Running in Recovery in 2024

Thank you @Runningfree @MrFantastik @Runner4 @Gorden @Cjp, your support means a lot to me :blue_heart:


Whats next? Any more events planned?

Incredible and really fast! :muscle:t3:

Congratulations @Mischa84 ! Great job! I’m so happy for you! :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

Week4 run 3 cto5k


Another PT appt tomorrow but I am going to talk to her about the Runna app I found and see if she thinks I can start on it next week. They have multiple different plans and I found a post injury one that is less than 2 miles on 3 days for the first week. The very first one is a 5 minute walk and then 1 minute run/ 1 minute walk intervals with a 5 minute walk after. My foot is still tight but not painful and I feel ready to slowly ease back into it. I guess we shall see what she says :crossed_fingers:


Thats precisely the type of restart to running my podiatrist recommended. Another thing he added was not too much in the way of hill, I guess it puts extra strain through the calves.
Heres hoping you get the ok from the PT.
Good luck


Got the clearance to start the 6 week post injury plan :partying_face::tada::running_woman:t2::heart::partying_face: I will start it next tuesday!! I’ll still be in PT and she said if there is any pain I have to stop immediately


Yay!!! So glad to hear you’re on the mend and have a training guide :slight_smile:

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That’s great news! You did it girl! I hope your foot gonna behave now and Im looking forward to your running updates :green_heart:

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So good. Thats awesome news. All that frustrating rest paid off, way to play the long game :tada:

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Week 5 run 1. Couch to 5km
Foot is feeling good. Even after a few big days/nights at work. The niggling pain in the hip flexors, knee and back are getting less as the legs become acclimated to running specifically. Cardio-wise I could definitely smash out a 5km but I’m not making the same mistake as last time, I’ll stick with my program, I’m excited by how my progress is going, I’ll be back to regular 5km in no time


Awesome!! Glad you’re feeling so good!!

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Damn spoke too soon haha. After the run yesterday I went and got some boxing in, and then mowed the lawns. By the evening I could feel my knee, and then this morning at boxing I couldn’t shift my weight over my left leg. Think its just a patella tendon inflammation. Have had it before. Just need to pace myself a bit better


That is a LOT in one day!!! lol

I hope some rest gets you back to it quickly!!!


Hurricane, UT. What a great place! @Runningfree i might need help tying the Garmin to the Strava. Lol, im so old!

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On strava go to the you area and the the little setting wheel thing in the top right and then click connect devices and pick garmin and it should walk you through the rest

Ps- great job on your half!! I wanna go to Utah, I hear it’s gorgeous


ouch!!! I’ll be coming for this Lisanne :joy: