Running in Recovery in 2024

I got back at it in 2017. Now I have 6 bikes :joy: . We have a great single-track network in our river valley. I love the speed and light weight of road and a couple years ago started rural gravel riding. Love it all. Probably helps my mental state more than anything else I do.

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Nice. I see you’re from Canada. Im in NZ and we have some great bike parks. One only 25mins from my place. I spent the weekend in Rotorua, which is world renowned for its trail network. My wife was doing a trail run that was attached to the UTMB world series of ultra trail run races. I took my bike but the bike gods were not on my side

Edit: to add more running content as we’ve just derailed this thread with some 2 wheel nonsense.
The winner of the Rotorua UTMB 100mile race finished the run in 15hrs. Which is 5’30m/km or 9m/mile :exploding_head:


That’s awesome! I live in Alberta, Canada. We’re about 4 hours from world famous Banff in the Canadian Rockies and also about 4 hrs from Jasper. Incredible riding and everything else. We both seem very fortunate!



Yes I was thinking the same. Running! Thats a crazy pace for 100 miles. I read some of David Goggins book. I dont know how a body makes it that far without completely breaking down!

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My partner ran 23km, and there was a 50km race finishing at the same time. Even those distances people were pretty broken crossing the line. My wife did maybe 2 longish runs in the last 2 months as training so she was pretty broken haha.
Yea I’ve read goggins book and listened to him on Rogan. Pretty crazy. Didn’t he get rabdo from an ultra marathon? Theres a point where it must become more about the mental, than any actual training you’ve done

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I wouldnt be surprised that he did. I agree about the mental being it. I’ve run 35k and felt like I could keep going at the same pace indefinitely but its a definite mental struggle to want to keep going.

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Did you know the winner this past year not only won the Utmb but it completed her “triple crown” She finished first in 3 ultras over the summer. It was really cool


I did not know that. Thats awesome. What a machine. I’ll give her a youtube search and watch some stuff of hers later. I’d never heard of UTMB until my partner was doing this recent trail run.

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I watched a few of her interviews. She seems so humble. I started following her on instagram, it’s the only social media she has. She doesn’t even use Strava lol

But if she doesn’t use strava none of her runs count lol


Just watched a short documentary on her on YT. It was her doing a 200mile race. She’s awesome.

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I got to week five of my couch 2 5k and kind of haven’t been for a few weeks now. I hope I can switch straight into week three and rebuild. So annoying and silly as I was running twenty minutes straight at the end .

Sorry to hear about the PF Jen, as I said before, the only thing that will help is rest, PT, and patience. Sorry my friend cut you will come back when it’s healed. :heart:


I’ve got week 4 run 1 to do in the next couple days. Exciting as its starting to get a bit more running rather than walking


When it switches it goes hard. I was quite shocked though that it was manageable. Good luck.

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So on Monday I was doing tempo workout and was trying to put more of my upper leg muscles into action - witch actually helped me to improve my speed tremendously, but I ended with sharp pain in the middle of my outside left foot. Pain is very sharp and reminds of split bone pain, tho I dont feel any when I do not walk. I even did workout at gym yesterday. Today the sharpness is not that intense :+1:



I start to feel strange cracking sensation like (bum bum bum bum) when I try to stretch my feet. I think that might be a tendon overstretch. I am currious how long does it recover? :thinking:


Wow, congratulations :sparkling_heart:

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I have been back and forth on the couch to 5 k for about 6 years. I take months to finish it, then once I get to the end lose motivation and stop for a bit, then start again. I was so sure I wouldn’t do it this time, as I was running for 45 mins. Nope. Had several weeks off and lost loads of stamina. Yet again.

But did get out today. I ran for about 4 songs straight, so I guess over 10 mins and then walking and running for another 4 - 5 songs. Hopefully stamina will come back soon.


It’s not just me then. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

My body and mind have been so stressed with this work resignation I haven’t truly been able to relax back into it.

You are still doing good :100:


Lol, no. I feel like I go less back each time though. Like before I would literally go back to barely being able to run three minutes. This time wasn’t quite as discouraging.


C25k wk4 run1. @Tragicfarinelli that one was definitely a bit of a step up in time running.
Up at 430 to get it in before work. Feel like I’m starting to move better, it probably doesn’t look like it though😂
So far the PF is staying quiet and since I’ve made an effort with stretching the hip flexors and back are feeling better

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