Running in Recovery in 2024

Is this the 5/3 5/3 5/3 pattern.
Yep, so brutal compared to the previous week.
Good work.

It was
3run/3walk- 5run/1.5walk- 3run/1.5 walk 5run
Not too bad. Last week was 3min runs, this is the first time in the program with 5min runs


Saw my PT yesterday and my calves are screaming today!! She was rubbing my foot at the end of our session and said it feels less inflamed :confetti_ball::tada: I told her it has been less painful and just uncomfortable on doggo walks. She said I have to be pain free for a minimum of a week before trying for a run and when I do I have to start with a mile or less. She has been my PT since my shoulder surgery a few years ago so she knows I’m gunning for a run. She told me if I go out and do 3-5 miles then I’ll be right back in her office.


A great PT with a great plan for you!!! Glad you’re on the mend :slight_smile:

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Question. Soooo im great at intervals and treadmill running. Today i did a 10min mile and a 9.5min mile. But i struggle to run 7.8mph for longer than 2min straight. My issue is endurance. I have a 5k in april. Do i stick to a couch25k app? I downloaded the Just Run app. Idk i feel like im a little further than couch but not yet at 5k level


It’s all about you. Running is really an individual sport and everyone is different. Try out the new app and if you like it then switch over. You can always go back to the couch app if you want.
I can hold a 8 minute mile for like 90 seconds :joy: I do best around the 10-11 minute miles. Endurance comes with time and consistency so whatever app will help you continue is the one I would use.


Thanks @Runningfree

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I don’t quite get your quandry. So, you did 2 miles at 10 min/mile pace or better, but you are frustrated because you can’t keep a a sub 8 min/mile pace? All while trying to complete a 5k? I don’t get what exactly you are frustrated about.

If your goal is a 5k it seems to me you are well on your way. Only one mile to go. In my simple opinion you are way beyond the couch phase and basically at the 5k (assuming you can run one more mile).

The 7.8 mph seems like a separate goal. But I may be totally misunderstanding!

Either way, nice work!:slightly_smiling_face:


I guess my frustration is im not amazing at it…yet. i feel like im somewhere between couch and 5k and dont know if i should start training at couch with the app i downloaded or if theres a different kinda app that could guide me. Something more advanced…but not too


Got it. Yes, it can definitely be frustrating!

Here’s what I would do (I know, you didn’t ask!):

Go run 3 miles at a comfortable pace (don’t try to set a world record) and see what you get. Establish your baseline. If you have to walk or go real slow, who cares! Then, design your own plan to try and get the time down. You can google sample plans for an appropriate goal or just take what you’ve been doing and slightly tweek it. Like @Runningfree said, it’s a highly individual endeavor! You know yourself best, so tailor it however you want.

It takes a LONG time to get better at time goals in running. But, all the other great life improvements you’ve made that I’ve read about will help. I personally strive for time goals too. Not because I think I’m going to win a race, but I know all the other things it implies (eat better, sleep better, don’t drink, don’t smoke, discipline, etc). Every second I shave off my average race pace represents a LOT of work. The day will come where I can’t improve anymore, but I’ll deal with that then!

Good luck!:slightly_smiling_face:


I personally like runkeeper and the nike app. Both have guided runs with coaches. They have short runs, long runs, interval, speed, tempo, endurance. Basically all the things you could want :joy:
To put time goals into perspective my first 5k was at the end of 2016 and it took me 44 minutes and some change. I got down to 40 minutes a few years later and then I was stuck at the 35 minute area for a few years. I currently have a Pr of 30 minutes and 30 seconds and I just got that this past year.

It takes olympians YEARS of training to just shave seconds off.

You don’t have to be better than anyone else, just be better than you were yesterday :blush:


I really enjoy the app/programs TrainingPeaks; they have a lot of training programs available for all lengths of races, as well as tailored trainings for your specific goals (ie “break 30 min 5k”). Give it a look!!


To be honest you are doing it. I would say stay slow for first fifteen, consistent pace, don’t bounce too much on your feet, and just stick to that pace for at least fifteen. Then up the speed progressively to a sprint finish between minutes 30-35. If you have completed 5k in this time you are on it. Then just try to beat your own time.

My best 5k was never better than 28 minutes I don’t think. I was happy with that immensely.


Thank you everyone for the replies. I thought about why im so unsure of my ability to run and i think its comparison as well as an internal dialogue of not good enough. At the gym i see people making running look so easy but its tough for me. Im going to checkout those apps mentioned and the weathers good today so im gonna start training today. Hardest part is getting started for me!

Im very numbers motivated and like the treadmill. Lets see how “free” running goes today lol


I have been humbled by this so many times. My very first race I did with a friend. We were going to run it together but I was taking so many walk breaks I told her to go on. She finished almost 10 minutes faster. Some years ago a work friend and I went to the gym to run on the treadmill. They were just trotting along with ease and I was on the struggle bus.
You never know how long someone has been running. Those people that are running with ease could have been in track during high school or maybe they have been doing it for years. We all start somewhere and eventually someone will look at you and think that you are doing it with ease and they want to be like you :heart:

Like Nike says- Just do it :wink:

Ps- my favorite coach on runkeeper is Coach Matt. He is constantly giving positive thoughts and asking you to tell yourself positive things.


Looks like her year is kicking off good! She’s such an inspiration to me. I haven’t seen a post race interview yet but I’m hoping one gets posted.


Part of my problem is comparing myself to myself 10yrs and 20kg ago. I start running and think I can push more than I should.
I have a mate that doesn’t even run with a watch, doesn’t know how far his regular run is. Just runs. Seems so alien to me as I like the numbers as well.

Edit: reading this little chat got me motivated, was going to run tomorrow a.m before work, but weather forecast isn’t great. Going to go get my next run in on the treadmill now


Week4 run 2 couch25k
Grateful to be able to punch it out on the treadmill at work.


I wasn’t running much this year (because of all different reasons and excuses) but I think I’m gonna do this half marathon on Sunday as I planned. I made some longer run today to check if I can handle and I think I can :slight_smile:


Exciting!!! I’ll be rooting you on :tada::partying_face:

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