Running in Recovery in 2024

It’s where each mile is faster. Your mile 3 is faster than 2.

I’m pretty sure your race the other day had negative splits as well.


Another way to think of it is your second half of the race/run is quicker than the first.

It’s an excellent way to run, it means you are pacing yourself well.


Put the smart watch on today. 4.5 km, divided into 3 with walk intervals of a song, but glad the distance wasn’t too bad.


I’m going to do a 10 mile run tomorrow while my lovely dog Willow is in day care.

Today, whilst out walking her we saw a famous local out running… Johnny Marr of The Smiths fame. I feel like a paparazzi now! At least I waited until he’d passed by to take a photo.

PS he’s spoken about his running in interviews. Here’s a piece from Men’s Running

Johnny Marr Talks Running

Ph by Jon Shard

Making a lifestyle of running

“I was out in Morocco, and one evening was looking out at the dusty red road that stretched out towards the mountains and it seemed like a good place to run.

I didn’t think about it too much, I just went out and started running and it felt natural. I kept looking ahead and soon I fell into a rhythm, just noticing my breathing and the sound from my feet hitting the floor. When I got back I made a pact with myself to go again the next day.

They say it takes eight times for something to become a habit and eight weeks for it to become a lifestyle. I started running every day and it became a habit, then it became a lifestyle that, no matter how hard it is now and then, I have never regretted.”


How exciting!! And I had no idea he was a runner!! :slight_smile:


I didn’t know either. But I knew he lived nearby and as he passed me I instantly recognised him.

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I decided to get rid of the Runna app. I’m starting a plan with Nike Run Club. The runs have guided options which I love and it’s free


Interval running on vacation. I love running in new places!! I had some pretty views this morning


Five mile run and as per usual my right hamstring is tight and sore throughout. If anyone has had success with a particular type of stretch exercise etc please let me know what works for you.

I think my problem is connected to the reduced mobility in my ankle after the break 2 yrs ago.


10km run, finished as a 42nd from 101 (ladies).
I’m not happy with my time (62min), I know I can do better. But it was super nice anyway :slight_smile:


Thats fantastic @Mischa84 hey i wish i could do a 10k. Celebrate getting up and doing the damn thing!! Whooohooo


Thank you :slight_smile:
For sure you can! You ran 5k with a great great time, definitely you would run 10!


Endurance is a skill im working on!


Congratulations :balloon::confetti_ball: I hope you had a fun time!!


Can I give 1 little piece of advice for the runner’s out there… Don’t form an opinion that you can “reward” yourself after training long and hard for something. I trained for a few months and on the cold dark long runs I opened the door and let the thought form that if I work hard get through these sessions I’ve earned the right to have some beers. It kept me going and then I did take my reward sadly and now I’m back at square one.
I’ll try get to this thread a bit more…


For sure! My reward is a big ole plate of good food


Well said. That’s my problem lately.

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Dudeeeeeee You were so fast at your half yesterday!!! I meant to comment on your strava

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Amazing Mischa :bouquet:


Thanks! Technically not my fastest but I think it was my best run ever. Consistent and didn’t fall apart at the end. A little slow the 2nd to last mile but that was all uphill, so I’ll still take it!

Brookings, South Dakota… This is small town USA at its finest. People were great, two free meals after the race, fun course, of course a shirt & medal, and a beautiful day! And all for $60! Think I’ll be back next year. Very tired today - in a good way!