout there would be less traffic on road to drive back home and there would be no time spend drinking tea or coffee after work / sitting / texting / watching youtube / and so on. Overall less time burned. Just after I scanned my face on Job monitor / took small coffee from coffee machine with max sugar / changed clothes at car and started my run.
Also I wanted to change my boring running track. I was planning an short easy run, but the views was nice and track was fresh so I got hooked for a longer run this time.