Running in Recovery in 2024

Im on this adventure with you :slight_smile:

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It should be an interesting one! I got smart on these shoes. I’m doing the try before you buy with amazon so if they don’t work I’m gonna ship them back and try a different pair. You can follow me on strava if you want? It’s like social media for fitness


I’ve also signed up for my first trail run in 2 weeks time, unsure whether to do the 11km or 17km, I don’t mind walking alot for it so might go 17km and just enjoy the day out


Brooks! Let’s go!! :rofl:

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I’m doing a 9.5mile (15km) one

@Gorden you know how I feel about brooks :joy::joy: BUT I had a few people recommend them and said their trail shoes are better than their road shoes. We shall see!



Running towards Studio / Rehearsal / and then back. Hey, why to drive when you can run? :+1: :sweat_smile:


I have owned this pair of shoes for over a year, and they are great!:+1:t2: The shoelaces are a little bit tricky, but you won’t have any problems anymore with stepping on sharp or big pebbles because of the protective sole.:ok_hand:t3:

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I started a running program called “run your butt off”.
It is a good fit for me as it started with just walking and adding walk/jog intervals, so as to walk 4min and jog 1min in the beginning.
It also suits the topography around here with basically no flats, always up or down hill. I can’t start with 30min running hills. But as I am used to walking hills I can add one minute of jogging the same hills with 4 minutes walks in between.
Now I am on week 3 with 2min jogging / 4min walking intervals and I am enjoying it a lot. Especially as I somehow managed to convince myself to do it in the morning after my morning stretches and I feel like I have accomplished something good before breakfast.
So today I jogged altogether for 10minutes and walked in between on our beautiful hills through the gardens and woods :grin:


I did my 100km ultra event yesterday. Or should I say 56km / 35 miles. I had to withdraw at that point because my feet were battered and the medic couldn’t do anything more to help get me through the second half of the event.

I’d done about 1200m of climb and descent too, with another 1000 to go.

But I got my medal for completing the first half circuit at least.

Very sore and tired today.



Wow! That’s super tough! Congratulations

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That is insane well done, it’s amazing

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Wow, so impressed. Congratulations on your achievement.
What’s next?
I’ve just signed up for the Knutsford 10k (first one in 20 yrs). Have you done it?

Great job and getting out there and even attempting 100km! Halfway is still so far. I hope your feet and the body soreness start feeling better soon!! Sleep, hydrate and relax!!


Next is the Chester Marathon in October. My shorter, training runs are all local affairs on my own so no, not done Knutsford even though it’s very close to me.

For now I’m doing rest and recovery!!

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That’s just the right advice. No running until my blisters have all gone!! Ouch!! :joy:

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It is still an amazing achievement! :muscle:t2::+1:t2:

The terrain looks challenging and interesting at the same time. I would gladly take part if I had the endurance.



I had a nice run yesterday morning. My legs are a little bit sore because of the inclines. But it is worth it.


Congratulations! Nicely done!:running_woman:t3:

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Good effort! Top Gun medal too!

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