Running in Recovery in 2024

Aww thanks @Mischa84

You didn’t ask me, but I vote you do it! I have full faith you can knock out a 10k. You are doing what 3-4 miles now each run? Just add 1 or 1.5 more and see how you feel.


Of course you would vote do it lol im intimidated. Im going to go try a long run here in a few

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Great 5k time and Happy Birthday!! :tada:


Great running weather today!


It is finally cooler in the morning, so went out for the first time in maybe 6 weeks. I knew I would have lost stamina, but was determined to not let it piss me off. I just need to get back at it and slowly improve. I could barely run 2 songs at a time, and now I am pissed off.


Hey im trying to build up to two songs. You did fabulous! @Misokatsu

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Tonight’s Run


Did my first run in ages yesterday on the treadmill. Despite completing the C25k a while ago… I only managed a mile before I felt queasy and clammy and faint. Had to stop. Not sure if I’m ill or what, but it was a start back into running anyway. Mentally, running is such an enigma to me. I can’t break through with it.

Do you guys struggle the first ten to twenty minutes with your head trying to sabotage? I think that’s why I’ve switched to class based fitness lately, but I really do enjoy running once I overcome the mental side.


Even when I was fairly comfortable running 30 to 40 mins straight, minutes 3 - 10 I was always thinking ‘No way I can do this’, breathing weird, etc.


It’s so bizarre how we fight ourselves!


My head has been in sabotage mode lately. I generally walk the first few minutes but even after that when I’m running I find myself stopping for walk breaks even though my legs aren’t tired. I try to repeat positive things I’ve heard on the guided runs and sometimes it works.


For me it’s usually 2nd - 3rd km when I have this ‘i don’t want to do this anymore’ thoughts.


@Mischa84 @Runningfree

When does the enjoyment hit for you during a run, or doesn’t it? Is it the accomplishment afterwards?

Really interesting that you have the same thoughts as I. Very confusing to me as I don’t get this feeling during other classes, but perhaps it’s because it’s guided by someone screaming over a mic motivational and encouraging words?


Wellllllllllll I just had a bomb ass run :confetti_ball::confetti_ball: I was thinking of this conversation at first and it felt good to have other people relate to the struggle. I had a progression run today, which is always hard for me. I started feeling good somewhere in mile 3 or 4 and then at that point I had less time to go than I had already ran. Feeling super good and accomplished now. I do think a lot of it has to do with it being a lone sport. I rarely have struggle thoughts during my trainer led workouts. It’s you vs your mind. I posted about some guided runs for CJ up on the thread and those are really helpful for me and where I got a lot of my motivational quotes from.
Running through my head today “I’m strong” “I can do hard things” But somewhere in there I was just vibing lol


I opted out of the extra 5 minutes but I ran for the entire hour and 10 minutes today. LFG!!! :tada::confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball:


Nice. :100: With you that it’s mindset. I just wish it came easier to me. Can only keep trying. Glad you got a good run in :ok_hand:t2:

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Todays Run


With me it’s more physical. Im getting tired around 2km and sometimes it makes me feel like I can’t run anymore but most of time this tiredness is staying at the same level till the end of run. Not getting much worse. So I just have to push myself thru this doubtful checkpoint :wink:
Mentally I always enjoy my runs cause it’s one of the very little moments when I’m alone and nobody want anything from me.


Heck yeah. Way to go on powering thru! @Runningfree

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