Running in Recovery in 2024

Thanks so much at @Misokatsu @Runningfree @MrFantastik for the recommendations. Ill check out the apps. I have an old fitbit charge 3 i broke out for the first time. Im so sedentary my step count is depressing

Im definitely a novice. Ive been doing more running on the treadmill these past few months but im not the best at endurance and like intervals better. I cant yet run 3min all out


I was a casual runner but got injured, haven’t run for a long time so just started back on a c25k program.


Yay for your first 5k!!!

No worries!! The couch2 5k programs are gradual and are great for every skill level, and a plan will have you well on your way in no time!!!

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Don’t feel bad if you have to repeat weeks. I think I spent about 3 months on week 6! Getting out and doing anything has a value all if it’s own.


How’s it feel to be getting back into it?? How’s your injury holding up?

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Have only been back at it a week. But its great, I always miss running when i can’t do it.
So far so good. It’s plantar fasciitis so takes some managing. It had me laid off boxing for a spell as well. I came back to running a month ago but pushed too hard too early and flared it up again.
Slowly slowly from now on.

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I just ordered this. I’m super excited to try it out! The reviews are really good. My calves are almost always tight and sore. I’ve tried the normal stuff- foam rolling, massaging them and muscle rub cream.


5k Sunday :white_check_mark: This felt good!! Legs felt strong and breathing was decent :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Had to do fasted lab work for my checkup this morning so couldn’t get my normal tuesday run in but snagged a few miles on lunch


Tomorrow’s the day I attempt a SLOW JOG (I’m shouting at myself NOT TO RUN FAST) after my quad strain, which is feeling mostly better. I miss running so bad. I’m JONESING for a run (probably not ideal). I mean JOG, not run…


Hows the c25k going? I just finished up run 3 week 1 this morning before i head off to work. Has taken me a week and a half but I’m happy to take it slow and gradual

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I made the jog (well basically a recovery run in the end…) with no issues with the injury! My fitness was lacking a bit but I can build that back up now, thankfully.


Hi, I just started week 6. The last run of week five was a twenty minute straight run and I managed it!

I like the structure so far. :v:


It’s official - I have my first black toenail of the year…did a long run a couple weeks ago and the nail is reminding me to get new shoes… :slight_smile:


Nice. I started a couple months ago, got to about week 3 and foolishly decided to just go for a 4km run which flared up my foot injury. Lesson learned slow progress is better than no progress this time around


I downloaded an app step 1. Step 2 will start when i get back from vacation :slight_smile:


Where are you headed to?

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Coasta fricken rica for 12 days! 5 cities. Dream vacation i never coulda afforded if i was drinking and vaping


I’m so jelly!! But also super happy for you. That sounds so amazing! Take all the pictures!!