Running in Recovery in 2024

I runned in around -29. That was extreeme. This one is like walking on the sunny beach for me :sweat_smile:


Oh my!! I could never! Props to you for running in that

Man you are loco :wink::sweat_smile:


I think nothing unusual. Just an ordinary training routine :sweat_smile:

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January is a tough month for running. Weight is up a little, not a lot of running done over Christmas and NY and it’s just a bit of a slog at the minute. It’s below freezing the last week and the weekend is going to se a “conveyor belt of storms” :cold_face:
But I’m getting it done! Nice progressive 5 miler tonight and I felt good and strong finishing it. Outside of the actual running, I’m glad I have the commitment and follow through to get out there despite the tough conditions, I’m sure it’s good for my mental fortitude or something like that.

I’ve been slogging away for the last few years, I’m enjoying it but it gets harder and harder to get Marathon ready. I have 45 under my belt and I want to finish 2024 with 50. That might be the end of my marathon days. I’ll still run, but maybe I won’t have to slog through a freezing cold January next year trying to get marathon fit.

I hope you’re enjoying your running wherever you are. Cold and wet west coast of Ireland can be a tough.


WOW!!! Props to you!!!


45!! Which have been your favorites??

Busting out of the holiday slump is always tricky, esp in cruddy weather.

I’m bummed cos I gave myself a quad strain going too hard in my first week sober (i.e. last week). It’s only mild and I think I might be able to get back out next week but still… I wanna be out there pounding the pavements every day in this early sobriety - for lack of a better word - emptiness.

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Bummer!!! I hate being side lined. I’d do a warm epsom salt bath and just rest. It sucks but you don’t want to make it worse. Try a easy short jog in a few days


Stuff all ready for my long run tomorrow. I’m planning a half marathon distance before work. I won’t need all those cliff blocks but you can never be too prepared lol


Good plan :slight_smile:

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Loving the nutrition!! Snacks during a long run are my fav - esp the stroopwaffles!!

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Favourite would possibly be a few years ago when I ran a marathon in my own city and everything just clicked. It wasn’t my fastest but I had a plan and executed it perfectly. Crossing the line was fantastic and as I did there just happened to be like a bank of photographers taking pictures. It was a hands in the air moment and I got a couple of great pics.

Sometimes my most memorable days or moments on the roads were toughest ones where I’m just grinding away and fighting through. Some lessons in there somewhere I suppose.


Here here!! Nicely said about the lessons learned; I also love that the best marathon is the one with the best preparation and everything clicked - it’s inspiring me to get back on track (pun intended!!), so that when training for a fall marathon begins this summer - I’m ready!!


Done deal :white_check_mark::white_check_mark: Not sure where the speed came from in mile 9 :joy: and mile 10 was snackie time. I felt pretty solid and strong the whole time.


:raised_hands: awesome!!! And behold…the power of snacks…. :slight_smile:

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Forgive me if this has been asked before. I just signed up for my first 5k in years. How do i prepare? Ive got 3 months til it. Any c25k plans/apps recommendations?

Thanks in advance!


There are a lot, and I have done c25k so many times that I got bored and had to look for new ones.
5K Training Downloads - Carli Fierce | Running Into Shape
Is not an official one, but it has current-ish music.


There is an app that is called couch to 5k. I used it when I first started running. I currently use the runkeeper app for guided runs and they have some training plans on there for 5ks. There is also the jeff galloway method which you can check out on youtube. It’s a walk/run interval type of running. I would just play around and see what method works for you. There is no wrong way! I’m glad you signed up for a 5k!! Race environments are so fun! I’m looking forward to you being a part of this thread and watching your progress :heart::heart:

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If you have a garmin there is a c25k app you can add on from the garmin store which gives you a run/walk program that builds up. The watch vibrates to let you know to walk or run

‘Just run’ is another simple app on the play store that gives voice prompts to run or walk.