Share your tattoos (no triggers please 🙏🏻)


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Loving the tat and again what an amazing accomplishment Mrs. Badass :muscle:

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Here are my most recent tattoos, both on my inner forearms. The original is in German, from a play by Goethe. In English, the one on the left roughly says “on top of the world” whereas the one on the right says “desperately sad”. For me, it’s about the balance of life and how balance is required for successful sobriety. I absolutely love them!



Yesterday I had my last tattoo session to get my fucked up tattoo fixed :blush:
This is how it looked more then 2 years ago:
(Removed out of privacy 28 sept 2024)
And this is 2 years later. Had multiple laser sessions and another tattoo covered it.
Yesterday another tattoo artist did some final touch up and made me happy. The picture doesn’t do it justice and it’s still sore and red. But I think within 2 weeks it will blend in perfect with the other ones
(Picture removed out of privace 28 sept 2024).
I’m grateful :pray:


What a beautiful tribute to your soul dog! Sending healing vibes for your heart and new tattoo

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That came out beautifully @SoberWalker! :heart_eyes:
I remember how disgusted you were. So much so that you wouldn’t show us. Happy that you were able to get the lasers done and finally get what you wanted. It’s been a long 2 years of fixing that fuck up but the results were worth it.


Thank you Lisa :pray:
Yes, I finally can show my arm again :sweat_smile:
It took a while and indeed I found it so horrible to have that sort of Christmas bauble on my arm. Hanging in a branch from a Christmastree.
It really looked like a mixture of that and Jack Skellington’s head hanging in that branch :face_with_peeking_eye:
You could not see it was a peacock feather in my opinion. Now you finaly can :sweat_smile:


:joy: Now, I see it. Glad we can chuckle about it now that’s it’s fixed.

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Totally love the pentagram! We appear to be of the same religion.

The first two I had done October 13th, 2023.
The last one I had done July 11th of this year.


I love it!!

A couple of mine… not great photos but you get the gist.


Hey beautiful… lovely to meet you and thanks for sharing your tats…some great artwork :blush:

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Thanks I have more and want more! Obviously! lol :joy::rofl:

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How are you doing @NickiMarz :palm_up_hand:

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Doing great! Thanks!


Glad to hear :kissing_heart:

Just completing my ‘collection’ with a pic of my shoulder tattoo:

It’s a Gautama Buddha quote in Sanskrit and it says “Peace comes from within”. And yes, I checked and double checked that it reads what I meant it to :joy: