Runners in 2023 - 5K/10K/13.1/26.2/Ultra


Is that a full marathon?

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I’m quite pissed at the moment. It seems I’ve inflammations in both knees. That would destroy my plans for the 6.5 K run at the end of next months. Maybe, I’ll get an appointment at my physician, but I don’t think I’ll make it on time.

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oh man that sucks!! Ice pad and elevating your legs will help a lot and rest. You need to take a break from running. Probably at least a week or 2. Do you normally have knee pain or do you think it was caused by running?

Great job @Dmcg1987!! :confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball:


I have hoped I don’t have to cool it. :confused: But your right and I had read if before. I try to elevate my leg now all the time and it helps. I think I’ve overdone it, even when I used a proper plan to slowly build up my running capacity. I ran and hiked. Maybe that was too much. My weight shouldn’t be a problem anymore, but I think some support knee strap would be good. I haven’t had any problems with my knees till now.

Thank you for your advice! Much appreciate!:pray:t3:

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A few months ago when I started walking the dogs regularly I started to have pain in my shins. I took a break and then eased back in. Just walking them adds 20-25 miles each month and I guess it was just too much too fast. I took a few days off from walking them and from running. Now I’m fine.
I hope you heal up quick! You’ll be back before you know it :blush:

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I did my first marathon 6 years ago today in Liverpool and I’ve done a marathon every year since- including lockdown when I did one alone. Doing the Peak District Ultra in July. 31 miles- quite a challenge.


“Fortunately”, I was lucky and it’s just the lateral inner ligament. My physician, also a physiotherapist,
said, I can use some kinesiology tape to strengthen it. I’ve already tried it and till now it worked fine. I think the five days without running were also helpful.

So I don’t have to cancel my run.:grinning:


That is really impressive!:astonished:

Awesome work!:ok_hand:t2:


I got it yesterda. I hope it is interesting and teaches new insights.


My new shoes may not be long run material or maybe they need some more breaking in. I had planned on going a lot further but I was having issues with my feet tingling and going numb so a lot of walking happened. I will try out the other pair tomorrow.


I did 10 miles last night. It was a gorgeous evening.

Feeling so much stronger since I’ve mixed in step aerobics with running. Wow, that really has given me loads more stamina when I run because running feels easier.

Happy running!


tried out my other new shoes this morning. I think I like them better than the other pair


Just back from a long vacation. Hardly any running but lots of walking and golfing! Leaving at 2:30 AM for a half marathon in Wisconsin. This outta be interesting! :smile:


Perfect. Now I’ve a ligament strain in the right food, because I fell down the last two steps of the stairs at the gym.:person_facepalming:t3::grinning:

I do some rowing (10 km) as an alternative. But I’m also allowed to use a elliptical on Tuesday again.

My colleagues hope I won’t break into pieces before the charity run.:smile:

Good luck on your 50k!!! That’s a long way :grimacing:

I just got 2 new pair of asics. I’ve had my other ones for some time now. They probably both had at least 300 miles on them. My last three were the same model because I liked them so much :joy: I like to stick with the asics brand though seems they best for my knees and shins

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Hey congrats. I hope you attended and completed the St Jude. I’m a runner struggling to even attend the marathons I signed up for. Very tough extracurricular when your knee hurts or your back is really bad all of a sudden. I haven’t run for a year now. I was up to eight mile runs but had to quit because of a quadruple hemorrhoidectomy caused by…drinking too much. Good luck to you and keep running slow! Avoid injury!!

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Just done what I plan as a vo2 max booster run. Been slowly improving since injury last year and a big part is of course no booze and losing some weight.

Ran 5km / 3.11 miles pretty quick and then turned off my GPS to do a gentle jog home the remaining 2 miles, without having to think about my pace. Another glorious evening and I’m feeling so strong, I love it.


Sunday morning run before work.
It rained last night and the air smelled so clean, the birds were chirping and the sun was making its way through the clouds making them a beautiful orange and pink color


We need a pic of that next time! :slightly_smiling_face:

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