Running in Recovery in 2024

Hello. Yes i am big fan of running and weight lifting. I usually post my training schedule so here it says when I do my weight trainings. Usually I do 2 times a week since when you train naturally without ‘‘chemistry’’ - studies says growth hormone in blood stays elevated for about 3 days. Without ‘‘chems’’ the catabolic effects would be greater than anabolic itself. Ofcourse a lot depends on the training style, intensity and genetics. I also try to run 2-3 times a week so for me thats enough. Ofcourse I work as a truck driver so for me that is good. If work is physical then probably training sessions per week should be less. To be honest there is really a lot of biology science behind it, thats why I really love it. Knowledge is the Power :+1:


Well your program is working. Thanks for response! :hugs:

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I’m a fan of speed work, especially the walking interval part :joy:


Saw the physio today. She said no tear but I’ve likely damaged the meniscus cartilage and in doing so I’ve strained the cruciate ligaments.

Lots of strength exercises to do and no running for maybe 4 to 6 weeks.

Walking is fine, so I’ll keep plodding around with Willow.

I’ll see how it goes and I’ll be sensible before running. Staying upbeat and focused on recovery. :+1::+1::+1::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for sharing this. I think I’m done with my workout for the day. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Outfit, vest and nutrition all ready to go for tomorrow. I left my bib off cause it has personal info. I just noticed when posting this my bed spread has Foxes on it. :sob::sob:


First day where I feel like the ankle wasn’t hurting. Felt good. Now that I know the ankle will hold it’s time to start getting those times down.


Jeezus man get your times down?! Impressive really :slight_smile:

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I made a secret goal to try and finish in under 3 hours. My main goal was just to finish but I am so happy I was able to do it in under 3 hours. The elevation in mile 6 almost took me out but I persevered


Way to smash that goal! I rarely share my time goals before a race, too.


Great work! Sounds like a tough run :woman_superhero:t3:

You people running up and down the hills are a badasses! I live and run in Netherlands, its flat flat flat. Easy peasy :wink:


Brilliant work Jen. I hope you enjoyed it.

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5k sunday streak continues



Nice times!!

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Good morning running sober. Never in my wildest mind would i think id be sober running outside before the sun rose, but alas here i am.

Not my best times but still a good effort.

Question: im having trouble catching my breath, does anyone have some breathing technics to help me run longer and/or recover faster when walking?


Breath work might be something to look into. I find I have an easier time controlling my breathing when I’m running without music. My breathing is still an issue. My legs will be fine but I take walk breaks cause my breathe gets so rapid

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Holy hell. I was just looking at a 10k locally and then i saw your post and i thought “that sounds bloddy horrible!” Howd it feel? Any tips for a newby??

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