Running in Recovery in 2024

It’s good!! I finished it a bit ago.

I had my 6.5 k race event today and ran 4:30 min
faster than last year.

It feels good to achieve so much because of sobriety.

There were to many runners at the start and one had to slow down.


Great job!!!

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Great job!! @Planipennia


Thank you, @Runningfree and @Cjp!:+1:t3:

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Nicely done - you got faster as the race went along!! amazing!!!

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Finally feeling good enough to get a run in :tada::tada::tada::tada:


Went to the run club meet up but I had to bail out. It’s just too hot. I wish they would have the meet up earlier. They had 6-8 miles planned for today and I was like yea I’m not back there yet.


Good for you for trying something new

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So did not runned and almost did not any workouts in almost two last months. Injury :x:
I think I have Meniskus injury, because my last few months of training was with pain. Pain did not gone. I talked with some athletes and read articles, basically if pain is not gone for longer than few months it is not just muscle injury but something more serious. And depending on the location of pain and how I only feel this pain when kneeling down or standing up - it’s basically cant be anything else than meniscus.

So that is not a big deal after all. Many athletes train with meniscus pain and it is just… a little of pain and for me it is nothing much to deal with. Overall there are option to do meniscus surgery, but there is really not that much of the pain to be honest so I am not even thinking about this option (at least for now).

So all good. In the recovery period my shin splints also got time to recover.

I also had little back surgery where they removed something from my back. Nothing serious, test results are good.

So today did first little run after long break. Feels good. I think there is really nothing better in this world for our bodies than to keep it moving. If you can’t run fast - run slow - if you can’t run - walk, if you can’t walk - crawl, swim, do yoga, move or wave your hands, keep moving, breathe… I think stagnation and none movement is non acceptable in this physical reality - as everything moves around. That is a law of this pshysical reality. That is simple physics and …something something something… more to explore :old_key:

So we move :wink:


Good to see you back!

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5 miles today :tada:



Hi there

Would love to join in here! Bit of a crazy day today. It all started wonderfully with an 8k run… and afterward, my kids requested to go running for their individual Sunday dates with me. So, at almost 8pm now and after 3 runs today, I am ready to call it a day and go to sleep :sweat_smile:


How old are your kiddos? Y’all do individual running? I don’t think I could handle multiple runs in 1 day!!


Glad you gave it some rest, and are back at it!! Hopefully it’s not giving you too much trouble?

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They are 9 and 10, and luckily they don’t run more than 4 or 5km. Trying for some alone time with each of them every month, and running is what they requested this time around (after my own run). I don’t ever plan for multiple runs a day either :joy: all back to normal, a relaxed hike yesterday and 6km run this morning.


That’s super nice that they run with you! And so young, wow! I hope mine will run with me as well in the future (they are just 3 and 5 now). Can’t wait :slight_smile:


The nike plan has 3 easy plans each week and I take 1 on feeling. I just went with how my body felt today and this was a really nice run!! The weather was just right and not that much traffic. Now to get the doggos their walk


Starting to challenge myself. This is my first year really focusing on running so my training is erratic but once I start putting in consistent effort I’ve been noticing gains.

And yes, that is definitely an analogy for sobriety.