Share your jigsaw puzzle pics

My partner bought me this, its a little place we visited last year called Varenna on Lake Como. We actually stayed in one of those building as well which I thought was a nice touch. Will take me all year as I’m awful at jigsaws :joy:


That looks amazing… Hopefully the nice memories ease the frustration while doing a bit of sky or sea :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Have bought some puzzles but currently don’t have space to do them. I started clearing out my room a few months ago… And have left it in a total mess :see_no_evil:

Keeping an eye out for one of those fold away cases. Or maybe I should just finish organising that damn room :laughing:


Found another one just 500 pieces so have set up on the end of the dining table and made a start.


Almost done. :upside_down_face:

During a boring meeting :see_no_evil:


You did that one fast! I’m admiring how pretty it is and how colorful, thinking it would look nice on the wall until I get to the last pic. :joy::rofl:


Finished! Did it without looking at the box too.

Couple of pieces missing as it is second hand. But that is just part of the fun with charity shop jigsaws :laughing:


Started this one tonight, it’s a cute pic and shouldn’t be too hard :slightly_smiling_face:


Next please, second hand.


This is my vacation project. I am thoroughly enjoying it. I have discovered a new regenerative pastime :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I could do a small one but not a large one as i have zero patience and it would end up like good old monopoly been thrown in the air hehe

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I’ve never seen a 1008 piece puzzle. That’s an odd number (I mean it’s an even number lol but not normal for puzzles)


Yeah I noticed that too - I’ve never seen a 1008-piece puzzle either.

I figured it could be because of the dimensions of the picture - 1008 divides neatly by 28 (the puzzle is 28 pieces high, 36 pieces wide) - but that got me thinking, why are other puzzles 1000? That doesn’t divide neatly until you get to 25, which would make the puzzle 25 tall and 40 wide: kind of a “letterbox” shape, like a movie, and I don’t remember puzzles having that shape. They’re usually not quite so wide right?

Here we are puzzling over puzzles. What an interesting feeling :innocent:

Here’s where I am now (below). I have finished all but one of the pieces of the horizon in the picture (my goal this afternoon was to link the horizon pieces together so I could start working on the sky and the town separately).

All but one piece! It’s weird how my mind got kinda shaken by that. I spent about 20 minutes laboriously going through all the hundreds of pieces that are there - which I’ve already gone through a few times, to sort them into parts of the picture - and I know, logically, I’ll find that one missing piece eventually (as soon as I stop looking and get working on something else, guaranteed it’ll pop up), but it’s hard to let that go you know? It’s like I get stuck on getting it all done fully, instead of being ok with being incomplete and moving forward to the next constructive thing.

There’s probably a lesson in there :smile:


I gave my dad this 1000piece puzzle for his bday last year. We did a few when we were small, it’s one of very few things he ever did with us. Good memories. I’ve been looking forward so much to do this new one with him and this weekend we finally had the chance to get started!

It was a bit shocking to see how our of practice my dad is using his mind to find the matching patterns and colours. While neither of us has done a puzzle since I was wee, he got extremely frustrated and grumpy. Granted, it’s not an easy motive, this impressionist painting of a beautiful oak tree:

He complained and grumped a lot. I was doing my darndest to keep up the mood and enjoy myself and cheer him up. Wished he could have just cherished the moment with me a bit more. We never do anything together and when we do he don’t realise how much it means to me. Pays no attention. Oh well. I still enjoyed it myself and look forward to doing the next sesh.


Cool didn’t see this tread before yet. Got this christmas puzzle from my mom, made it together with housemate this week on a 3,5 hr concentration challenge. Could have gone faster but first we tried without the example pic on the box, until we got impatient :joy:


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Progress. Enjoying it.


I love the view you have while you work on your puzzle!


I think I found my type of jigsaw. These many pictures in a big picture reflects really well how my mind is working: concentration - ahhh, a butterfly - concentration :grimacing:


About to start on separating pieces and finding the border