Runners in 2023 - 5K/10K/13.1/26.2/Ultra

My current PR is 30 minutes 30 seconds. So I was like a minute off today. It’s so close but feels so far :joy:


My Thanks Giving run yesterday!


I got some new shoes coming my way :confetti_ball::running_woman:t2::confetti_ball: Got them on amazon for only $50! There are a pair I already own but in a different color :joy:


Ran for 28 mins, watch says 3.8km.
Almost continuous, 30 sec break to scritch a very cute St Bernard puppy!


My runs from yesterday and today. Sunday is suppose to be for 5ks but the weather this week made it hard to get in my long run. Today wasn’t much better. It was 29f with a wind chill that made it feel like 21!!! The first 3 miles was such a mental struggle then I put on a guided tempo run to get me through the last few miles. Overall, today’s run was good. My legs felt strong and my body isn’t as sore as it normally is after a long run so I think that’s a good sign


I’m back!
I missed being part of this thread so much, I miss you guys, @Runningfree Jen it always inspires me to see your consistency in running and other workouts 🩷


Yay!! I’m so happy for you :confetti_ball::confetti_ball: I’m out of the working out game for a few days at least. I have a fever, sore throat and my body hurts terribly. I just want to sleep :zzz::zzz:


The plan was to run for 28 minutes today, but when the signal came, I felt I still had more in the tank, so kept going for all the 5 minute cool down walk time :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:! Forgot to start my watch, so don’t know the distance :cry:.


Pleasant run. Cold (0°C), but no wind.


Now I’m getting jealous :joy: I haven’t even thought of any excise the past few days cause I just felt so bad. I’m starting to feel better and can’t till my next run. I’m going to try on sunday to see if I can keep my streak alive.


Walking mid run for a minute often keeps your heart rate up, and gives your body a chance to recover from any impact damage (knees, ankles, hips etc). I like a short walk mid run to have a drink and maybe some dates. It feels like I’m being kind to myself and not just slogging along. So, yes, enjoy those mid run walks!!

Still got a niggling hip problem I fear will never go away but I’m back up to 10km and I’m going to increase up to 8 miles this week…if it’s not too icy outside!


New gear to run in dark. Weather getting colder and evenings become darker.



I think I will have to accept my 5K sunday streak being broken. I took the dogs for a 1 mile walk today and had to take 2 breaks and towards the end I felt woozy and like I was going to pass out. I don’t want to risk passing out in the early morning while running. I know it’s only friday but I just don’t see me getting my energy back by sunday. I just finished my first full shift back to work and I am absolutely drained.


Well, is it over? It was a heck of a streak!

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It’s over. I’m pretty sad about it. It was 25 weeks long My new running shoes came and I haven’t even opened the package. I’m going to try a weight workout tomorrow and then tuesday try a short easy run/jog. I need my endorphins, I’m getting depressed


I tip my hat to you, that was truly impressive!

(You are an inspiration!:slightly_smiling_face:)

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I’m going to start over lol I think I want to do 5ks on the weekends I work and 10Ks and up on the sundays I don’t work. I’m still trying to figure out my running goals for this coming year. Have you got any yet?

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Well, I’m still working on my Half-Marathon-a-Month-for-a-Year goal. This weekend is Austin, TX. This is month number #8 already! I haven’t posted on the last few. I’m usually too tired then kinda forget about it later.

It’s been going good. And now, it starts the part of the year where I get to go to warm places for these. So that’s fun! It’s been an interesting journey, I should try to write something up about it all one of these days.

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Another pleasant run. Cold, but not windy.


Why are races so expensive :cry: I’ve been looking at a few for next year and most are over $100. I feel like it’s too much when I can run the distance for free. I was looking at one in Arizona and it was almost $150! Found one in Colorado and it’s $109.

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