I am fighting through it. I haven’t been pulled into that nonsense even though I’m getting the pains. Maybe I’ll grab some new games to kinda get over those moments of bordem. Is that new assassin’s creed out?
I’d love to tell ya but after years of denial I had to get rid of my Xbox. I was playing video games to escape reality just like in my addiction, even though I was involved in a game, the addict was working its way into my mind without me taking notice because I was distracted. I was acting out after almost every gaming session. Everything got better when I stopped looking for an escape and started living real life. I know that some people can play video games without consequence, but for me they are detrimental to my sobriety. The exception being MarioKart 64 which I still have…
Gaming for me is a hobby. I wouldn’t call it a scapegoat. I officially hit day 10 as I type this.
I’m sorry but I love my XBOX…
Nice work on 10 days! Yeah like I was saying, some people can be healthy with their gaming, but I cannot. For me it’s just another addiction. I wasn’t saying you should get rid of yours, just explaining why I don’t have mine.
That said, I’ve heard it said and believe it to be true that we should love people and use things, not the other way around
Agreed 100%. I’m not in so much a mood to “do the thing” as much as I am just wanting to see something. So instead of setting myself up for that relapse and the woe is me… I just go occupy my time with a little gaming. I now try to be a little more social… And get away from the introverted lifestyle… That to is a factor for me.
Hey, if it works for you then more power to ya! Sometimes I watch other people playing video games on twitch or YouTube just so I can live vicariously through them… haha gaming used to be such a huge part of my life I have a hard time letting go sometimes.
I’m sorry hear that… But if it’s for the ultimate goal I guess we have to cut ties with things that bring us down. Hope you can get back on someday… I gotta keep my game because shooting people in real life is frowned upon.
This just encouraged me to try and find a way to block it on my computer. I too am stuck endlessly trawling through videos trying to find something new. It’s ruinous.
It is ruinous. There are ways to block it for sure. I have the program x-block for my phone and iPad but at the moment it is disengaged. I’m not saying blockers don’t deter the random urge. But given hours of unsupervised time I would just find ways around the blockers just like I did when I was a kid just getting into this mess and finding ways around my dads parental controls on AOL. Blockers do work for some, especially if they have an accountability partner involved. Finding healthier options is what ultimately worked for me. Believing I deserved something better and wanted to be more than just a single guy, alone in a dark room spending his life watching porn and masturbating all day because the world outside seemed so scary and unpredictable. I needed more from me, and for me. I’d post more but I have to go to my meeting now.
Yep. I can’t find a way to block it from myself.
I found a way to block my laptop at least. K9 web protection. Make a stupidly long password you’ll never remember and a temporary email account you can delete later used to get the licence. Set it all up - BAM - job done. Get rid of all the passwords. Want porn? You’ll need a new computer. Do not say if you know how to get round it. Hope this helps some people.
If anyone knows how to block Android from porn irrecovrtably I’d be appteciative. I still have my tablet.
They don’t make k9 for tablet?
It’s really good to see your commitment by adding the blocker, don’t let your guard down now though. Getting comfortable after a big success can be dangerous.
New record @ 12 days. I’m happy with my progress. I haven’t watched any videos and no M. Not so much as an image. Just might make 20 days.
Congrats Newpath! It’s good to have a long term goal but remember it’s one day at a time.
Made it to day 14. ED effects are wearing off. I fear when I get home and I alone I may relapse.
Dont go home? Or have a set plan for when you get home.
Made it to 17 days. I took a look Tumblr for a moment. I had the strength to turn it off. Im going to do the same with installing blocking software on my phone. No M at still.