Running in Recovery in 2024

How is it?

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It’s good. I’m a few chapters in now. I find it interesting that running is a recovery tool for so many different addictions. She had an eating disorder before starting. I also like the parallel of needing support in ultra running and recovery. Neither can be done alone

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@Runner4 Pardon my digression, but check out Rupert Sheldrake for an interesting theory on why birds and fish can move as one group like that.

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Thank you for the recommendation!! Morphic resonance is fascinating - esp bc of the “controversy!” Ha - always interesting when science doesn’t like to delve into areas of the unexplained phenomena …

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Feeling good. I struggle with running long distance and then ramping my effort up to an all out but today was a good day at orangetheory. The coach prompts you thru the run. I ran at 7.8 for 3min then 9.2 for 1min then 60sec walk for 25 min. Feeling empowered. And i noticed the negative “i cant do this. This is hard” thoughts were gone and it was more like “fuck yeah im badass” today. I seem to have better results with a coach vs me and the runkeeper app but im a work in progress. Maybe ill hit the pavement later today. Rain chances went down and its a beautiful day


This was suppose to be a easy recovery run but the sun made it a zone 5 run :hot_face::sunny: I think I’m gonna take myself for a birthday pedicure today (not till friday but :woman_shrugging:t2:)

@Cjp I do better with the guided runs too. I love coach Matt on runkeeper. He is so very encouraging


Morning run. It feels so good to start new day like this.


I want to start jogging but haven’t done this in 20 years….

Any advice, tips or tricks for a novice runner?


Try a couch to 5k plan as it does all the work for you apart from the running bit!

  1. get fitted for shoes at a local running store. If you don’t have a store in your town then go online to asics website or brooks and they have a questionnaire to find out what kind of shoe fits you best. I personally like asics but everyone is different.
  2. Find a plan. I use to use runkeeper but now I use the nike app. I’m working through a 10k plan at the moment. The app plans your runs for you. I also tried the runna app but it’s paid and I didn’t find it worth the money.
  3. don’t increase mileage quickly because you will find yourself with an injury but the plan should handle this part.
  4. have fun! cause running is hard, worth it and fun

I did a two Kms run today before my yoga class and it felt nice to stretch the legs. I’m planning a five Kms tomorrow on the treadmill before my pilates class. Didn’t leave enough time today.

It’s always good to have done my 10k steps before lunch :yum:


Speed followed by recovery today. I have such trouble with fartlek running. I much rather interval cause of the walk break lol


@Runningfree thanks so much. This is really interesting, I have some homework to do. I’ll check out the apps and hopefully get out there this week.

Thanks @Tragicfarinelli couch to 5k will be the goal!


@skhan Another tip, if you are gonna get shoes for running (def makes a huge difference), check out for the best breakdown on every shoe with lots of filters like if you heel strike or want a wide toe box etc etc (I’m not affiliated at all, just found that site super helpful to narrow down a couple of choices to then go and try on at a physical store)


I’m an ASICS fan as well, need to get a new pair soon my old Cumulus are overworked.


Asics team here as well


I get my new ones off amazon. I like to get last years model of the same shoe I have cause it’s cheaper


100 days sober and I seem to be setting Strava PRs on every run at the moment. It’s insane the difference to when I was trying to balance drinking with running last year. I’m comfortably half a minute faster per km and, crucially for me, there’s just so many more enjoyable runs. I’m flying out there and loving it.


5:30am, drizzle run. Feeling good and ready for a day :muscle:t2:


My tip, don’t worry about repeating a week of the couch to 5 k. I stayed on week 6 for literally weeks and weeks. And don’t worry about having “off” days where you struggle to do what you did last week. Just keep getting out there. A bad run is better than no run.

Today I ran for 6 songs, walked a song, then ran for 5 more.