Runners in 2023 - 5K/10K/13.1/26.2/Ultra

Just doing hard things :hot_face: longest run in a while and the sun was rough. Not a damn cloud in the sky to help me out with the heat beating me up.


Do you run straight through or take some walk breaks on those long ones?


Great job Jen! Training for anything or just doin your thing?


I took walking breaks yesterday. Mile 13 and14 were literally me just trying to get home. Mile 14 was pretty much all walking actually because I was so tired, hot and thirsty. I ran out of water somewhere in mile 12. The temperature increased almost 20 degrees during the run. It was 41 when I started and 65ish when I was done.
@fl_flower_grl just me being me :joy: Not training for anything at the moment


Completing a struggle run is the best!

I’m not trying to give unsolicited advice, just sharing what I started doing…

About 5 years ago I met this lady in a hotel gym. She talked me into doing the run/walk method. It always changes, but right now I run for 3 min, 40 sec then walk for 45 seconds. I repeat that the whole run. I pretty much do that for anything over 4 miles. During the walk break I stretch my arms, do a few torso twists, check my breathing, check my pulse, and do a couple high knee steps to stretch my legs. Most of all, it’s a great mental break. I actually have ran my fastest marathons doing this method.

However you do it, logging big miles is awesome!


Lol yes to the struggle run :joy: Towards the end I wanted to quit but I didn’t have another way home except my legs :woman_shrugging:t2:

Sounds like the Galloway method. I’ve heard of it. That’s basically what I was doing yesterday but I didn’t have a set time to run and walk. I was just going for as long as I could and then walking.
My biggest problem lately is a mental block. My legs and breathing will be fine but my mind tells me to walk. I keep giving into it too.


Successfully did a morning before work run. Need to get used to it. It’s already getting too warm in the afternoon here and I love the air in the early morning. Mostly trails and no naked people laying around. :crazy_face:




It was a Pr morning :blush::tada::confetti_ball:


Awesome! You will be sub 30 minutes before you know it!


First test training for a 5 K charity run at the end of June.:scream::person_facepalming:t3:


I have thought about making that a goal but this run was definitely hard effort :joy: I’m not sure if I can get much faster but that won’t stop me from trying

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I think that they should expect to get caught if they do it in the open.:sweat_smile:

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First increasing to 6.5k in 6 weeks.


Got a marathon to run on 28th of may my second one I’ve done.the training has been up and down but will give it my best shot aslong as I complete will be happy


I haven’t done a full marathon yet, but I feel the same about the completing is the goal of any race or run.
Good luck on your marathon! I hope you have a blast


I’m starting running as a beginner in approx a week and I’m so excited :laughing:
:running_woman: Just thinking about it - being able to go further than around the block makes me feel free I can’t wait to really feel that feeling.

I’l post here after my first go at it, and a screenshot of my stats and we can see if I’m a natural or not :sweat_smile:

I have my running clothes being delivered just still looking at trainers. I have a new pair Iv had for a while but I’m not sure they will be up to running or not.


I have programme on my watch that is like walk for 2 mins then run for 2 mins it’s for beginners so I will follow that, and hopefully build up to being a runner.
I have been watching you tube beginners guided and stuff as I want to do it properly and without hurting my self. The aim is to be able to run but I don’t want to just go for it and quite because I didn’t start at beginning level. Thank you also for the advice, I need it and welcome it very much :hugs:


I guess I should imagine jogging and walking and jogging and walking

Am planning to use one of these plans.