Running in Recovery in 2024

Kicking week 2 off :white_check_mark::running_woman:t2::tada: I very much enjoy the longer intervals. Gives me time to settle in. My foot was still bothersome at the start but felt fine by the end. I have stopped starting my run on the app and just using my garmin. It vibrates for interval changes, I like it better this way.



Ok. I will give it an honest try before I ask for help on setting uo the intervals also :laughing:


My garmin is synced up with the Runna app so when I hit run on the watch it automatically asks if I want to do the scheduled workout. It never did that with the runkeeper or nike app. I’m still trying to decide if this app is worth the money. I like that it plans the intervals but I feel like this is a pretty basic plan. Once I finish the 6 weeks I want to check out their other plans to see what kind of runs they put in rotation.


I do something similar with my garmin and the training peaks app; love the sync’d workouts - makes intervals so easy!!

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This was good stuff! I had to switch the doggos walk from today to tomorrow so I swapped it with my run. I really like the challenge of the longer intervals. It’s only been like 6 weeks since I was running but it’s like I have have to learn to breathe again :joy:


Todays run. Was kind of a light one. It was fasted so I got a bit tired during it and I don’t want to push too hard because I’m running a 10k Saturday to raise money for cancer research.


I’ve seen this called the most elusive race. So few finishers over the years. There is a woman who might be the first to finish this year :partying_face:


This is one goal of mine! Love that there’s a thread on it

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It’s official!! First woman to complete the race did it with less than 2 minutes to spare. Fucking legend!!


Holy shit thats bananas. Do they sleep in camp??

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There is no sleep in this race! That’s one of the aspects that makes it so hard. Also the terrain is so very tough. It’s 5 loops and there is a time limit. If you don’t complete a lap before 12 hours you are out. A lot of ultras don’t have a time limit but this one is a hard 60 hour cutoff.


Try find the documentary about it if you haven’t seen it, its a crazy race. Great doco



Love the style!

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Thank you. It was raining cats & dogs so I needed fashion meets utility lol

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With that kind of wether colours are the way to go! :grin:

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Thank you. It was so fun!

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Way to run @HakeemOsman

Running progress note. I started a c25k but fell off for 2 weeks cuz weather and sick. Well today i ran solid for a couple 4min rounds, a few 3 min rounds, a couple 2 min rounds. With brief walks inbetween (on treadmill) I dont remember the last time i could run for 4min straight. Im making progress!

Anyone know why my fitbit shows less miles than the treadmill?


Great job getting back to running!!

I haven’t used fitbit so I’m not real sure how accurate they are. I know when I had an apple it would be off a small bit when using a treadmill

Thank you. I’ve always experienced slight disconnects between my running devices (Apple Watch, fit bit, etc) and what the treadmill says as well. I don’t know why but if I had to speculate I’d say it has something to do with the fact that the treadmill is continually in motion and I think the other devices detect the motion in your arms maybe? lol idk though