Running in Recovery in 2024

Wow, you signed to a race, that’s awesome! I hope your toe nails gets better!


I started marathon + distances when I turned 50. I’m 59 this year. The endurance taught me I needed to lose weight and stop drinking. Chester will be marathon No10, and I’m already booked for Manchester marathon next April too.

They keep me focussed on fitness and sobriety. I think I’m starting to understand myself and becoming a nicer person slowly- with no drink or drugs & therapy. It’s a journey! I’ve spent the last two years waking up! :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s so awesome! Running and exercising generally are the best “drugs” for sobriety imho.

I didn’t run today, felt too tired, so I took a long nap. Day 4 and still in dark cave.

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Keep it up mate. I’m resigned to no running until my feet recover.

So it’s just walking the dog and being kind to myself for a few more days. Willow (my dog) is very popular with the coffee shop people in town, so I stop for an espresso etc, Will gets a dog biccy and we’ll enjoy a stroll on what is promising to be a dry and warmish Saturday (by England standards):slightly_smiling_face:


Walking for your dog sounds really good. I hope you’ll get to run soon and your injury is gone. Stay strong!

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Just as a side I have PTSD and whilst that’s not the same as your mental health condition I can at least empathise.

I’ve found it hard to face up to the shame I feel now I’m sober. Years of stupid behaviour. But you’ve done 5 yrs sober before. You know like I do that being sober and facing up to the shameful stuff is better than being drunk and high and doing more shameful stuff.

Hang in there.

Keep using running and walking to get you through! It’ll save you!


Sorry to hear about your PTSD. That must be hard. And I feel the same, shame is real. I’ve been doing so stupid things over these years and like you well put it:

Amen to that, brother. And yes, running and walking always helps. All the best!

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92F with the sun beating me down but got my run done :white_check_mark: Now for tacos!!! :taco:



The calibration will be different (ie. your stride length).

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Very slow paced run this morning. Give me winter running over summer running any day!
5K sunday :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:


Post ultra, feet recovered (4 nails lost, blisters healing!) first run back. 10k. :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


This felt good. The pace didn’t feel super strenuous even though it faster than what the garmin plan wanted


After almost 1,5 years i started to run again. It feels good even though everything still hurts after the fourth run in the last three weeks.i will try to keep it up. Good to be back on the track!


Congrats on getting back on running, my friend @Hotic. Running and walking are the best recovery activities for me.


I have been cycling a lot, but it is nevertheless different, especially different for knees and hips


Great work @Runningfree

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I feel good about my pace. Working on adding endurance


Trail work today to get ready for next month. This was hard but mostly just cause yesterday was leg day. I’m going to swap easy run tuesday and long run thursday so I do my long run before leg day


Garmin keeps putting easy pace runs on the plan and I was tired of it so I did a harder effort run today. I’m hoping the add in some interval work or something soon. I’m only in week 2 so maybe that’s why