Running in Recovery in 2024

WOW!!! Congrats!!! What a way to start a Friday!!

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Great job!!

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Tried week 5 c25k with 3min run intervals. I improved but its still tough. I swear i go farther with my short intervals vs long runs.

Negative splits today yay! Weathers getting warmer idk how much longer i can do 6am runs comfortably


I’m a huge fan of walk/run intervals. That’s generally how I do all my long runs


3.9 miles for my 39th birthday :tada::confetti_ball::tada:


Happy happy birthday Jen! :bouquet:

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Happy birthday Jenn! You’re rocking it!

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I read that running on heat gives almost the same benefit as running hills. So here we are welcoming summer running. No lie, I’m looking forward to the early morning run in the morning

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I can’t imagine how hot it is where you are. I have literally never experienced that level of heat. Mad props to you for figuring out a running routine that works for you there!


Today I did my normal 30 minutes stair climb and normally I listen to audiobooks, but today my mind was spinning, whirling, like desperately holding on and trying not to get shredded away from the Earth and whirled into the stratosphere - I couldn’t listen; I needed silence.

I was just freaking out and I am not sure why. (I suspect it has to do with some of the emotional unpacking I’ve been doing with my counsellor recently. He is good, really good, and I trust him to do this work. Still, the stuff we’re unpacking… it’s like removing land mines. This landscape I thought I knew completely, is webbed with emotional electric charges and explosives, each one connected to stuff I never realized was an issue, and each charge needs to be manually disarmed and removed before new life and new work can happen in that space.)

Anyway - I’m grateful for the stair climb. I can take the next step, and the next step, and the next step, and the next step. Even when my mind is freaking out, the physical is still here.


It was 90F for today’s run. Tomorrow it will be a wonderful 65F when I set out for my early morning run.


I was initially kind of disappointed but I really shouldn’t be. My 3rd best time. I tried going out with the 1:40 pacer but just couldn’t hang with them. The last 3 miles were brutal… it got hot! But, surprisingly, the times weren’t nearly as bad as I thought they were. I felt like I was walking. The mind does some weird things when you’re halfway delirious!:joy:


Wow @Gorden great times!!


One foot in-front of the other - in life and runs/stairs!

While I’m sorry you’re experiencing discomfort, I’m glad you have someone who is helping you work through it

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Thx Jenn I appreciate it. I’m grateful for that too :innocent:
(Edit to add - I just realized I said “thx Jenn” because I thought I was responding to Jenn, but you are not Jenn! :joy: I was in a rush when I texted this :grimacing: :innocent:)

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Congratulations!!! That is awesome!!

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Good ol’ Planet Fitness. The one in my town just relocated to a couple blocks away from my house. I’m gonna go back to PF.

Happy Climbin’!

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Good run this morning! My favorite is early morning running. The birds were chirping, the sun coming up and the moon was still hanging out. Plus hardly any traffic, which is a huge plus lol

@Gorden Nice run!! You are so fast :dash:


watching this today


Thank you for reminding me about this movie!!! I had wanted to see it when it came out, but never made it (and then kids …ha)!!! I’m looking forward to finally watching it!!