Runners in 2023 - 5K/10K/13.1/26.2/Ultra

Whoa, that’s a lot indeed! I don’t have big experience with races but the ones I’ve checked here in Netherlands were around 10-20e. Ive seen one cost 60e but it was with some BBQ afterwards and food was included.
I was signed to 10k in November but I had to pass because of my painful neck :frowning:

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The half I did a few months ago was $75 which I thought was expensive but more reasonable. Most races you get swag like medal, shirt and sometimes other things but it’s not a guarantee to get anything more than the medal. I found one last night that had an option to not get a shirt and medal and it was cheaper. That was cool but it’s a few states too far for me right now. I’ve read some articles about the rising cost and many are saying it’s due to inflation. The cost of the aid station items, the cost of stopping traffic and having police officers direct people around and the cost of swag items. Meh, I’ll just keep running my own races :joy:

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Yesterday, evening run


I love it


Some intervals with a walking cooldown in mile 4. My breathing is still off from covid and my throat hurts while running. I hope that shit goes away soon


Ran for 35 mins, watch says 4.9 km! And still have 4 weeks until the run.


Long endurance run walk today. I did the guided run twice. It was a 5 minute warmup then 10 minute run and 3 minute walk x4. My body felt pretty decent all the way through until mile 9ish. My lower back started hurting, which I’m pretty sure that means I wasn’t engaging my core enough. Overall good run


I signed Sacha in his first official run/race. In March he gonna run 400m, with start number and medal afterwards. He is already so excited :slight_smile:
I hope he gonna like it. He always want to run with me and it makes me happy that I’m giving him this kind of example and he doesn’t see me with beer or wine. Sacha is almost 5yo. I had my first race at the age of 39 :slight_smile:
I want to run half marathon beginning of March, 2 days after my 40th birthday. Not sure if I’m ready. If I will be ready. But I’ve put it in my calendar and in my head already :slight_smile: Very probably I just want to prove something to myself, not gonna lie. Big 40 is hitting hard :sweat_smile:


That’s great on both accounts! Since I found fitness I’ve always wished my parents would have introduced me earlier in life. I truly think it would have helped me not try so many drugs and be drunk for so long, but who knows maybe that is just wishful thinking.
I totally think you can do a half! You have been making great progress. I’m working on setting my goals for this upcoming year and I think I’m gonna do a half every month.


Wow, that’s ambitious and pretty hardcore! I love it!
I think today I’m gonna try to run a bit longer than usuall, something around 15k, and see how it feel.


It feels great!


Awesome! I like that goal🙂

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Did a tempo run for the first part and then did my own thing for the last few miles. I almost hit a Pr for my 10K. A minute too slow. It was a really good run. My body and breathing felt good


My first time doing ladder work…. It was interesting, not terrible but hard work






I have been having such a hard time running since having covid. Today was hard effort. I set out fast and tried to keep it there but I couldn’t. It’s very discouraging. I talked to a pharmacist friend and he said it could be like this for months and I just have to
wade through it :unamused::cry: Positive for today is all the miles are under 11 minutes


@Runningfree You’re logging miles, building up the muscles. Not wasted effort! Good job!

I read a line from an older runner one time. He said, “true enjoyment in running comes when you leave the stopwatch at home”. I get what he’s saying. I have started leaving my earbuds home (sometimes) and try to just enjoy the sounds of nature. Someday I’ll care less about the time and just enjoy the journey. But, that day is not near, so I totally relate to your frustration!


I am on break from work until the 3rd. I’m setting a goal of 50 miles next week. I’ve never done that much, but I think I’m ready.

I’m going to try and post daily updates here to keep myself accountable. I’ve been struggling a bit lately and need to stay vigilant over this break. I LOVE having this much time off, but it can be dangerous toward my goals.


Naked running (not literally naked but without any devices), I heard a programme on the radio ages ago about a women who used to love running in her younger years but then just fell out of love with it. A friend suggested to her to try ‘naked running’, just put your trainers on and go for a run, no plan, no time constraints, no checking all the stats, just go for a run at a pace you feel comfortable with. She gave it a go and was hooked again.
I’ve just started again and although I am taking a watch because I use it to stream my music, I’m not checking it at all until I get home and all the info’s uploaded to my phone.