Running in Recovery in 2024

Any running people out there in dublin ireland . Looking to hook up for a run and chat :pray:


I’m not in Ireland but it’s on my bucket list for a visit. Do you like to run a lot?
Welcome to the community :partying_face:


Well i aggitated my achilles running yesterday :frowning:

But i have a new goal, 6.4k race in mid july. I think this is the beginning of another healthy path.


Not that shabby but I’m kinda of sad that I had such a good (for me) time for a 5k and under before my Pf issue. Now it feels like a struggle. Surprisedly my HR wasn’t high so I think I need to loosen my body. I felt tight and I think it’s cause I’m worried about my back. I’ll get back to where I was, consistency is :key:



Where were you at, right around 10 min/mile before the injury? I don’t think you are really that far away from the pre-PF pace. I think you are doing it right, testing the waters a little at a time.

Once you start running free (:slightly_smiling_face:) you’ll be going faster than before. Of course, it’s not all about the numbers, but, hey, stopwatch don’t lie!:laughing:


Yea, my fast runs were around the 10 minute and sometimes right under. The chiropractor told me my back won’t ever get better since it’s a disc issue. I’ll keep testing the waters. This may be my new fast lol


Be sure to hit me up and yes i like to run each day to keep the mind fresh :saluting_face:

Had to quit my running schedule :sweat:
My knee is not taking it anymore. I was afraid it would affect my ability to walk too.
I think after 5 times ore even more of trying to get my running qualities back and can’t, I have to let go of the idea I can get it back some day.
I used to run half a marathon and did running races. It was such fun until I injured my knee and they could not find the exact diagnose for it. The last doctor thought a runners knee. But I’m over flexible too, so that doesn’t help either.
Never mind the cause, I did not overgrow it :sweat:
But it is what it is.
Going to focus on my walks again and cheer on your runs!


Sorry to hear that. Probably a good decision in the long term, having restricted mobility in day to day life would be really limiting.
I’m afraid I’ll have the same ending with my running, but at the moment I still have some hope so will persevere for now


Oh, sorry to hear. No jokes with knees :wink:

I have to be careful too. I have electric cargo bike (bakfiets), old type, in a rather bad shape. Now something is wrong with electrics and battery is sometimes working, most of times not. A week ago I had to bring Sacha to logopedist to the next village, with all 3 kids on board. Time was limited so i had to rush and battery ofcourse didn’t work. I fucked my knees big time. While walking is ok, getting up from sitting is painful as hell, can’t do this without support. And now we have 2 weeks vacation here, weather is finally nice, but we are kind of grounded cause this shitty bike…
Also my running is on pause now cause I have those 3 little rascals with me (I hate vacations :joy:) all the time. Maybe gonna make some deal with husband that I will go run when he’s back from work. He’s not a big fan of staying with them alone after work, I can understand that, they can be nerves wreckers. But I also need a little break and running is helping me to stay sane in this madhouse.

Are those bikes a thing outside Netherlands?


I will keep my fingers crossed🤞
But now I have made my decision I feel relieved as well. When running it felt like I was hurting my body. But at the same time I remebered how good it felt to run back in the old days. I still miss that feeling: quit a long run sweaty and tired but sooo very satisfied.


Oh yes those things are hard work :sweat: I never had an electric one but had a thing like this:

I have 3 kids, so I had two in my bike buggy and one on the seat behind me at my own bike.
But I guess biking at an electic one like you without the power is even worse… :scream:
Hope your knees improve soon! :pray:


I misread the workout and thought it was only 1 time through :pensive: I went hard on what I thought was the last quarter mile and then my watch was like again and I was like naw

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Nice work though!! Ha - I hate when that happens…the surprise continuation on your watch!!! lol

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After my breathing called down I was kinda mad at myself for not continuing but at least I got out there. It was a learning experience I suppose


Goooood morning TS runners. Holy F@%$. Its a beautiful start to my morning. I lifted weights then did a 2min run/walk interval for a 5k! Who does that? Apparently, 2yr sober me does that. Thinking of you guys and this post improved my times.

A glimpse at my intervals

I feel myself training my mind. Whoa the mental game of running is hard. Much love peeps


Good stuff!! I love those early morning endorphins to kick the day off.

I’ve had a thought similar to this before :joy: Us sober folks are crazy :crazy_face:

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I started listiening to this book yesterday. It’s good but I could see how it would be triggering to some cause he described his crack usage pretty vividly. I just got to a part where he runs a 52k by accident. He thought it was a 5k

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Yeah yeah yeah!!! Nicely done with a negative split!!!


Thanks? Whats a negative split?