Share your tattoos (no triggers please 🙏🏻)

Its your body…do what ever speaks to your heart. Posted somewhere above is mine. Its a compas, and in small writing it has sobriety on it.

There are so many cool and great options out there.


thanks very much,im just having a look on google now,you were right theres some great ideas

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That combined with a good tattoo artist’s input…you can easily find something meaningful for you.


It’s been a long time since I’ve posted, but I just got this the other day. Wanted a skull but something else kind of representing booze negatively. The artist came up with this and I loved it.


I didn’t want a tattoo that was abvious to others that is is a sobriaty tattoo. I also didn’t choose my sobriaty date because what if I relapse.
So I choose the Latin name of a small blue flower that is the name that represents a non drinker in the Netherlands. Hard to explain the whole story about it. It’s called “de blauwe knoop” in Dutch. When you do not drink here the older people here say " you are from the blauwe knoop". So I put the Latin version on my arm.
I love it because nobody knows what it means beside the people close by because I explained it.
So my advise will be to think trough if you want people to see your tattoo, so where to place it. And if so if you want it to be recognized as a recovery tattoo. If so, there is so mutch lovely ink to find on the web that does the trick.
And if not, be a bit creative like me :wink::sunglasses:


This is good thanks,its telling me to have a good think about it and not to just jump in and get the first one that catches my eye,it seems ive found myself a new mission that i can obcess and keep my mind occupied on​:+1:t2::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3:


This is awesome Jason. Love the imagery :heart:

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Still sore and red but finally the last empty spot at my right arm is filled with ink too.
Now I have both of my arms fully covered and that was always at my wish list.
Another box ticked! :white_check_mark:
Couldn’t have done all this while drinking because I couldn’t afford it back then.


Beautiful work!

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I love it Claudia… really lovely artwork and coloring

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20/10 awesome, I love the wraparound effect on that also. Shinra is such an icon

My only one at this point, I have a few ideas for some others that I would like to get. One would be a frog wearing a wizard hat and another is a classically drawn chicken in a cowboy hat with a vest and little spurs.


Damn thats cool!

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3 years, y’all! :smiling_face_with_tear::pray:t2::two_hearts:



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Loving the tat and again what an amazing accomplishment Mrs. Badass :muscle:

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Here are my most recent tattoos, both on my inner forearms. The original is in German, from a play by Goethe. In English, the one on the left roughly says “on top of the world” whereas the one on the right says “desperately sad”. For me, it’s about the balance of life and how balance is required for successful sobriety. I absolutely love them!